
Lorem ipsum

Join us and help build a socialist majority!

Interested in becoming a member of Socialist Majority? Fill out the form below. Our membership team will follow up with you to schedule an interview and go over next steps. Not sure about joining? You can also use the form below to sign up for our monthly newsletter or to keep up with the caucus! For applicants, if you don't hear from us within two weeks, email us at !

First Last e.g. "Ella Baker"
DSA Chapter
YDSA Chapter (If Applicable)
Role in chapter
What's the best way to contact you?
Tell us a little about yourself and your organizing experiences. What organizing within DSA are you involved in? What organizing outside of DSA are you involved in?
  • {name}
Here are SMC’s recently adopted Points of Unity. Pick one and share why it aligns with your vision of our work in DSA.
  • {name}
Why do you want to be involved in a caucus, and why is SMC the right caucus for you?
  • {name}
Do you personally know anybody in SMC?
Questions / Comments
Please feel free to share more about yourself and ask any questions you may have for us. We'd love to chat with you!
  • {name}

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