Universtiy Hospital of Lausanne
Departmnet Women Mother Child
Post-partum care
French and English
UniDistance Suisse
Memory function and the interaction between different memory systems, across the lifespan, in particular in typically developing children and young adults, and in individuals with Down syndrom and Williams syndrome.
Departement Femme-mère-enfant
Child development
consequences of preterm birth
Universitäre Psychiatrische Kliniken (UPK) Basel, Klinik für Kinder und Jugendliche
Forschungsabteilung der UPKKJ
(A) Diagnostic classification of mental health and relationship disorders in Infancy and early childhood
(B) Treatment of feeding disorders and tube dependencies
(C) Transgenerational transmission of anxiety disorders
Universität Zürich
University of Luxembourg
Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development & Soziologisches Institut
Center for Childhood and Youth Research
Department of Social Sciences
Sociology of education; Educational psychology; Life course research; Children's rights
Thurgau University of Teacher Education
Pädagogische Hochschule Thurgau (PHTG)
Early Childhood
Frühe Kindheit
Early Childhood
Interaction (CLASS toddler)
Pädagogische Hochschule Bern (PHBern)
Institut Vorschulstufe und Primarstufe
Haute Ecole Pédagogique du canton de Vaud
Teaching, learning and assessment
GIRAF (Groupe d'Intervention et de Recherche sur les Apprentissages Fondamentaux)
Early childhood education
Play and development playbase didaktik
Didactique des apprentissages fondamentaux
Université de Fribourg
Départements des sciences de l'éducation et de la formation
Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois (CHUV)
Département de psychiatrie
Section de psychiatrie du développement mental (SPDM)
I work on young children's implicit inferential reasoning (argumentation in context) through an interdisciplinary approach connecting psychology and education (socio-cultural perspective) and argumentation theories. I am interested in understanding how (preschool and school) children co-construct their reasoning with peers and adults in a multimodal way (e.g. through gestures, use of different tools, verbal components of interaction). The main aims are to develop training activities for teachers and to deeply understand the children's contribution on building knowledge at school.
My recent interests include the development of applied research projects in the context of intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorder (adolescents and adults)
Lausanne University Hospital and Faculty of Biology and Medicine
Psychiatry-- Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Effects of interpersonal violence exposure on infant and early childhood development of emotion regulation
Parental and child posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and dissociation
Psychobiological mechanisms of intergenerational transmission of violence and related psychopathology
Parent-infant and -child psychotherapy in the context of stress, anxiety and mood disorders
University of Zurich
Department of Psychology
Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development
Developmental Psychology
Thurgau University of Teacher Education
Pädagogische Hochschule Thurgau
Research Department
Early Childhood Language and Literacy Education
Academic Language Acquisition and Scaffolding
Classroom Communication
In-Service Teacher Training
Haute Ecole de Travail Social et de la Santé de Lausanne (HETSL / HES-SO)
Travail social
Naomi Downes est psychologue clinicienne qui vient de terminer sa these à l'Université de Paris. Certifiée à L'ESDM (Early Start Denver Model) depuis 2015, elle a travaillé dans un dispositif d'intervention précoce en autisme, ce qui a inspiré son travail de thèse sur le vécu des couples suite à un diagnostic d'un trouble du spectre de l'autisme. Elle est spécialisée dans le travail auprès des parents, notamment la guidance parentale, la coparentalité, et la thérapie de couple. Depuis juin 2021, elle vit à Genève et travaille en tant que chercheuse postdoctoral dans l'équipe de l'ERES à Paris. Naomi participe principalement au projet Devstress sous la direction de Judith van der Waerden. Cette recherche vise à explorer les mécanismes par lesquels le stress prénatal peut conduire à l'émergence des troubles neurodéveloppementaux et psychiatriques.
Naomi Downes is a Clinical Psychologist who has just finished her PhD at the University of Paris. Certified as an ESDM therapist (Early Start Denver Model) since 2015, she worked in an early intervention centre specialised in autism. This inspired her thesis that explored couples' experiences following their child's recent autism diagnosis. Naomi's research focuses on parenting and her clinical practice is centred around parental guidance, co-parenting, and couples therapy. Since June 2021, she has been working as a postdoctoral researcher in the ERES team in Paris while living in Geneva. Naomi is mainly involved in the Devstress project with Judith van der Waerden. This research aims to explore the mechanisms by which prenatal stress can lead to the emergence of neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders.
Bern University of Teacher Education
Institute for Research, Development and Evaluation
My reserach expertise and Interest is focused on the following topcis:
Transition to Kindergarten/School
Inclusion and Transition
Kindergarten (Teacher Training, Classroom-Management)
OST, Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
Soziale Arbeit/ social work
Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich
Children and Young Adolescents and Media
Media Pedagogy
Media Literacy
Parental Advice
St.Gallen University of Teacher Education
Institute for Research into Teaching and Learning
digital education in early childhhood
guided pretend play
teacher expectation
St.Gallen University of Teacher Education
Institut of Early Childhood Education 0 - 8 years
digital education
professional competences
University of Lausanne
Lausanne University Hospital
Institute of Higher Education and Research in Healthcare
Department Woman-Mother-Child
Antje Horsch is a clinical psychologist and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Biology and Medicine, University of Lausanne, who has a second affiliation as a clinical research fellow at the Department of Maternal and Child Health at the Lausanne University Hospital. Prof. Horsch leads the Lausanne Perinatal Research Group. Her research focuses on the impact of stress and trauma in the perinatal period on parental and infant (mental) health with the following objectives: (1) Increase the understanding of the psychosocial and neurophysiological mechanisms linked to stress and trauma that underlie the development of perinatal mental health problems; (2) Investigate the interplay between parental mental health and the development of the infant (intergenerational transmission of stress and trauma); (3) Develop effective and evidence-based early interventions to help prevent or combat perinatal mental health problems and their negative impact on the infant.
St. Gallen University of Teacher Education PHSG
Centre of Early Childhood Education / Institute of Research in Teaching and Learning
transitions, play, relationships, professional development
Universität Luzern
Pädagogische Hochschule Luzern
Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine
Self-regulation in early childhood; executive functions; metacognition; temperament; childhood cancer
Universität Zürich
Marie Meierhofer Institut für das Kind
Qualitative research with a focus on reconstructive methods in social science, childhood and youth studies, long-term effects of infant institutionalisation on affected individuals and their families, practice research.
International Academy for Human Sciences and Culture
Psychology Research and Counselling Institute for Sexuality, Marriage and Family
Institute of Psychology for Peace Research and Peace Education
University Children's Hospital Zurich and University of Zurich
Department of Psychology
Posttraumatic stress in young children
Psychological outcome of chronic disease in young children
Early interventions to prevent psychological sequelae of trauma in young children
Epigenetics of stress regulation in newborns
Emeritierter Professor an der Hochschule für Heilpädagogik (HfH),
Professor Emeritus at the University of Applied Sciences in Special Needs Education (HfH)
Institut für Professionalisierung und Systementwicklung
Institute for Professionalization and System Development
I'm studying the processes of a) the social integration of educationally disadvantaged migrant families and b) the school integration of children from these families. My specific focus is on the mechanisms of educational success or failure, and specifically on the prevention of learning and behavioral disorders in school. Against the background of the ecosystemic approach of Bronfenbrenner, I investigate factors that, despite difficult conditions, lead to positive transformations in children, adolescents and adults with the aim of their healthy development and successful adaptation in the respective context and at the respective phase of life. Promising for this are investments right from the beginning, i.e. from birth. See www.zeppelin.ch.ch
Universität Zürich
Marie Meierhofer Institut für das Kind
long-term effects of exposure to adversity, effects of institutional care and deprivation on child development; violence against children; program evaluation
Université de Fribourg
Departement für Erziehungs- und Bildungswissenschaften
• Forschung zu Well-Being, Agency und Vulnerabilität in Kindheit und Jugend
• Sozialwissenschaftliche Körper- und Emotionsforschung
• Qualitativ-empirische Bildungs- und Ungleichheitsforschung
• Erziehungs- und Bildungsphilosophie, philosophische Anthropologie, anthropologische Ansätze in der Erziehungswissenschaft
University of Applied Sciences Western Switerland (HES-SO Valais)
Institute of Health Sciences
Je m'intéresse sur la manière dont les enfants développent leurs capacités à faire attention aux informations visuelles et multisensorielles, depuis des mécanismes cérébraux de l'attention (étudiés avec l'EEG) aux conséquences de l'attention sur les compétences cognitives quotidiennes (lecture, mathématiques de base, reconnaissance des visages, etc.). À ce titre, mon groupe et moi-même étudions comment le développement des mécanismes d'attention visuelle et audiovisuelle contribue à la neuroplasticité associée aux jeux et aux interventions de RV, par exemple, chez les enfants ayant l'œil paresseux.
I am interested in how children develop their skills in paying attention to visual and multisensory information, from the brain mechanisms of attention (studied with EEG) to consequences of attention skills for everyday cognitive skills (reading, basic maths, recognising faces etc.). As such, my group and I explore how the development of visual and audio-visual attention mechanisms contributes to the neuroplasticity associated with gaming and VR interventions, for example, in children with lazy eye.
University of Oslo
University of Basel
Faculty of Psychology
Cognitive and motor development; Neurophysiology; Neurodevelopmental disorders
University of Lausanne
FAmily and DevelOpment research center (FADO) Institute of Psychology
Clinical child and adolescent psychology, biological psychology
University of Geneva & University of Teacher Education
Centre for Children's Rights Studies
Children's rights and experiences
Social interactions (groups, social influence, violence, bullying, discrimination)
Developmental trajectories (identity, protection)
Learning to live together, children's rights education and socio-emotional learning
University Hospital Center and University of Lausanne
Micah M. Murray earned a double BA from The Johns Hopkins University (1995). He received his PhD with honors in neuroscience from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Yeshiva University (2001). He worked as a post-doctoral scientist at the University Hospital of Geneva, Switzerland. Since 2003, he has held a faculty position at the University Hospital Center and University of Lausanne, Switzerland (CHUV-UNIL) with appointments in the Radiology, Clinical Neurosciences and (since 2015) Ophthalmology Departments. Since 2008, he holds an adjunct faculty position at Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN, USA). He is the founding director of the Laboratory for Investigative Neurophysiology and director of the EEG Module CHUV-UNIL of the Center for Biomedical Imaging. Dr. Murray has a contiguous record of grant support from the Swiss National Science Foundation in addition to numerous other foundation and industrial grants. He is the laureate of awards from the Leenaards Foundation, the Swiss Society for Biological Psychiatry, the Swiss National Science Foundation, and the Swiss Brain League. He currently holds editorial positions at Brain Topography (Editor-in-Chief), Frontiers in Human Neuroscience: Sensory Neuroscience (Chief Editor), Neuropsychologia (Section Editor), and Current Biology (Editorial Board). Dr. Murray has authored more than 160 articles and book chapters. His research focuses on brain imaging and mapping methods as well as their applications in both health and disease across the lifespan.
University Hospital Zurich and University of Zurich
Department of Neonatology
Larsson-Rosenquist Center for Neurodevelopment, Growth and Nutrition of the Newborn
Neurodevelopmental outcome of high-risk neonates
Neonatal neuromonitoring
Neonatal neuroprotection
Early nutrition and neurodevelopment
University of Bern
Institute of Psychology/ Developmental Psychology
University of Teacher Education in Special Needs Zurich
Institute for Educational Support for Behaviour, Social-Emotional, and Psychomotor Development
Evaluation Research (intervention studies)
Research in psychosocial stressed families
Parent-child and teacher-child interactions
Conduct problems
University of Bern
Institute for Psychology
Cognitive development / Early adversity / Self-regulation development / Emotion regulation / Persistence / Attention
Les Toises - Center for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Avenue des Mousquines 4
1005 Lausanne
Perinatal Psychiatry
Perinatal Psychiatry and Interpersonal Psychotherapy in the perinatal context
University Children's Hospital Zürich
Steinwiesstrasse 75
CH-8032 Zürich
Child Development Center
Developmental Pediatrics, Developmental Neuroscience, Lifespan Development
Department Gesundheit
Prof. Pehlke-Milde is Co-Head of the Institute of Midwifery. Her research focus on the scope of practice of midwives, with special interest on
• Developing and evaluating effective and evidence-based models of midwifery care, continuity of care
• Identifying and describing aspects of care, that improve or support the biological/physiological processes for healthy childbearing women and fetus/newborn infants and those who experience complications, respectful maternity care
• Understanding socio-cultural aspects of care, providing culturally appropriate information, education, and health promotion (e.g., nutrition, substance use, domestic violence, and mental health)
Pädagogische Hochschule Thurgau und Universität Konstanz
Binationales Zentrum Frühe Kindheit
(a) Qualität und Professionalisierung in frühkindlichen Bildung- und Betreuungssettings (Kindertagesstätten, Kindertagespflege und Spielgruppen),
(b) sozio-emotionale Kompetenzen und Peerbeziehungen in der frühen Kindheit
c) die Bedeutung von Spiel für die frühe Förderung.
Département femme-mère-enfant
Gestational diabetes and offspring health
Lifestyle and children's (metabolic) health
Institute of Higher Education and Research in Healthcare, University of Lausanne and Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland
Department of woman mother child
critical care, pain and sedation management, family nursing, instrument development
Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development at the University of Zurich
Department of Psychology
Nora Maria Raschle is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at the Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development at the University of Zurich. She has a background in developmental cognitive and affective neuroscience. Nora Raschle's work to date has focused on the investigation of typical and atypical brain development, with a particular focus on the early detection and characterization of developmental and mental health disorders through the use of structural and functional neuroimaging techniques.
The NMR Kids Lab is pursuing research projects in healthy and clinical populations (mental health and developmental disorders, including for example conduct disorder, disruptive behavior, language delay, developmental dyslexia) and has a focus on the following areas of interest:
(I) paediatric neuroimaging
University of Zurich
Department of Neonatology,
Family Larsson-Rosenquist Foundation Center for Neurodevelopment, Growth, and Nutrition of the Newborn
My research focuses on the cognitive and social-emotional development of children and adolescents. I am interested in developmental trajectories on different timescales (days, months, years) and how children differ in these trajectories. In particular, I work on the effects of nutrition and parenting on infant and early child development. In addition, I am conducting research with different children at risk for developmental and social disadvantages. This includes children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, chronic diseases, or experiences of escape and resettlement, as well as preterm infants, or children from socially or culturaly disadvantaged families.
Universität Konstanz und Pädagogische Hochschule Thurgau
Binationales Zentrum Frühe Kindheit
Qualität und Professionalisierung in frühkindlichen Bildung- und Betreuungssettings, Online-Weiterbildung für pädagogische Fachkräfte, Coaching
University of Lausanne
Lausanne University Hospital
Institute of Higher Education and Research in Healthcare
Child Abuse and Neglect Team (CAN Team)
Lausanne University Hospital and Faculty of Biology and Medicine
Psychiatry (Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)
Violence-related psychopathology (PTSD, depressive, dissociative and somatoform disorders, attachment disorders) in parents, infants and young children; Peritnatal effects of maternal traumatic stress; Intergenerational transmission of violence, maltreatment, and related psychopathology and psychobiological mechanisms; parent-infant/child psychotherapy
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland Valais/Wallis
Institute of Information Systems
University of Teacher Education in Special Needs (HfH)
Professor for Diagnostics and Support for
Social-Emotional and Psychomotor Development
Digital media in early childhood
Resilience: Promotive and protective processes
The role of pretend play for socio-emotional development
Bullying and cyberbullying in adolescence
ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences
School of Social Work
*** English Below ***
(1) Grundfragen und Theorien der Sozialpädagogik, insbesondere zur Förderung des Kindeswohls in der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe;
(2) Sozialpädagogische Interventionen in Familien, insbesondere Hilfen für Kinder in Familien mit multiplen und chronischen Problemen;
Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV)/ University of Geneva (UNIGE)
Department of Psychiatry (CHUV) / Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences (UNIGE)
Coparenting; Dyadic and triadic interactions; Emotion regulation
University Psychiatric Clinics Basel
Child and Adolescent Research Department
I am researching the association of the childhood environment - with a focus on parenting - with long-term consequences for well-being, considering potential psychological, biological, and molecular mechanisms in this association.
University of Bern
Institute for Psychology & Department of Developmental Psychology
St.Gallen University of Teacher Education
Centre of early childhood education / institute of research in teaching and learning
play, early language fostering, second language learners, professional development, quality, early mathematics, gender, multi-professional cooperation, center-based childcare, educational play group, mixed method research
University Children's Hospital Zürich
Steinwiesstrasse 75
CH-8032 Zürich
Child Development Center
Developmental Pediatrics, Developmental Neuroscience, Child Neurology, Child Health Care Research
Zurich University of Teacher Education
Department of Pre-Primary and Lower Primary Level
Protective processes and resilience in early childhood
Early childcare quality
Playfulness and adults' play involvement in early childhood
Observation and documentation of children’s learning
Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences
School of Social Work
Early Childhood Education and Intervention - Frühe Hilfen resp. Frühe Förderung
Child and Youth care , particularly residential and foster care - Kinder- und Jugendhilfe, insbesondere Heimerziehung Pflegefamilien
Refugee Studies - Flucht und Migration
Universität Bern
ICER (Interfaculty Centre for Educational Research)
University of Basel
Faculty of Psychology: Division of Personality and Developmental Psychology
language learning and development, single vs. dual language learning toddlers, pre-school/kindergarten, speech processing, bilingualism, dialect
Frank Calberg Services
Research related to management development. Please visit frankcalberg.com for more detailed information.
University of Lausanne; Lausanne University Hospital
Institute of Higher Education and Research in Healthcare
EN: Traumatic childbirth, Childbirth-related posttraumatic stress disorder, Perinatal parental mental health and child outcomes, Sleep and maternal mental health, Obstetrical analgesia/anaesthesia and maternal mental health, Memory (re)consolidation.
FR: Accouchement traumatique, Trouble de stress post-traumatique lié à l'accouchement, Santé mentale durant la période périnatale, Sommeil et santé mentale de la mère, Analgésie/anesthésie obstétricale et santé mentale maternelle, (Re)consolidation de la mémoire.
Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandten Wissenschaften
Midwifery, Public Health
RHNe (Réseau Hospitalier Neuchâtelois)
Midwifery / Obstetric
Chirlbirth experience
Woman-centred care
English and French
St. Gallen University of Teacher Education
Institut of Early Childhood Education 0 - 8 years
interactive elements in digital storybooks, language development
CHUV Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois
Service des troubles du spectres de l'autisme & apparentés
The research laboratory of the Centre Cantonal Autisme conducts several studies on the spectrum of autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders.
The aim of these studies is to gain a better understanding of autism-related disorders and how they function, but also to enable families to receive the best possible care and advice.
University of Konstanz & Thurgau University for Teacher Education
Binationalen Zentrum Frühe Kindheit
Empirical Educational Research
Early childhood education: Caregiver-child interactions and peergroups; Development of social-emotional skills
Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)
School of Health Sciences, Institute of Occupational Therapy
participation, siblings, cerebral palsy, families, autism, peer play, qualitative methods, scoping reviews
University of Konstanz,
Thurgau University for Teacher Education,
Binationalen Zentrum Frühe Kindheit,
Empirical Educational Research, Developmental, Biological and Neuropsychology,
Early childhood education; Development of emotion regulation and of socio-emotional competencies, peer group influences on emotion regulation; Physiological and endocrine emotion measurement
Hochschule für Heilpädagogik (HfH) Zürich
University of Applied Sciences of Special Needs Education (HfH)
Institut für Behinderung und Partizipation (IBP)
Institute for Disabilities and Participation
Early inclusion of children with developmental delays or disabilities
Early childhood special needs education
University of Oslo
Department of Special Needs Education
Initiatives for early childhood development and education
Chief Operating Officer
Somalia’s early childhood development
Somalia’s first early childhood education
ECE teacher training
inclusive education concept
University of Bern
University Hospital of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
I am a developmental cognitive neuroscientist working to understand the neural underpinnings of behavior and cognition in children at risk for neurodevelopmental and mental health disorders. I use a combination of neuroscientific measures including functional and structural MRI, experimental paradigms and clinical assessment to investigate constructs such as cognitive control and affective regulation. I am particularly interested in Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder.
St.Gallen University of Teacher Education (PHSG)
Institute for Research into Teaching and Learning & Centre for Early Childhood Education
Interkantonale Hochschule für Heilpädagogik HfH und Universität Bern
Institut für Professionalisierung und Systementwicklung (HfH) und Abteilung Entwicklungspsychologie (Uni Bern)
Early childhood education; child self-regulation and school-readiness; developmental contexts, poverty, migration, at-risk families
University of Zurich
Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development, Department of Psychology
The development of communicative abilities in monolingual and bilingual children
Pädagogische Hochschule St. Gallen
Zentrum Frühe Bildung
· Weiterbildung
· Coaching
· Motivation
· Professionalisierung
Pädagogische Hochschule Schaffhausen
Forschung und Entwicklung
Frühkindliche Bildung
Qualitative Methoden
University of Geneva
Department of Psychology and Educational Science
I study the development of working memory in school-aged children
Pädagogische Hochschule FHNW
Institut Kindergarten-/Unterstufe
Professur für Mathematikdidaktik und mathematisches Denken im Kindesalter
St. Gallen University of Teacher Education
Institute of Early Childhood Education 0 to 8 years
University of Zurich
Developmental Psychology: Infancy and Childhood
University of Zurich
Department of Psychology
Trauma and intergenerational trauma transmission
University of Fribourg
Autism, Bilingualism, Cognitive and Communicative Development, Faculty of Science and Medicine
With a PhD in Linguistics from the University of Geneva, my research spans a variety of topics including language acquisition (Creole and Romance), the grammar-cognition interface, the phenotype of language disorders, bilingualism, syntactic cartography as well as syntactic locality. This work links linguistic theory with empirical investigations (both experimental and corpus studies), and also aims to yield concrete applications, such as fine-tuning language policies and therapeutic interventions for atypical language development.
Geschäftsführerin globegarden
Childcare, Education, Early Years, Frühförderung, Bildung, Betreuung, Kindertagesstätte, Kinderkrippe, Bilingual Education, Bilingual Childcare, Pädagogik, Bildungskita, Daycare, Early Childhood Education,
Marie Meierhofer Institut für das Kind (MMI)
assoziiertes Institut der Universität Zürich