
Save emails to Airtable with all your attachments

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Seamlessly save emails to Airtable with no-code.

Turn emails into Airtable entries with TaskRobin to stay organised and keep track of your work. Simply forward your emails to a TaskRobin robot inbox and all emails will be saved to your Airtable base! Information such as sender, CC, timestamp, attachments and email message will all be automatically saved to Airtable.

Automatically send emails to Airtable with your email provider's email rules to auto forward all or selected new emails to your TaskRobin robot inbox and save emails without lifting a finger.

Create tags to filter email tasks by keywords or phrases in subject line, message content, sender address, received date and more! Automatically tag emails in Airtable by adding tags to the "Tags" column in your TaskRobin Airtable base template and use #hashtags as you forward emails to tag them in Airtable.

Create automated rules to populate your custom table fields whenever a new email arrives. Useful for organizing tasks of different types or creating an auto assignee to the task. Setup your advanced options in your TaskRobin dashboard after setting up the extension.

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Contact us via live chat if you have any questions.

Get access to our free resources

• Product updates on Twitter: @taskrobin
• Step by step video guides on youtube: @taskrobin
• Comprehensive blog to make the best out of emails in Airtable: https://blog.taskrobin.io/tags/airtable/

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