Field List
Generate a table listing all the fields in your base, including field name, type, table, and more.
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Managing the schema of a large complex base can be difficult.
This extension creates a new table in your base listing all the fields in the base.
You can then apply the power of Airtable to analyze your base schema and plan changes.
Free info
- Field Id
- Field Name
- Field Type
- Table Name
- Table Id
- Is Primary Field?
Premium info
Purchase a premium license at Gumroad
to see premium information for one base.
- Field Description
- Field Options
- Compute Status (computed, editable, or invalid)
- Computed Using (fields used as inputs to computed fields)
- Used to Compute (fields that use this field as an input)
Viewing computed relationships
If you have a premium license, perform these steps to view computed relationships.
- Generate the table of fields.
- Convert the {Computed Using} and {Used to Compute} fields to linked record fields, linking to the same table.
- Duplicate the {Field Id} field, and convert the original {Field Id} field to a formula field showing the field name, table, and anything else you like.
- Create a filtered view that shows only fields where {Computed Using} or {Used to Compute} are not empty.
- Use the Org Chart extension with the filtered view.
Changes the Base Schema
This extension creates a snapshot of the fields in the base.
It does not maintain the list of fields.
If you change the base schema, run the extension again to see the new fields.