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Blurb Reviewer Application Form - Relay Publishing

Please let us know your nationality and which city / country you usually reside?
Can you also indicate your time zone (ie. EST, GMT)

Please select from this list to indicate the role/s you are applying for:
Please describe your relevant experience and reason for applying:
Treat this section as your cover letter for the position and include all experience relevant to this role

First Sample Upload:
PLEASE READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS: Please upload the edited sample blurb as provided via the link in the Job Description above. This should be up-loaded as a word document with tracked changes showing the edits made. As per the instructions, the wordcount for the blurb should be no more than 200 words and there should be a tagline. We're also looking for the edits to highlight key story hooks, introduce characters in an engaging manner and clearly demonstrate the genre. We are not asking for the blurb to be re-written – just reviewed and edited where needed for improvement.
Attach file
Drop files here
Please attach any other blurb or blurb editing examples here to support your application:
All Sample Requirements: * Samples must be relevant to the role you are applying for. * Please include your name in the file name of any samples
Attach file
Drop files here
Please include your website link here if you have one you'd like to share with us
Please indicate your rate for this work:
(per word, hourly or flatrate as per the role)

Please let us know where you heard about us ...
Please specify details from the previous question
ie. the name of the person who referred you, which specific social media, the name of the job board etc.

Is there anything else that you would like us to know about you?
Please let us know if there are any other roles/ genres/ sub genres not specified that you have experience in:

Do not submit passwords through this form. Report malicious form