In 2013, Menlo Park became one of the first City’s regionally to adopt greenhouse gas emission targets. The Council voted to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 27 percent during the next six-and-a-half years. (I actually advocated for much more aggressive reduction goals that evening.)
See: SB 846, which supports the extension of Diablo Canyon and $1.8 Billion in loans from the state of Californi.
New~Candidate (see detailed new groundbreaking Equal-Opportunity-for-All-to-Succeed Platform.)
none yet, but will introduce climate friendly legislation.
Voted in favor of AB-2667 Integrated Distributed Energy Resources Fund; Voted in favor of AB -39 (Chau); Voted in favor of AB 525 (Chiu) ;
(Note William lost the Democratic primary to Val Demmings.)
This is my first time running for office, so while I have been a scientist on record, I have not written legislation on the matter. I have, however, served as a climate change subject matter expert for two state governments (Louisiana and Florida), taught climate change at the university level, and authored three chapters of the 2014 National Climate Assessment.
I support any legislation that will bring clean and affordable energy sources to the people.
See above answer and
I run a nonprofit land conservation organization, and everything we do is related to climate change - building resilience and mitigating impacts. While not specific to “clean energy,” the work includes helping to build the local food system which will reduce transportation (a leading cause of CO2 emissions).
Governor Whitmer sent this letter to the DOE to try to preserve Palisades:
Michigan Clean Energy Conference and Expo
The Working Class Party.
See my statement above.
As this is my first time running, I have not enacted legislation however, I worked as an Animal Keeper at Red River Zoo in Fargo, ND. working with endangered and threatened cold climate species that are part of Species Survival Program. I gave Keeper Talks about the animals and conservation issues that are affecting their resources and survival and how it affects the planet. This is where my life experience applies along with scientific observation, research and and my various courses in biologi