UUID generator and decoder

Create a full column of uuid, and you also have an input to decode a uuid and pull the proper inform

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Generating UUIDs in Airtable

  1. Select Your Table:
    • Find the Select a table drop-down menu.
    • Choose the table where you want to generate UUIDs for your records.

  2. Pick the Field for UUIDs:
    • Locate the Field to store UUID label.
    • Use the field picker to choose the field where the UUIDs will be saved.

  3. Choose UUID Version:
    • Next to the UUID Options label, you'll see a selector.
    • Pick either Version 1 (Timestamp-based) for UUIDs that include a timestamp, or Version 4 (Random) for completely random UUIDs.

  4. Generate UUIDs:
    • The extension will automatically generate UUIDs for each new record in the selected field.
    • Existing records without a UUID will also be updated with a new UUID.

Decoding a UUID in Airtable

  1. Input the UUID:
    • Find the input box with the placeholder Enter UUID to decode.
    • Type or paste the UUID you wish to decode into this box.

  2. Decode the UUID:
    • Press the Decode UUID button.
    • If the UUID is valid, the extension will display various pieces of information depending on the UUID version:
    • For Version 1: The original timestamp of creation, the node, etc.
    • For Version 4: Confirmation that it's a valid random UUID.

  3. Review the Decoded Information:
    • Just below the decode button, the decoded details will be displayed in a table format.

That's it! You can now generate and decode UUIDs in your Airtable base. Remember, UUIDs are a great way to uniquely identify records, and decoding them can provide additional context, like when the record was created, if it's a Version 1 UUID.

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