Neighbourhood Poll: Three-Way Stop at Atkins Ave. & Sheridan Ave.
This is a poll requesting community input on the installation of a three-way stop at the intersection of Atkins Ave and Sheridan Ave. The poll will be used to determine if there is support for these measures. Residents should respond answering if they support or oppose the measure. Before any changes are made, the City will do a technical analysis to make sure the changes are feasible. Each individual within the polling area is entitled to one vote. This form requires you to provide information to confirm the validity of the responses received. Personal information in this form is collected under the legal authority of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, SO 2006, Chapter 11, Schedule A, section 136©. Individual information and responses will not be shared with other residents or made public. City of Toronto staff will use the responses to determine next steps, if any, on the proposed measure(s). The results of this poll are not binding and may be subject to approval at Toronto & East York Community Council or Toronto City Council.