This form is meant to help you get started with creating and leading your own project. The form is focused around the question "Why?" to help you create a steady base for your project. The form includes four sets of questions.
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Project Leader
Your name(s)
Project Name
Project Name
What is your project called?
1.1 Step 1: Identify a need or opportunity
1.1 Step 1: Identify a need or opportunity
What do you aim to achieve with this project (project objective)?
We suggest four steps to guide your thinking here, so that you can craft your project objective with clarity and precision.
1.2 Step 2 Describe the current situation
1.2 Step 2: Describe the current situation
1.3 Step 3 Describe your envisioned situation
1.3 Step 3: Describe your envisioned situation
1.4 Step 4 Synthesise your thinking into one sentence
1.4 Step 4: Synthesise your thinking into one sentence
Emphasise the results of the project, not the project itself.
2 Why did you choose this project?
2 Why did you choose this project?
Why did you choose this project specifically? What about this idea resonates with you? What is it about this project that will keep your energy, determination and enthusiasm up when the chips are down?
3 Can you do this project?
3 Can you do this project?
A project has external dependencies. That is, inputs from outside the project environment. Those inputs can be resources (money, people and things) and approvals or endorsements. This is a normal part of projects and you will have to manage them closely. However, you must be confident that you can get what you need. If you can't, your project will fail. This is a good time, before you go too far, to list those external dependencies and check that you are confident that you will be able to get those inputs. List them here.
4 What are your desired leadersip learnings?
4 What are your desired leadership learnings?
What would you hope your leadership learnings to be at the end of this project? In other words, looking back at the end of this year, which aspects of your own leadership would you most like to have developed? If you are working in a leadership team with a fellow Young Leader, please consider both individually and collectively what you would like your leadership learnings to be. List no more than 5 key leadership learnings.