The study aims to help the Ethiopian government to put in place mechanisms to enable refugees to become more self-reliant and better integrated into society and the economy. By collecting data through qualitative methods, the objective of the project is to generate high quality evidence from the field on the social context in refugee-hosting areas and on the social impacts of refugees on hosts in three regions: Addis Ababa, Somali and Gambella regions.
Basic service provision
Refugee-host dynamics
Somali Region
Addis Ababa
CRRF and Common Research Agenda in Ethiopia and East Africa
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
Cardiff University
Addis Ababa University (AAU)
Danish Refugee Council (DRC)
Working Paper
The research points to opportunities for humanitarian sector actors to enhance refugee economies today and, in the future, when Ethiopia
implements its pledge to enhance access to employment for refugees.
Urban refugees
Livelihoods and self-reliance
Addis Ababa
Tackling the Realities of Protracted Displacement Case Studies on What’s Working and Where We Can Do Better
This policy brief examines progress since the 2016 NY Declarations, including how partnerships and financing especially implementation of the CRRF and World Bank financing—are playing out on the ground
Informing Durable Solutions by Micro-Data; a Skills Survey for Refugees in Ethiopia
The Ethiopia case study addresses multiple dimensions of poverty of the refugee populations and the Ethiopian host community living in the vicinity. The analysis is based on a household survey (Skills Profile Survey) conducted with the four main refugee groups in the country (Eritreans, Somalis, South Sudanese, and Sudanese) and with members of host communities.
Livelihoods and self-reliance
Local Integration Focus: Refugees in Ethiopia - Gaps and opportunities for refugees who have lived in Ethiopia for 20 years or more
Bridging the Humanitarian-Development Divide for Refugee Children in Eastern Africa and the Great Lakes Region Mapping existing national child protection practice
The study explores the nexus between humanitarian and development approaches to child protection and explores practical ways this divide can be bridged.
Child protection
Market Systems Analysis for Refugees Livelihoods in Jijiga
This paper tries to reveal how kinship and nomadism remain interdependent, coevolved, and key to Ethiopian Somalis resilience and livelihoods in the face of recurrent crises and intermittent humanitarian responses.
Following the launch of the CRRF in Ethiopia in November 2017, the National Co-ordination Office (NCO) organized a series of workshops in order to collate views on the understanding and implementation of the 9 pledges.
Law and protection
New Responses to the Refugee Crisis: Promises and Challenges in Ethiopia
This case study of World Bank financing for refugee-hosting nations seeks to determine what impact the CRRF and development financing are having—and are likely to have moving forward
Assessing the impact of South Sudanese refugees on the host communities of Itang Woreda
This paper highlights the positive and negative economic impacts of South Sudanese refugees on the hosting communities of Itang wereda.
Refugee-host dynamics
Refugee Integration between a Rock and a Hard Place: Challenges and Possibilities of Local Integration as a Durable Solution for Eritrean and Somali Refugees in Ethiopia
This study was carried out by UNHCR and is based on qualitative research carried out with government officials, UN agencies, and NGO partners. It argues that...
Basic service provision
Addis Ababa
Somali Region
Putting Protection at the Heart of the New Global Compact Refugee Perspectives from Ethiopia, Kenya and Djibouti
By taking the Shimelba refugee camp as a case study, this paper gives an insight to the situation of Eritrean refugees in Ethiopia, including the reasons why they flee Eritrea, their experiences during flight, and the conditions in which Eritrean refugees live in the camp from the point of view of the refugees themselves
Protecting Eritrean refugees’ access to basic human rights in Ethiopia: An analysis of Ethiopian refugee law
By taking the Eritrean refugees in the country as a case study, the study attempts to critically examine Ethiopian refugee law and determine the extent to which the national laws protect the rights of refugees.
Law and protection
Roadmap for the implementation of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Government Pledges and the practical application of the CRRF in Ethiopia
Agency for Refugee and Returnee Affairs (ARRA)
Agency for Refugee and Returnee Affairs (ARRA)
Policy document
Journeys on hold: How policy influences the migration decisions of Eritreans in Ethiopia
Richard Mallett
Jessica Hagen-Zanker
Nassim Majidi
Clare Cummings
Overseas Development Institute (ODI)
Working Paper
Durable solutions
Refugee Protection in Ethiopia
Yonas Birmeta
Abdulmalik Ahmed
Zelalem Mogessie Teferra
Moti Mosisa Gutema
Jettu Edosa
Ephrem Tadesse
Haileselassie Gebremariam
Addis Ababa University (AAU)
UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR)
Academic Book
Law and protection
Public authorities and Humanitarian Actors: the stakes in a negotiated interdependence. Case study in Gambella
Review of Durable Solutions Initiatives in East and Horn of Africa: Good practices, challenges and opportunities in the search of durable solutions: Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia and Uganda
By reviewing existing initiatives, frameworks and commitments in the search of durable solutions in the region, this study conducted by Samuel Hall looks at good practices, challenges and opportunities. The objective is to have a better understanding of the current landscape to improve coordination and to inform a learning and capacity development agenda across stakeholders.
Durable solutions
Study on the Onward Movement of Refugees and Asylum-seekers from Ethiopia
Ines Kwan
Tsionawit Gebre-Yohanes
Billie Getachew
Hiwote Tadesse
Danish Refugee Council (DRC)
UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR)
Commissioned study
Durable solutions
Integration and Identity among Refugee Children in Ethiopia: Dilemmas of Eritrean and Somali Students in Selected Primary Schools of Addis Ababa
Alebachew Kemisso Haybano
Addis Ababa University (AAU)
PhD or Masters thesis
Basic service provision
Urban refugees
Addis Ababa
Evaluation of UNHCR's Response to the L3 South Sudan Refugee Crisis in Uganda and Ethiopia
The Challenges of Social and Urban Livelihood for Refugee Women: A Case Study of Social Integration Process of Urban Refugee Women from the Great Lakes Region
Although forced migration is the result of inextricably entwined multiple factors, this paper argues the harmful effects of the universal and the indefinite national service and the Warsai-Yikealo Development Campaign to be the most important drivers of forced migration in post-independence Eritrea
Durable solutions
Causes of displacement
Durable Solutions from the Perspective of Somali Refugees living in Kenyan and Ethiopian Camps and of Selected Communities of Return.
By using the Bonga refugee camp in the Gambella region of Ethiopia, the article provides insights into how participatory and inclusive resource management regimes may enable communities to construct resource use conflicts in ways that help to prevent unproductive conflict.
Refugee-host dynamics
Pastoral society and transnational refugees: Population movements in Somaliland and Eastern Ethiopia 1988-2000
This chapter highlights the dilemma that surround the response of UNHCR to the refugee/returnee crisis in the Ogaden region. It tries to show how difficult it is for UNHCR to talk of returnees or local people in the context of the Ogaden and to provide humanitarian aid based on this misconceived understanding of the territory and the people
Refugee-host dynamics
Somali Region
Bad Borders make Bad Neighbours: The Political Economy of Relief and rehabilitation in the Somali Region 5, Eastern Ethiopia
The paper sheds light on the dynamics of repatriation, one of the three durable solutions, by drawing attention to the Ethiopian repatriation from Djibouti
Durable solutions
Somali regional report: 2018–2019 refugee and host community context analysis
Figurations of Displacement in and beyond Ethiopia: Empirical findings and reflections on protracted displacement and translocal connections of Eritreans in Ethiopia
An article contribution to a special volume titled 'Revisiting the Ethio-Eritrean Relations: From Separation to Conflict and Beyond', Addis Ababa University.