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SPLA Volunteer Application

Answer only if you are volunteering with a group
If just yourself, write 1
Phone Type
  • Mobile
  • Home
  • Work
If you are volunteering with a group, you may include the organization's address
Do you have lived experience in homelessness?
Have you volunteered with Safe Parking LA before?
If so, what activities did you participate in and when?

What volunteer activities are you interested in?
  • Meal Provider
  • Lot Host
  • Donations
  • Admin/Office Support
  • Events
  • Community Engagement
  • Special Skills
  • Welcome Ambassador
  • Not Sure
  • Other
If you are a group, do you have a group project in mind? If so, please provide a brief description
  • {name}
[Multiple Select]
  • Weekdays - Daytime
  • Weekdays - Evenings
  • Weekends
  • On-site
  • Remote Only
  • Hybrid
Special Skills and Certifications
This could include education/certifications or skills that you would like to use to lead a workshop or to provide services to participants. For example: Barber, automotive technician, financial literacy
  • {name}
How did you learn about Safe Parking LA?
Please list any physical or sensory limitations
(At times, volunteers may be asked to pick up items heavier than 25 lbs. If you are unable to do this, please make a note of it so we can provide accommodations)
  • {name}
Please list anything else that you feel is important to know about you as a volunteer
  • {name}
I certify that all of the above information is true and complete.

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