Texas Great Pyrenees Rescue Foster Application
Please indicate which major city you live near *
- Austin
- Dallas
- Houston
- San Antonio
- N/A - Out of State
Why do you want to foster a Great Pyrenees? *
- {name}
What kind of animal do you want to foster? *
Companion Animal: Lives in the home as a pet with no other duties
Hobby Farm Dog: Job is to protect family, home and livestock. Love spending time with family and are not with livestock 24/7.
Service Animal: an animal trained to perform a specific task and expected to be well-behaved in public settings. Great Pyrenees are not known to be well suited to task-based training, so TGPR does not adopt out dogs for service work.
- Companion Animal
- Hobby Farm Dog
What characteristics are you looking for in your foster dog? *
- {name}
What age of dogs are you willing to foster? *
- Puppies (Under 1 year)
- Adults (1-6)
- Seniors (7+)
What sex of dogs are you willing to foster? *
- Male
- Female
What type of 'special needs' dogs are you willing to foster? *
No special needs = Dogs with no special behavioral or medical needs
Medical Cases = Dogs with medical needs including heartworm treatment, dressing changes, routine vet visits, physical therapy, etc.
Behavioral Challenges = Dogs with challenges that need training such as separation anxiety, leash reactivity, resource guarding, etc.
- No special needs
- Medical Cases
- Behavioral Challenges
How many hours a day will your dog be left alone? *
- 0
- 1-8
- 9+
Abbreviation (Ex: TX for Texas)
Are you over the age of 18? *
- Yes
- No
Is everyone in the household 100% committed to the care and upkeep of a new dog? *
- Yes
- No
First and Last
Personal Reference #1 *
Please Include:
• Name
• Email
• Phone
• City/State
• Relationship (Friend, Coworker, Family)
- {name}
Personal Reference #2 *
Please Include:
• Name
• Email
• Phone
• City/State
• Relationship (Friend, Coworker, Family)
- {name}
Personal Reference #3 *
Please Include:
• Name
• Email
• Phone
• City/State
• Relationship (Friend, Coworker, Family)
- {name}
What type of home do you live in? *
- House
- Apartment
- Condo
Do you rent? *
- Yes
- No
If renting, please list landlord contact information: *
Please Include:
• Name
• Address
• Email
• Phone
- {name}
Do you have a fenced yard? *
- Yes
- No
Is anyone in the household allergic to dogs? *
- Yes
- No
Are there children who live in your household or are frequent visitors? *
- Yes
- No
If yes, what is the age range of the children?
- Under 1
- 1-3
- 4-10
- 11-18
Do you currently own any pets, or have you owned pets within the last 5 years? *
TGPR policy does not allow for rescue dogs to be placed in homes with unaltered dogs/cats. Exceptions: medically compromised animals, with vet letter, and actively showing AKC registered dogs, with proper documentation.
- Yes
- No
If yes, please provide the following information:
• Name (if more than one)
• Age/DOB
• Gender
• Spayed/Neutered?
• Status (Alive, with us; Alive, rehomed; Deceased)
- {name}
If you currently own any pets or have owned pets within the last 5 years, have you taken your dogs to a veterinarian within the last 5 years?
- Yes
- No
If yes, please list the vets below.
Please include:
• Clinic Names
• Vet Names
• Phone Numbers
• City, State
- {name}
If you do not currently own any pets and have not within the last 5 years, what Veterinary Clinic do you intend to use?
Please include:
• Clinic Name
• Vet Name
• Phone Number
• City, State
- {name}
Home checks are necessary to become an approved foster. A home check is not a judgement on the cleanliness of your home. It is a way for us to ensure a safe environment for our dogs. Will you allow us to do a home check? *
Please note: We will not be able to process your application without a home check.
- Yes
- No
By signing below, you are in agreement and compliance to our application process and agree that all information on this application is true
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