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Get Your Small Businesses' Funding Level Self-Assessment

Capital providers at all levels, from family & friends to banks, look for small businesses to have hit specific milestones before they make a decision to fund them. This assessment of your company's funding readiness is based on the VIRAL® assessment developed by Village Capital. It will ask you about your company's progress across eight business categories so you can pinpoint how far along you are. Giving you a common language to use when presenting your strengths and weaknesses, we'll use these answers to help you set goals and milestones to reach the next stage. During the process, you'll learn which milestones capital providers look for at each stage. Thought this assessment takes less than 10 minutes, it could save you months in fundraising. Pro Tip: Be honest. This is to build self awareness. And capital providers will want evidence.

First, we’d like to know more about the team you are building
Select all that apply
  • We have at least 2 people with differentiated skillsets.
  • Our team has personally experienced the problem
  • Our team can design & implement the product/service
  • We understand the industry & have strong industry contacts.
  • We have a clear strategy for creating a sustainable company.
  • Our management team is ready for growth
  • We have an executive team that can lead the company through growth.
  • Our team is recognized as market leaders in the industry.
  • Our team has the experience to lead the org. on a national level.
Tell us about the problem you're tackling and your vision for solving it.
  • We’ve identified a specific, important, and large problem.
  • We have a vision for how to solve the problem and can execute on it.
  • We can articulate why our vision offers a superior value proposition.
  • We can explain how this solution will transform the industry.
  • We have evidence that we're solving our beneficiary's problem
  • Our vision is being realized with early adopters and gaining ground.
  • Our vision is proving attainable in a major market.
  • We’re beginning to have systems-level change in solving our problem.
  • We’re a global leader in solving this problem.
How much proof do you have that your product/service is valuable to customers?
  • We have a hypothesis for how we will solve this problem
  • Potential customers say that our product/service will solve a need.
  • We have evidence that customers' lives will improve after using our product/service
  • Customer feedback shows that our solution is better than others.
  • Our initial target market love the product/service and come back
  • We’re enrolling customers beyond our initial target market.
  • The majority of our customers come to us on their own.
  • Customers are renewing without much sales effort.
  • We’re recognized as the top solution to this problem.
How mature is your product/service and feedback loop?
  • We have the ability to develop a simple version of the product/service
  • We’ve designed a simple version of the prototype
  • We’ve built a full version of the product/service & have a roadmap.
  • Our team understands product/service management and associated costs.
  • Our product/service is almost ready for broad distribution.
  • Our core product/service is complete, in the market, and gathering feedback.
  • Our product/service is built for scale & new offerings are in progress.
  • Our product/service is successfully handling dramatic growth.
  • Our product/service is recognized as the top in the industry.
How much evidence do you have that a large market of people experience this problem?
  • We know our total addressable market size and target market share.
  • We understand the regulations & have a strategy for compliance.
  • Initial data provides evidence that we can capture our target market.
  • We have evidence that our total addressable impact market is $100M+
  • Large companies are talking w/us about partnerships, marketing, etc.
  • Our partners see meaningful benefits from our success.
  • Our sales cycle meets or beats the industry standard.
  • We have hard-to-beat partnerships for distribution, marketing, etc.
  • We have a clear line of sight to industry dominance.
How much evidence do you have that your business model will work?
  • We have an outline of a fundraising & revenue model
  • Existing pricing and business models support our revenue model.
  • We can articulate the cost structure & unit economics in our industry.
  • We have projected revenues and costs and have a strategy to hit them.
  • Our actual revenues & costs support future positive unit economics
  • Our customer acquisition costs are going down & pricing is going up.
  • We've validated our business model. We have strong unit economics.
  • We're rapidly growing each month & have a path to sustainability
  • Our revenue has consistently met or exceeded capital providers' targets
What scale are you operating at?
  • We’ve identified multiple possible markets or customer segments.
  • We have evidence that multiple markets experience this problem.
  • We have a clear strategy to scale to multiple markets.
  • Customers in multiple markets find value in our solution.
  • Our unit economics are tipping to positive in at least two markets.
  • We’ve cleared regulatory challenges and have a clear IP strategy.
  • Our unit economics are positive in multiple markets.
  • Growth in our customer base is accelerating month-on-month
  • Unit economics are strong for multiple markets or customer segments.
Finally, how much evidence do you have that you can provide a return on funding to your capital providers (CP's)?
  • We know what ROI is and understand its importance to capital providers.
  • We have a vision of how to provide ROI to them
  • Evidence suggests our revenue is of interest to large CP's
  • Major CP's have made serious investments in our industry.
  • We’re seeing inbound interest from potential major CP's.
  • We’ve identified specific major CP's or other large funding options.
  • We have strong relationships w/multiple major CP's.
  • We’ve turned down a funding offer from a major CP already.
  • We’re on the cusp of providing national/global impact for our CP's.

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