My researches are focused on utilization of legume-based protein sources particularly; legume flours, legume flour protein concentrates and isolates for formulating novel food materials such as gluten-free products, legume protein-polysaccharide based complexes as emulsifiers, legume protein-based biodegradable food packaging materials etc. Besides, food quality features like microstructure, texture, rheology and thermal properties are of my interest in terms of characterization of these novel f
National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research, Agricultural Research Service, USDA
United States
Alternative protein type
Technology area
Ingredient optimization
Feedstock optimization
Research focus
The goal of our research is to develop innovative chemical and processing techniques, using peas lentils, faba beans, and chickpeas, and their side and waste streams to provide pulse-based emulsifier, foam, and gel ingredients having enhanced quality, acceptability, and nutritional benefits. Food applications include yogurts, beverages, and meringues.