Salesforce Connector

Sync Salesforce data to Airtable on a scheduled basis; sync Airtable data to Salesforce in batches.

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1. Scheduled pull of Salesforce data to Airtable

1) Connect to Salesforce and select a Salesforce account for authorization.

2) Select the data to be extracted, either a report or a custom object.

3) (Optional) Set a schedule (all requests can share one Airtable authorization).

4) Save & Run your request.

5) In a few seconds, your data will appear in your Airtable! If a schedule is set, the data will be pulled to Airtable at the specified time.

2. Insert, update, and delete Salesforce data

1) Select the Salesforce object to be operated.

2) (Insert, Update) Specify the Table and Field in Airtable.

3) (Update, Delete) Specify which field stores the Salesforce object ID

3) Map the table field to the object.

4) Run your request.

5) The result will be saved in the Result Field of Airtable.

Your data stays in your Airtable. Funshow is GDPR compliant as we do not store or transfer any personal data. This is because your data is stored in your Airtable and is never saved in our database.

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