Full Name
Marc J. Victor
Ray Mueller
Gavin Newsom
Armando “Mando” Perez-Serrato
Cristian Raul Morales
Joel Ventresca
James G. Hanink
Serge Fiankan
Enrique Petris
Ro Khanna
Jay Chen
Stephen Forbes
Josh Becker
Aisha Wahab
Joseph Rocha
Alex Lee
Kansen Chu
William Sanchez
Rebekah Jones
Patrick Post
Amaro Lionheart
Sean Casten
Elizabeth “Lisa” Haderlein
Gretchen Whitmer
Evan Space
Louis Palus
Hugh McTavish
Bradley Beck
Jeremy Kauffman
Michelle Lewis
Timothy Grady
Erik Gerhardt
Ronald Johnson
Tamara J Lesnar
Mike Van Someren
Drag to adjust the number of frozen columns
Last Name
Climate Coalition Rating
Office Sought
Other Political Office
City, County or District
Status (incumb or candidate)
Position on Climate Change
Position on Clean Energy
Type Support Rank
Next Election Date
Statement about Nuclear
Official Climate Change Position
Official Actions in Support or against Nuclear
Social Media
Knowledge Status
Date of Submission
Submitted by
US Senator
Believe it is very important but other issues are more pressing
We need as much clean energy as we can build
I support renewables, hydro, geothermal and nuclear
We need an all-of-the-above approach to clean energy
Will strongly support both existing & advanced nuclear publicly
Climate Change and Pollution As with the issue of global pandemics and viruses just discussed, the issue of climate change is similarly complex and among the most difficult to analyze. What makes the issue of climate change so difficult is the inability of the average person to reach intelligent and well-reasoned conclusions about the facts personally. Indeed, there may not exist even one sufficiently qualified person in all the scientific disciplines necessary and who also has sufficient hi
Climate Change and Pollution As with the issue of global pandemics and viruses just discussed, the issue of climate change is similarly complex and among the most difficult to analyze. What makes the issue of climate change so difficult is the inability of the average person to reach intelligent and well-reasoned conclusions about the facts personally. Indeed, there may not exist even one sufficiently qualified person in all the scientific disciplines necessary and who also has sufficient hi
I am paying attention and trying to learn
Marc J. Victor
San Mateo County District 3 Supervisor
San Mateo County District 3
Switching office
Believe it is our most serious crisis
We need an all-of-the-above approach to clean energy
We need as much clean energy as we can build
I support renewables, hydro, geothermal and nuclear
I am supportive but concerned about related issues
Nuclear energy remains an important part of the sustainable clean energy portofolio. Appropriate investment must be made to update and modernize aging plants and infrastructure. Adequate funding for research, modernization, maintenance, and safety is essential.
Climate change is real. Human actvitiy generated greenhouse gas emissions have rapdily accelerated changes to weather and the natural environment. We must take action to rapidly decelerate carbon emmissions and transition to clean energy, bringing city emissions to carbon neutral status.

In 2013, Menlo Park became one of the first City’s regionally to adopt greenhouse gas emission targets. The Council voted to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 27 percent during the next six-and-a-half years. (I actually advocated for much more aggressive reduction goals that evening.) http://almanacnews.com/news/2013/06/05/menlo-park-aims-to-cut-greenhouse-gases

https://www.facebook.com/Councilmember.Ray.Mueller https://twitter.com/Ray_Mueller_
Consider myself knowledgeable
Ray Mueller
Believe it is our most serious crisis
We need as much clean energy as we can build
We need an all-of-the-above approach to clean energy
I support keeping nuclear plants open but prefer to do so quietly
Gavin has come about-face in his support for Diablo Canyon, which previously, as Lt. Governor under Jerry Brown, he had worked to get the plant to close prematurely. Recently, as Governor, he had to face the fact that closing Diablo Canyon would result in increases in power outages, at the risk of life and economic impacts. He chose to do the right thing and change his position and save the plant, to allow it to continue to operate. Gavin has not come out in support of advanced nuclear deploymen
Gavin pushed through SB846 with the Assembly and the Senate, and signed the bill.

See: SB 846, which supports the extension of Diablo Canyon and $1.8 Billion in loans from the state of Californi.

(Valerie Gardner, for CC.)
Lost Primary
Believe it is our most serious crisis
We need as much clean energy as we can build
Will strongly support both existing & advanced nuclear publicly


Consider myself knowledgeable
Lost Primary
Believe it is very important but other issues are more pressing
I support renewables, hydro, geothermal and nuclear
I am supportive but concerned about related issues
Climate change is said to be the pending crisis of our time. If that is the case, then the main proponents of policies to enact climate change policies don't "walk the talk" by flying business jets and living on islands 1 foot above sea level. The only reliable energy source that is carbon neutral (at this time) is nuclear energy. From discussions in experts in this fields they have said the "nuclear of today is much safer than that of 40 years ago." A main concern is a safe disposal of nuclear
https://www.linkedin.com/in/cmoralescagov/ https://www.facebook.com/CMoralesCAGov https://truthsocial.com/@CMoralesCAGov https://twitter.com/CMoralesCAGov https://www.instagram.com/cmoralescagov/ https://gettr.com/user/cmoralescagov https://gab.com/CMoralesCAGov https://www.tiktok.com/@cmoralescagov https://rumble.com/c/c-1317224 https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UC_L9DxCqB9mlAjzsfRUqNvA https://parler.com/CMoralesCAGov
I am paying attention and trying to learn
Cristian Raul Morales
Lost Primary
Believe it is our most serious crisis
We need as much clean energy as we can build
I am strongly against nuclear for a variety of reasons
I support non-nuclear 100% clean renewable energy.
California, the most populous state in the nation with the 5th largest economy in the world, is not doing enough to slow down or stop global warming. As a former City and County of San Francisco Environmental Commissioner and as governor of California, I will: • Reinvent California into the first zero-carbon-emissions state in the nation. • Restructure energy utilities into one full-service consumer-owned statewide public power system that operates efficiently, reliably, sustainably & safely w

www.joelventresca.com (see detailed new groundbreaking Equal-Opportunity-for-All-to-Succeed Platform.)

Have personal expertise
Joel Ventresca, Former City and County of San Francisco Environmental Commissioner
Lost Primary
Believe it is very important but other issues are more pressing
We need as much clean energy as we can build
We need an all-of-the-above approach to clean energy
I support renewables and natural gas but not nuclear
I hesitate because I think nuclear poses unique risks
We continue to move closer to nuclear war. This is the context of my thinking about the use of nuclear power.
(From a recent interview, courtesy of Cal State San Bernardino) "Climate change is fact. It contributes to the frightening rise of wildfires. It contributes, as well, to an already historically severe drought...Even now, we can't presume that we'll have yet another chance to avert catastrophe."
American Solidarity Party of California
I am paying attention and trying to learn
James G. Hanink
Lost Primary
Believe it is our most serious crisis
Declline to answer
I am strongly against nuclear for a variety of reasons
As of today, there is nothing as clean energy. They all require industrial-scale devastation: open-pit mining, deforestation, soil toxification, extirpation & extinction of vulnerable species, & fossil fuels.


https://www.linkedin.com/in/sergefiankan/ https://www.facebook.com/Serge-Fiankan https://www.instagram.com/sergefiankan/
I have no interest and expect nuclear is not relevant
Serge Fiankan
US Senator
Lost Primary
Believe it is very important but other issues are more pressing
We need as much clean energy as we can build
I am supportive but concerned about related issues
i believe in clean energy and the government should do its best to get it. I believe in nuclear power ,but with government supervision and administration to mitigate operational risk.
I believe climate change is real and not a hoax. I will support all legislation that is geared towards clean, safe energy. we should pay more attention to reduce waste and recycle those waste that are recyclable.

none yet, but will introduce climate friendly legislation.

I am paying attention and trying to learn
Enrique Petris
US Representative
Believe it is our most serious crisis
We need an all-of-the-above approach to clean energy
We need as much clean energy as we can build
I support renewables, hydro, geothermal and nuclear
Will strongly support both existing & advanced nuclear publicly
Ro Khanna has expressed strong support for addressing climate change and using nuclear power to do so, in private meetings
(His official website: https://khanna.house.gov/)
(Valerie Gardner, for CC.)
US Representative
California's 45th Congressional District
Believe it is very important but other issues are more pressing
We need as much clean energy as we can build
We need an all-of-the-above approach to clean energy
I support renewables, hydro, geothermal and nuclear
I support keeping nuclear plants open but prefer to do so quietly
Jay believes we must make the necessary shifts to address climate change immediately. California has been ravaged by drought and wildfires, including in the district he is from. Jay is committed to reducing our dependency on oil and gas and investing in renewable energy, reducing emissions, and growing the green economy so that all can benefit from sustainability initiatives.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChenforCongress Twitter: https://twitter.com/jfchen
Consider myself knowledgeable
Rachel Winningham -- Finance Director for Jay Chen for Congress
US Representative
Lost Primary
Believe it is our most serious crisis
We need as much clean energy as we can build
Will strongly support both existing & advanced nuclear publicly
Clean Air, Clean Water, Clean Food, and a great Ozone Layer is what I strive for. This can be accomplished. From stopping the wildfires, to cleaning up our Power Grid, to cleaning up our transportation. We have a coal fired plant right here in Silicon Valley that no one talks about and needs to be cleaned up (Air pollution from coal-fired plants is linked to asthma, cancer, heart and lung ailments, neurological problems, acid rain, and other severe environmental and public health impacts). W
Consider myself knowledgeable
Stephen Forbes
State Senator
District 13
Believe it is our most serious crisis
We need as much clean energy as we can build
Will strongly support both existing & advanced nuclear publicly
I don't have a quote but Josh talks openly about the benefits of saving Diablo Canyon and has responded positively to being willing to help save the plant.
Valerie G.
State Senator
District 10
Believe it is our most serious crisis
We need as much clean energy as we can build
Will strongly support both existing & advanced nuclear publicly
(See: https://ballotpedia.org/Aisha_Wahab)
Combatting Climate Change Cast the sole vote against allowing low-grade recyclables to be diverted to our landfills Declared a climate emergency to push for regional coordination in fighting climate change and accelerating efforts to achieve net-zero carbon emissions Supported a resolution to protect our ocean and coast from offshore drilling, exploration, and fracking Planning for Our Future Initiated the “no nuclear” option for East Bay Clean Energy Expanded solar energy generation at c


Consider myself knowledgeable
Aisha Wahab
State Senator
CA Senate District 40
Believe it is our most serious crisis
We need as much clean energy as we can build
We need an all-of-the-above approach to clean energy
I support renewables, hydro, geothermal and nuclear
I am supportive but concerned about related issues
Several of my stances can be found in our latest Q&A with the San Diego Union Tribune: https://rochasen.com/SDUT0915 Also, you can find more information on my website at: https://rochasen.com/main
https://www.facebook.com/JosephCRocha https://twitter.com/Joseph_C_Rocha https://www.instagram.com/josephcrocha/
Consider myself knowledgeable
Andi McNew, Campaign Manager, andi@rochaforsenate.com
State Representative
Assembly District 24
Believe it is our most serious crisis
We need as much clean energy as we can build
We need an all-of-the-above approach to clean energy
I support renewables, hydro, geothermal and nuclear
Will strongly support both existing & advanced nuclear publicly
I believe climate change is our greatest existential threat, and especially for California, which is even more vulnerable as it faces drought, wildfires, and sea level rise. We need to move away from fossil fuel dependency, and I also believe we cannot meet our clean energy needs without nuclear. I am unabashedly in favor of nuclear, and against the decommissioning of Diablo Canyon which would be both destabilizing and set us back in greening our energy mix.
Climate change is an existential threat to all of us. We’ve seen it in California’s droughts and destructive fires. We are on the precipice of a climate disaster. Even though California has remained a leader in mitigating climate change, we must do more to reduce carbon emissions and pollution. As your Assemblymember, I’m working on: Reducing single-use plastics Ending fracking and our reliance on fossil fuels Sustainable community development that brings homes closer to jobs Public ownership o

Voted in favor of AB-2667 Integrated Distributed Energy Resources Fund; Voted in favor of AB -39 (Chau); Voted in favor of AB 525 (Chiu)

twitter.com/alex_lee instagram.com/alex_lee facebook.com/votealexlee
Consider myself knowledgeable
Alex Lee
State Representative
Assembly District 24
Lost Primary
Believe it is very important but other issues are more pressing
We need as much clean energy as we can build
We need an all-of-the-above approach to clean energy
I support renewables, hydro, geothermal and nuclear
I am supportive but concerned about related issues
Kansen supports third generation, advanced nuclear power plants because they are the cleanest and safest, and minimize safety concerns and other related issues.
Kansen believes that taking action to stop climate change is critical. He plans to: Support clean energy investments, Increase water conservation and storage measures. Better forest management and other fire prevention measures. Provide more firefighting tools for fire fighters who have to tackle century fires on an annual basis.

https://envirovoters.org/archives/scorecard/2016/assembly/chu/index.html ; https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwix9bWJ64_4AhV9m44IHYVXBxwQFnoECAoQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.clcvedfund.org%2Fvotes%2Fassemblymember-kansen-chu-clean-energy-and-pollution-reduction-act-2015&usg=AOvVaw2U5n30sM1CS_5mN8WFy65U

https://www.facebook.com/AmKansenChu kansenchu.com https://twitter.com/KansenChu?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
Have personal expertise
Chloe Vlases
US Senator
Lost Primary
Believe it is our most serious crisis
We need as much clean energy as we can build
We need an all-of-the-above approach to clean energy
I support renewables, hydro, geothermal and nuclear
I support wind and solar but not biofuels or biomass
I support new nuclear but think old plants are dangerous
Will strongly support both existing & advanced nuclear publicly
The focus of research should be on areas that will help the earth and its people. We must seek to advance a variety of energy sources that are cleaner, more efficient, and less damaging to the earth. We must invest in energy sources that are renewable, such as solar and wind; we must also explore non-renewable but cleaner sources such as nuclear.
Climate change is not only America’s greatest challenge but the world’s. If we want to ensure the protection of our children and preserve a safe environment for them to enjoy, we must start taking serious action to curtail both carbon emissions and pollution. With the melting of the polar ice caps, Florida’s coastal cities are continuously threatened by rising sea levels, and hurricanes are becoming more severe as our waters grow warmer. Climate change hurts Florida directly, which is why Will b

(Note William lost the Democratic primary to Val Demmings.)

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WilliamSanchezforSenate Twitter name: @Sanchezforsen Instagram Name: @Sanchezforsen
Consider myself knowledgeable
William Sanchez
US Representative
Believe it is our most serious crisis
We need as much clean energy as we can build
I support renewables, hydro, geothermal and nuclear
I support new nuclear but think old plants are dangerous
Will strongly support both existing & advanced nuclear publicly
Renewable energy is, thankfully, no longer as complex of an issue as it used to be, in large part because of the research and development that has put into renewables during the last 30 years. Nuclear energy should absolutely be on the table as an alternative energy resource, but I share the same concerns as many about the relative safety, nuclear waste issues, and potential for leaks and meltdowns that many have about aging facilities. Without a plan for waste disposal and addressing facilities
I am a climate scientist by education and profession. I studied hurricane climatology (intensity, frequency, spatial distribution) during different climatic periods to help improve future modeling of storms under various climate change scenarios. I've published peer-reviewed literature on the subject of storms and climate in highly ranked journals, including the Journal of Coastal Research, and have dedicated my life to combatting, mitigating and researching the impacts of climate on severe weat

This is my first time running for office, so while I have been a scientist on record, I have not written legislation on the matter. I have, however, served as a climate change subject matter expert for two state governments (Louisiana and Florida), taught climate change at the university level, and authored three chapters of the 2014 National Climate Assessment.

https://www.facebook.com/RebekahJonesforCongress https://www.instagram.com/rebekahjones4congress/ https://www.tiktok.com/@georebekah
Have personal expertise
Rebekah Jones
US Representative
Florida 19 District
Believe it is our most serious crisis
We need as much clean energy as we can build
I am strongly against nuclear for a variety of reasons
It is infinitely more cost-effective and practical to use $10-20 billion of the public's money to install solar power and battery power storage at all new homes, apartments, condominiums, and buildings that are three stories or less as well as the 150 million current existing structures throughout the United States, than it is to use this same amount of money ($10-20 billion) to build new nuclear power plants. There are numerous reasons why this is true including that the electricity created fro
We are at a turning point because our planet will grow to 10 billion people within the next 50 years. Now is the time to create a better world by switching to DC battery power storage and free, clean, safe, and unlimited solar power, which is delivered directly to every person on Planet Earth. Solar power also provides 5000 times more potential energy annually, than the total energy consumed globally.


Consider myself knowledgeable
Patrick Post
State Senator
District 21 formerly 16
Believe it is our most serious crisis
We need as much clean energy as we can build
We need an all-of-the-above approach to clean energy
I support renewables, hydro, geothermal and nuclear
I support renewables and natural gas but not nuclear
I realize is an important issue and I would like to learn more
I need to learn more about all the options but right now we must put a major focus on Solar, Wind, Hydro and all forms of clean renewable energy sources to power our communities that compliment life on Earth not hurt it.
I am with the Sierra Club and the Clean water movement when it comes to environmental action.

I support any legislation that will bring clean and affordable energy sources to the people.

https://www.linkedin.com/in/amarolionheart/ https://www.facebook.com/Amarolionheart https://twitter.com/Amaro_Lionheart Tiktok: @Senatorlionheart
I am paying attention and trying to learn
Amaro Lionheart
US Representative
Believe it is our most serious crisis
We need as much clean energy as we can build
We need an all-of-the-above approach to clean energy
I support renewables, hydro, geothermal and nuclear
I support keeping nuclear plants open but prefer to do so quietly
As a Congressman, scientist, and clean energy entrepreneur, Sean’s mission is to combat the climate crisis and protect our planet for future generations. Sean has championed high-impact, market-based climate change legislation as a member of the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis and the House Science, Space and Technology Committee. In Congress, Sean secured $505 Million for clean energy battery storage. He secured another $500 Million for the research and development of low-carbon industr

See above answer and https://castenforcongress.com/accomplishments/

https://www.facebook.com/castenforcongress and https://twitter.com/VoteCasten
Have personal expertise
Trevor Nyland, Press Secretary. trevor@castenforcongress.com
US Representative
Believe it is our most serious crisis
We need as much clean energy as we can build
We need an all-of-the-above approach to clean energy
I support renewables, hydro, geothermal and nuclear
I am supportive but concerned about related issues
I live in Illinois. We have had nuclear energy since I was a kid. It is not perfect, but I think it is essential at this point to continue operating existing nuclear plants until renewables can work at scale. We will need to find solutions to managing the nuclear waste, but it is more urgent to stop using fossil fuels.
I believe the US needs to lead by example to fuel the global economy without fossil fuels. The IRA is a great step in the right direction.

I run a nonprofit land conservation organization, and everything we do is related to climate change - building resilience and mitigating impacts. While not specific to “clean energy,” the work includes helping to build the local food system which will reduce transportation (a leading cause of CO2 emissions).

Twitter: @LisaHaderlein Facebook: @HaderleinforIllinoisD16
Consider myself knowledgeable
Elizabeth “Lisa” Haderlein
Believe it is our most serious crisis
We need an all-of-the-above approach to clean energy
Will strongly support both existing & advanced nuclear publicly
Governor Whitmer has posted a statement expressing her intent to help save Palisades

Governor Whitmer sent this letter to the DOE to try to preserve Palisades: https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/MIEOG/2022/04/20/file_attachments/2136675/Palisades%20Letter.pdf

Valerie G.
Believe it is our most serious crisis
We need as much clean energy as we can build
Will strongly support both existing & advanced nuclear publicly
Clean energy is on the rise and we should take advantage to getting the best returns for use. Fusion energy is our next advancement for everyone's future.
Michigan has one of the greatest geographical environments in the United States especially with four seasons and the largest fresh water reserve in the world, the great lakes. Ecologically our states resources are immensive and need to be always be protected. Even as a moderate business conservative, Evan was a boyscout and is aware of the environment he grew up in. Hunting, fishing, water recreation, and hiking are top activities to do here in Michigan. Being affected by budget cuts from the

Michigan Clean Energy Conference and Expo

https://youtu.be/xPFLDeoDJug www.Space4Governor.com
Have personal expertise
Evan Space
US Representative
Grand Rapids
Believe it is our most serious crisis
We need an all-of-the-above approach to clean energy
I realize is an important issue and I would like to learn more
I know very little about Nuclear power. However I do know there is nuclear waste that is a problem. What our we going to do with the nuclear waste?
Climate change is real. We have to deal with it.

The Working Class Party.

I do not do Social Media.
I am paying attention and trying to learn
Louis Palus
Believe it is our most serious crisis
We need as much clean energy as we can build
We need an all-of-the-above approach to clean energy
I support renewables, hydro, geothermal and nuclear
I support keeping nuclear plants open but prefer to do so quietly
Nuclear is fine, but the economics really do not work. We are just not going to build many if any new nuclear plants. I support incentives and subsidies for solar and wind and eliminating subsidies for fossil fuel. I selected that climate change is our most serious crisis. I actually think it is number 2 behind habitat loss and species extinction.
We face two environmental crises that are the two most serious crises ever facing humanity. They are, in order, (1) habitat loss and species extinction and (2) climate change. I pledge to not just protect the environment but restore it. I will propose to convert half the land in Minnesota to wilderness or the primary use of other species over a 50 year period. That is not only the best thing we can do for habitat loss but also for climate change. It is economically possible to do this and I

See my statement above.

twitter.com/McTavish4MN facebook.com/McTavish4MN tiktok.com/@HughMcTavish
Have personal expertise
Hugh McTavish
Lost Primary
Believe it is our most serious crisis
We need as much clean energy as we can build
We need an all-of-the-above approach to clean energy
I support renewables, hydro, geothermal and nuclear
Will strongly support both existing & advanced nuclear publicly
We need to invest in new nuclear power plants and immediately start reducing fossil fuels - I'm a geologist so no argument there.
One of the biggest existential issues of my lifetime. Need to hold corporations accountable with SEVERE penalties and none of this carbon offset baloney. Get other states on the band wagon along with other countries. If they want to do business with us they have to be legit.
Consider myself knowledgeable
Bradley Beck
US Senator
Decline to answer
I support renewables, hydro, geothermal and nuclear
I support continued use of fossil fuels with CCS
Will strongly support both existing & advanced nuclear publicly
https://twitter.com/jeremykauffman https://www.facebook.com/Jeremy4NH https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyBzavZ40TQj-sVjP9Jmb8w
Consider myself knowledgeable
Jeremy Kauffman
US Senator
Lost Primary
Believe it is our most serious crisis
We need as much clean energy as we can build
We need an all-of-the-above approach to clean energy
I am supportive but concerned about related issues
I believe it will take multiple approaches to really address the climate crisis. i.e. Some communities may be more suited to hydro/geothermal/wind, and other communities may be able to support building/maintaining advanced nuclear plants. What is clear, is that the current trajectory cannot continue.
Climate change is real. When I worked as an advisor at the United Nations, my focus was on climate change (internationally) and the effects of climate change on marginalized communities (less developed nation-states). It is imperative that we do everything we can to ensure we are creating and maintaining sustainable communities while lessening our carbon footprint. https://www.michellelewisforsenate.com/positions


Twitter- https://twitter.com/MichelleELewis Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/MichelleLewis4Senate Instagram-https://www.instagram.com/Michellelewis4Senate/ TikTok- MichelleEstelleLewis
Have personal expertise
Michelle Lewis
Believe it is very important but other issues are more pressing
We need as much clean energy as we can build
We need an all-of-the-above approach to clean energy
I support renewables, hydro, geothermal and nuclear
I support wind and solar but not biofuels or biomass
Will strongly support both existing & advanced nuclear publicly
I support sensible energy policy for the state of Ohio specific to our strengths and our vision of the future. From a policy perspective that means, for instance, not pushing for things like large scale solar energy plants in Ohio because they're land intensive and we don't have the most sunlight; but instead investing in Ohio's solar cell production (we have the largest factory for it in North America). Ohio has many such advantages in the production of emission reducing technologies and my pol
Climate Change requires a holistic approach in preventing it and adapting to it. Recognizing the complexity of both the climate and the economy/society. It is not so much a matter of installing as much renewable grid capacity as fast as possible. It is looking to both Ohio's economy, ecology, and history and Ohio's place in the world economy and identifying the areas we can do the most good for the most people with the fewest resources. And it is not just clean energy production to focus on. W

https://darkhorseforohio.com/energy/ https://darkhorseforohio.com/2022/07/19/excerpt-on-energy-from-the-soon-to-be-unfinished-plan-to-save-ohio/

https://twitter.com/DarkHorse4Ohio https://www.facebook.com/DarkHorseForOhio https://www.instagram.com/darkhorseforohio/
Consider myself knowledgeable
Timothy Grady
US Senator
Believe it is very important but other issues are more pressing
We need an all-of-the-above approach to clean energy
I support renewables, hydro, geothermal and nuclear
Will strongly support both existing & advanced nuclear publicly
That you for you interest in my campaign for US Senate. In regards to the topic of climate change, I most definitely would like to see the USA make moves to preserve the land and more importantly the oceans. In regards to how I would like to proceed, green energy in its current form is flawed—wind is spotty and costly at best; solar is more understandable to be used in all construction processes. It can be added in new projects and should be part of our society. The biggest hurdle we should
The climate changes every season we are are the end of a 100000 year warming trend per geological records and will be moving into a cooling period. Tho this is a fact protecting our planet is top priority. And all the creature on it
Erik4pa.com @erik4senate @erik4senate Twitter Erik gerhardt for US Senate facebook
Consider myself knowledgeable
Erik Gerhardt
US Senator
Believe it is our most serious crisis
We need an all-of-the-above approach to clean energy
We need as much clean energy as we can build
I support renewables, hydro, geothermal and nuclear
I support new nuclear but think old plants are dangerous
I support wind and solar but not biofuels or biomass
Will strongly support both existing & advanced nuclear publicly
I do realize that clean energy is an important issue and I am always open to learn more and do more for our future generations.
I know that nuclear energy could be a clean energy resource. We need to do more for the future.
@JohnsonUSSenate https://www.facebook.com/ronjohnsonforsenate
I am paying attention and trying to learn
Ronald Johnson
US Senator
Believe it is our most serious crisis
We need as much clean energy as we can build
I am supportive but concerned about related issues
Nuclear power should be used as a mid-run solution until clean energy can assume all the energy needs. There have been to major severe disasters rating a seven, Fukushima and Chernobyl and one facility that had two accidents nine minutes apart in Byron Illinois. The Byron facility had hot contaminated water leaked and sprayed mist onto five employees and nine minutes later it automatically shut down and caused the evacuation of 300 employees. The Byron facility was denied a license once before
The survival of this planet takes priority over everything else. I will support legislation that focuses on removal of compounds that contribute to the climate change and treaties with other nations to achieve this goal worldwide.

As this is my first time running, I have not enacted legislation however, I worked as an Animal Keeper at Red River Zoo in Fargo, ND. working with endangered and threatened cold climate species that are part of Species Survival Program. I gave Keeper Talks about the animals and conservation issues that are affecting their resources and survival and how it affects the planet. This is where my life experience applies along with scientific observation, research and and my various courses in biologi

Website: http://lesnar4sdussenate.wixsite.com/lesnar4sdussenate Instagram: tamara_Lesnar YouTube: Lesnar4SDUSSENATE Facebook: Tamara Lesnar Twitter: @lesnar4sdussenate
Consider myself knowledgeable
Tamara J. Lesnar
Van Someren
US Representative
Believe it is our most serious crisis
We need an all-of-the-above approach to clean energy
We need as much clean energy as we can build
I support renewables, hydro, geothermal and nuclear
Will strongly support both existing & advanced nuclear publicly
I believe we need to clarify that current and future nuclear technology is not the same as the past. Renewables are the future but are currently intermittent and we need nuclear as a non-carbon/ultra-low carbon supplement to renewables. We need to continue to wean ourselves off of fossil fuels and as we increase our nuclear and renewable capacity we will be able to accelerate our move away from fossil fuels.
https://www.facebook.com/MVSforWI https://twitter.com/mvsforwi
Consider myself knowledgeable
Mike Van Someren
35 records


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