GROW Mentor & Coach Network
Thanks for your interest in joining the GROW Mentor & Coach network! Please take a few minutes to provide / update your details here.
Salutation *
- Mr.
- Mrs.
- Ms.
- Mx.
- Dr.
- Prof.
Including country code +
What professional title(s) best describes you? *
Your area(s) of expertise *
Select the most applicable option(s), for agrifood-related expertise please try to be as specific as possible.
Select "Other (please specify)" if you have other areas of expertise not listed
Country of Residence *
Please provide a short bio *
This helps us streamline introductions
- {name}
Share with us your experience, passions, where you feel you can add the most value to a startup, and your coaching style *
- {name}
Share with us what you are hoping to get out of a mentorship experience *
- {name}
Your markets of experience *
Select the most applicable specific countries and/or regions
I would prefer to *
Please select all that apply
- Be a startup mentor (more ad-hoc)
- Be a startup coach / advisor (longer-term engagements with a particular startup)
- Open to both mentoring and coaching
I would be open to be engaged for these as well *
- Screening of startups (e.g. judging / pitch panels)
- Participate in advisory boards
- Be a speaker (for panels, fireside chats or keynote speeches)
- Be an investor
- Other (please elaborate below)
- None of these at the moment
Mailing Address
This will only be used for special invitations & goodies!
- {name}
Please upload a recent headshot *
Attach file
Drop files here
Would you like to be featured on our website? *
- Yes
- No
- Asking
Please add me to GROW's Newsletter mailing list
Trust and Confidentiality *
As a mentor or coach within the GROW community, you play a crucial role in fostering a safe and supportive environment. To uphold the trust and confidentiality that underpins our community, please adhere to the following:
1) Non-Disclosure Obligation: You will maintain strict confidentiality and refrain from disclosing any sensitive and confidential information shared by mentees/startups to external parties without explicit written consent.
2) Confidentiality Discussions: All discussions, interactions and communications within the GROW community's private channels, meetings or events are considered strictly confidential. Please do not share any information outside of these designated spaces.
3) Intellectual Property: Respect the intellectual property rights of the mentees/startups and GROW, and refrain from using any proprietary information, documents, or ideas shared within the GROW community for personal or commercial purposes.
4) Data Protection: You may come across personal data or sensitive information during your interaction with the mentees/startups. Under no circumstances should you collect, store or share these information without explicit consent.
By checking the box below, you acknowledge your understanding and acceptance of the above. You understand that your confidentiality obligations extend beyond your active participation in the mentorship/coaching of GROW mentees/startups.
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