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New Project Request Form

The Communications and Marketing team is available to assist with your campaigns or projects in their ideation stage, including design, editorial, digital, video/photography, and print services. Complete the form below to begin a project, and you will be contacted within 48 hours to confirm initiation and to identify next steps. Please refer to the communication process overview as a reminder about our procedures. We are here to serve you by executing your communication with care, helping it to feel and look like the Covenant Youth of Alaska. Some tips to help us expedite your project: Plan in advance: We are eager to partner with you, but please note that rush projects with a short turn-around time—as determined by the Communications team—will result in smaller communication packages. Review collective edits before submitting: Each project will receive two rounds of edits and/or a final proof. Be sure to gather collective edits from your team before your project coordinator submits final approval to the Communications team. Additional rounds of edits may result in significant project delays. Please provide as much detail as possible about your project. Web content - For minor changes to an existing page (text or graphics) you need not fill out this form, instead e-mail the link of the page you would like changed along with the changes/files to:

Describe the project in detail
If the project is event promotion, please include all necessary details, such as date(s), cost of registration, housing accommodations, scholarship availability, theme or topic of conversation, etc.
  • {name}
What is your overall goal for this project? (e.g. get young people to register for an event, provide a resource for discussion around an important topic, etc.)
  • {name}
Audience (Who will use it? What do you want them to do with it? Will they receive it directly from CYAK or from a pastor or someone else?)
  • {name}
What overall message do you want your audience to know or remember?
  • {name}
Longevity (How long do you plan to offer or use this product?)
  • {name}
Fulfillment (Please describe in detail the channel your project will be delivered, i.e. mail, print, digital, website, video, webinar, etc., and any special services required, i.e. mail merge, etc.)
  • {name}
(Upload All Necessary Project Files: Please note, photos should be 300 ppi (pixel per inch) to be used in a publication or online.)
Attach file
Drop files here

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