Local Quilt Shop Contest Voting Form
Voting officially ends on February 28, 2025 at 11:59PM Mountain Time.
Store Name *
To find your store name click the "+Add" button below and type your store name. Double check your spelling.
You can also search by typing in your city.
If you don't find your store, please choose select the "+Add Button" and select "Other / Not Listed."
What makes your favorite shop stand out? *
- {name}
Optional: Can you tell us a story of a special moment you had at the shop?
**This question will help your store win the Creative Hub Award
- {name}
Do you want to hear more from our sponsors?
We do not sell your information or send spam.
Note, by voting, you will be added to an email list for the contest so you can hear about the results.
- ByAnnie.com
- Jaftex Corp (owner of Henry Glass, Blank Quilting, FreeSpirit and Studio E)
- SCHMETZ needles
- Craft Industry Alliance
- ShopHop Inc
- All of the above
How did you hear about the LQS Contest? *
- Promotion through your local quilt shop
- Heard from a friend
- Promotion through ByAnnie.com
- Promotion through an LQS Sponsor
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