Event Name
Account-Based Marketing 101
Making TV Marketing Work for You
Transforming Marketing with Virtual and Augmented Reality
Beyond Cookies: The Future of Data Strategy
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Join the OuiMeet at https://ouimeet.example.com/j/2395559845

Meeting ID: (239) 555-9845

Dial from mobile: +1(239) 555-9845#

4 - April
ABM 101: Session I: Overview
ABM 101: Session II: Overview
ABM 101: Session I: Finding the Right Accounts
ABM 101: Session II: Finding the Right Accounts
ABM 101: Session I: Optimizing Your Campaigns
ABM 101: Session II: Optimizing Your Campaigns
Callisto Choudhari - Account-Based Marketing 101
Danelle Gaccione - Account-Based Marketing 101
Lucien Gaspar - Account-Based Marketing 101
Morgan Huang - Account-Based Marketing 101
Jude Ing - Account-Based Marketing 101
Janelle Levier - Account-Based Marketing 101
Xavier Levin - Account-Based Marketing 101
Brock McDougall - Account-Based Marketing 101
Mitsuko Song - Account-Based Marketing 101
Clover Hollister - Account-Based Marketing 101
Peyton Garcia - Account-Based Marketing 101
Jace Karim - Account-Based Marketing 101
Surinder Motiwala - Account-Based Marketing 101

New to ABM? We'll teach you best practices for creating an ABM strategy that works for your team; identifying and prioritizing the right accounts; and measuring, analyzing, and optimizing your campaigns.

Join the OuiMeet at https://ouimeet.example.com/j/3255554203

Meeting ID: (325) 555-4203

Dial from mobile: +1(325) 555-4203

4 - April
Roundtable: The Future of TV Marketing
What Was TV Marketing, and What Is It Now?
Emerging Strategies in the Digital Age of Television
Roxana Cutter - Making TV Marketing Work for You
McKinley Karlsson - Making TV Marketing Work for You
Junseok Shin - Making TV Marketing Work for You
Ellamae Sizemore - Making TV Marketing Work for You
Do Xuan - Making TV Marketing Work for You
Soleil Celik - Making TV Marketing Work for You

In an increasingly online world, you might think that TV marketing is outdated—and you'd be wrong. Join this event to hear from industry experts how new TV strategies can drive your bottom line in unexpected ways.

Join the OuiMeet at https://ouimeet.example.com/j/1995551173

Meeting ID: (199) 555-1173

Dial from mobile: +1(199) 555-1173

4 - April
A Marketer's Guide to VR & AR
Roundtable: the Future of VR & AR
VR: Telling Science Fiction from Science Fact
AR: Augmenting Your Existing Strategies
Carolyn Galyean - Transforming Marketing with Virtual and Augmented Reality
Vanessa Kozlov - Transforming Marketing with Virtual and Augmented Reality
Kami Nguyen - Transforming Marketing with Virtual and Augmented Reality
Mina Uchida - Transforming Marketing with Virtual and Augmented Reality
Ajit Gashi - Transforming Marketing with Virtual and Augmented Reality

Is your team ready to tackle the new immersive technology frontiers of VR and AR? Learn from our VR/AR experts, build a coherent strategy, and you'll be prepared to explore new worlds of marketing.

Join the OuiMeet at https://ouimeet.example.com/j/5955551077

Meeting ID: (595) 555-1077

Dial from mobile: +1(595) 555-1077

4 - April
Preparing for a Post-Cookie World
The Comeback of First-Party Data
Getting Ahead of the Privacy Curve
Miles Harrison - Beyond Cookies: The Future of Data Strategy
Lucie Laforet - Beyond Cookies: The Future of Data Strategy
Étienne Scheurer - Beyond Cookies: The Future of Data Strategy
Enda Yeoh - Beyond Cookies: The Future of Data Strategy
Imani Green - Beyond Cookies: The Future of Data Strategy
Vann Azulai - Beyond Cookies: The Future of Data Strategy

New government regulations and other market factors have industry insiders seeking compelling alternatives. In this session, our experts will tell you when cookies are still your best option, and where you can start transitioning to alternatives.

4 records


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