
Lorem ipsum

Self Evaluation

This evaluation tool gives you a chance to share your perspective, as well as receive input from your supervisor around various areas of ministry. Your supervisor will have the opportunity to give you feedback both through affirmation as well as identifying potential areas for growth. The purpose of this is to help your development as a person and a minister, as well as to assess your role with CYAK going forward. Before continuing, consider taking time to pray and ask God to be present in this time.

Consistent Spiritual Walk
Choose the response that you think most accurately describes your current relationship with God.
Evidence of Spirit Filled Life
Currently, how often do you display evidence of a Spirit filled life?
Demonstrates Knowledge of Bible
Choose the response that most accurately describes your current knowledge of the Bible.
Consistent Bible Reading
Choose the response that accurately describes how much time you are currently reading the Bible.
Fruitful Witness for Christ
Choose the response that accurately describes the current quality of fruit from your Christian witness.
Please expand on any of the above answers.
  • {name}
How have you been cultivating your relationship with God over the past ministry season?
  • {name}
How has God been stretching your faith?
  • {name}
What are some examples of recent decisions you have made to be more devoted and set apart for God?
  • {name}
Ability to Communicate
Choose the response that you think most accurately describes where you are at right now with your communication with others.
Ability to Develop Relationships
Choose the response that you think most accurately describes your current ability to develop relationship with others.
Ability to Confront Others
Choose the response that you think most accurately describes your ability to confront others with truth and grace.
Choose the response that you think most accurately describes your tactfulness when interacting with others.
Sensitivity to Needs of Others
Choose the response that you think most accurately describes your sensitivity to the needs of others.
Team Player and Servant Attitude
Choose the response that you think most accurately describes how you are currently doing as a team member with a servant attitude.
Respected by Others
Choose the response that accurately reflects how often others respect you, in your opinion.
Please expand on any of the above answers about your relationship with others.
  • {name}
How are your relationships helping you grow closer to God?
  • {name}
Do you prefer to work alone or in a group?
  • {name}
How do you think other people would feel about working on a team with you?
  • {name}
How comfortable are you with initiating relationships?
  • {name}
Describe a recent situation where you resolved conflict.
  • {name}
In your opinion, what types of personalities clash with yours?
  • {name}
Self Discipline
Choose the response that you think most accurately describes where you are at right now with exercising self discipline .
Decisiveness and Follow Through
Choose the response that you think most accurately describes your ability to follow through with responsibilities and make decisions.
Choose the response that you think most accurately describes how conscientious you have been recently.
Choose the response that you think most accurately describes where you are at right now with persevering.
Please expand on any of the above answers about your determination.
  • {name}
Please give an example of how you have taken initiative in your life recently?
  • {name}
What are some examples from your life over the past couple of years where you have persevered?
  • {name}
Common Sense and Judgement
Choose the response that you think most accurately describes your common sense and decision making skills recently.
Choose the response that you think most accurately describes your ability to be flexible lately.
Choose the response that you think most accurately describes how adaptable you've been recently.
Choose the response that most accurately describes how teachable you've been recently.
Please expand on any of the above answers about your intellectual flexibility.
  • {name}
How have you demonstrated openness to new ideas recently?
  • {name}
Give some recent examples demonstrating your desire to grow or change.
  • {name}
Self Image
Choose the response that you think most accurately describes where you are at right now with your self image.
Self Awareness
Choose the response that describes your current level of self awareness.
Freedom From Anxiety or Worry
Choose the response that you think most accurately describes your current level of anxiety or worry.
Ability to Tolerate Ambiguity
Choose the response that you think most accurately describes your ability to handle uncertainty and unknowns.
Please expand on any of the above answers about emotional well-being.
  • {name}
Do you tend to place value on yourself by how well you perform? If yes, please give examples.
  • {name}
Please describe a recent example of how you improved your well-being.
  • {name}
Overall Integrity
Choose the response that you think most accurately describes where you are at right now with your overall integrity.
Ability to Manage Time Well
Choose the response that you think most accurately describes how well you manage time.
Self Motivation
Choose the response that you think most accurately describes your current level of motivation.
Responds Positively to Authority
Choose the response that you think most accurately describes how you respond to authority.
Choose the response that you think most accurately describes your trustworthiness.
Please expand on any of the above answers about character development.
  • {name}
Is it hard for you to say "no"? Please explain.
  • {name}
How do you handle failure or weakness in your own life?
  • {name}
How do you handle failure or weakness of others?
  • {name}
Ability to Lead Others
Choose the response that you think most accurately describes your ability to lead others.
Organization of Events and Projects
Choose the response that you think most accurately describes how well you organize and plan events or projects.
Manages and Motivates Others
Choose the response that you think most accurately describes your ability to mange and motivate others.
Seeks New Responsibilities
Choose the response that you think most accurately describes where you are at with seeking new responsibilities.
How have you demonstrated leadership skills this past ministry season?
  • {name}
How effective do you think you are as a leader?
  • {name}
What do you do best as a leader?
  • {name}
In your specific ministry role, how well are you meeting the job requirements and expectations?
Please answer the following about your ministry role and career to the best of your ability.
At this point in your ministry career, what are your top three strengths?
  • {name}
At this point in your ministry career, what are your top three areas of growth?
  • {name}
Personal Spiritual Health Goals
These questions are not required, however we encourage you to take time to think through your personal health goals. You are welcome to submit these goals if you would like your supervisor or CYAK HR to be aware of them.
  • {name}
Personal Emotional Health Goals
These questions are not required, however we encourage you to take time to think through your personal health goals. You are welcome to submit these goals if you would like your supervisor or CYAK HR to be aware of them.
  • {name}
Personal Physical Health Goals
These questions are not required, however we encourage you to take time to think through your personal health goals. You are welcome to submit these goals if you would like your supervisor or CYAK HR to be aware of them.
  • {name}
Personal Social or Relational Health Goals
These questions are not required, however we encourage you to take time to think through your personal health goals. You are welcome to submit these goals if you would like your supervisor or CYAK HR to be aware of them.
  • {name}
Personal Financial Health Goals
These questions are not required, however we encourage you to take time to think through your personal health goals. You are welcome to submit these goals if you would like your supervisor or CYAK HR to be aware of them.
  • {name}

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