Service Survey
How many adult caregivers are in your household? *
How many children caregivers are in your household? *
(Under 18 years old)
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3+
Age of Primary Caregiver: *
- Under 30
- 30-65
- 65+
Total Household Income: *
- $0-$30,000
- $30,000-$50,000
- $50,000-$100,000
- $100,000-$250,000
- $250,000+
My pet’s suspected or confirmed diagnosis is considered: *
- Orthopedic: arthritis, hip dysplasia, luxating patellas, post surgical, limb loss (amputee)
- Neurologic: epileptic, degenerative diseases, paralyzed/paretic
- Geriatric: incontinence, cognitive dysfunction, vestibular disease, mobility challenges
- Other impairment: cancer, deaf, blind, diabetic, megaesophagus
Please describe your pet's condition. *
- {name}
Where do you currently board your pet? *
- At home with friend/family member
- At home with a service (pet sitter, rover, etc)
- At my veterinary Clinic
- I haven't left my pet alone (my pet is always with me)
- Other
Do you know of a boarding facility that is equipped appropriately and staffed 24/7 with trained professionals that can accommodate your pet’s needs? *
- No
- Yes
If money were not an issue, how much would you be willing to spend for a pet boarding service facility equipped appropriately and staffed 24/7 with trained professionals specializing in pets with impairments of varying abilities to care for your pet? *
- $0-30/day
- $30-50/day
- $50-80/day
- $80-$100/day
- over $100/day
Do you find yourself limiting vacations or time away from your pet because of their needs? *
- No
- Yes
During the day, would you utilize a respite care/relief care facility for your pet? *
Similar to a pet daycare but tailored to your pet's needs.
- No
- Yes
I would attend workshops or classes on the following topics: *
Check all that apply.
- Caregiving techniques such as bladder or bowel expression.
- Fitting and use of assistive devices such as carts, harnesses, booties, diapers, etc.
- Mental stimulation and enrichment techniques.
- Massage, stretching and passive range of motion.
- Support group consisting of other pet owners caring for pets of varying abilities.
- None
What price range would you attend a class or workshop? *
- Less than $15 per class
- $15-25 per class
- $25-50 per class
- $50-80 per class
- I would become a yearly member for unlimited classes and workshops
Have you had any concerns regarding the ability to groom your pet based on their physical limitation(s)? *
Either by you or a professional groomer.
- No
- Yes
If you have any additional comments, or have any class, program, or service idea that you think is necessary for us to provide to pet owners, please share:
- {name}
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