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What type of phone is this?
Retired teacher
Your Age Range
About your home
How many adults live in your home?
Who will be the primary caregiver?
How many children live in your home?
Do you or anyone else in your household have pet allergies?
Do you live in a house or apartment?
Do you own or rent?
Your yard
Do you have a yard?
Yes, I have a yard
What is the lowest height of your fence?
6 feet
Is the yard totally enclosed?
Is the fence/gate kept locked?
Do you have a pool?
Do you have a doggie door?
Your current pets
Do you have any other pets?
Please list their breed and age and if they live indoors or outdoors
Bailey, 3 year old golden retriever indoors
Tommy and Myrtle, 30 year old tortoises with license, outside
5 baby tortoises, inside
Larry, 12 year old ring necked dove, inside
When & how did you acquire each pet? (please be specific)
Rehomed Bailey from ill friend a year ago
Tommy and Myrtle came from different friends
Larry was the son and mate of some former doves.
Are your pets up to date on their vaccinations?
Are your pets neutered/spayed?
Your pet history
Have you ever owned a pet before that you no longer have?
Please list their breed and if they lived indoors or outdoors
Dogs; golden retriever,Chana, 11, multiple sicknesses including hip and bladder issues,inside
Pit bull, Maggie, 13, kidney failure, inside
Golden retriever/husky mix, Mollie, 11, kidney, hip and bladder failure, inside
Poppy, 8, heart failure, inside
Cats; Tony, 18, died of diabetes, inside
Midnight, feral we brought inside, 13, old age
Fearless, feral cat, outside
Wrigley, feral cat, outside
Many Ringed necked doves in aviary outside and inside
Blondie, 26, died of old age after a long life, inside
Brandon, 12, Blondie mate
Pearly, Larry bird, Snowball, Alterle, Bob, Ladybird
Assorted offspring of Blondie and Brandon
Please explain what happened to them.
See above
Your future dog
How many hours will the dog be left alone on a typical weekDAY?
Where will the dog be when you’re gone?
Indoors (loose)
Will any place be off-limits for the dog when you are home? (i.e.- furniture, bedrooms, etc)
Where will the dog sleep at night? (please be specific - eg. garage, kitchen, etc)
In the Bedroom or on the bed
How will you train this dog?
Verbal commands
What will the dog's diet consist of? (please include brand names, etc)
Meow mix dry cat food and Friskies wet food
And Churu treats
Under what circumstances would you consider giving up this dog?
None of the above (I would not give up this dog)
Why are you adopting a dog?
Companion for you
Playmate for other pets
What will you do if you move somewhere where dogs are not welcome?
I would not move there
For what reason would you euthanize a dog?
Only for health reasons, if the dog or cat is suffering.
Are you ABSOLUTELY SURE that you are ready to make this LONG TERM COMMITMENT?
What date are you ready to bring a new dog home?
May we conduct a home check prior to finalizing the adoption?
I understand that the adoption fee is $400 for adult dogs 1 year-10 years, $325 for senior dogs over 10 years, $450 for puppies 6-months to 1 year, $500 for puppies under 6 months, and cats and kittens are $200. The adoption fee is non-refundable.
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Please confirm name of dog you are interested in
Cat Marvin
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