Addis Ababa University (AAU)
Agency for Refugee and Returnee Affairs (ARRA)
Cardiff University
Centre for Global Development (CGD)
Centre for International Higher Education
Danish Refugee Council (DRC)
Institute for Security Studies (ISS)
Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
International Labour Organisation (ILO)
International Rescue Committee (IRC)
Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)
Nutrition Works
Overseas Development Institute (ODI)
Refugee Studies Centre (RSC)
Regional Durable Solutions Secretariat (ReDSS)
Rift Valley Institute (RVI)
Samuel Hall
Social Impact Inc.
UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR)
World Bank
Government of Ethiopia
UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)
UN Office of Internal Oversight Services
Refugees International
German Development Institute (DIE)
Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS)
Jigjiga University
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Studies, reports and articles
Urban Refugee Economies: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Refugee Protection in Ethiopia
Integration and Identity among Refugee Children in Ethiopia: Dilemmas of Eritrean and Somali Students in Selected Primary Schools of Addis Ababa
War and Peace in the Sudan and its Impact on Ethiopia: The Case of Gambella 1955-2008
CRRF Documentation Technical Committee Workshop
Roadmap for the implementation of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Government Pledges and the practical application of the CRRF in Ethiopia
Urban Refugee Economies: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tackling the Realities of Protracted Displacement Case Studies on What’s Working and Where We Can Do Better
From Displacement to Development: How Ethiopia Can Create Shared Growth by Facilitating Economic Inclusion for Refugees
Responding to the needs of Eritrean refugees in Ethiopia
Urban Refugee Economies: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Study on the Onward Movement of Refugees and Asylum-seekers from Ethiopia
Durable Solutions from the Perspective of Somali Refugees living in Kenyan and Ethiopian Camps and of Selected Communities of Return.
Refugee and host communities in Ethiopia: 2018–2019 integrated national study
Somali regional report: 2018–2019 refugee and host community context analysis
Tigray regional report: 2018–2019 refugee and host community context analysis
Gambella regional report: 2018-2019 refugee and host community context analysis
Afar regional report: 2018-2019 refugee and host community context analysis
Promises and challenges of Ethiopia’s refugee policy reform
Nobody came to ask us: South Sudanese refugee perceptions of the peace process
Civil Society Input to EU-Africa Cooperation on Migration: The Case of Ethiopia
Working Paper for IGAD Thematic Meeting on Jobs, Livelihoods, and Self-reliance of Refugees, Returnees, and Host Communities
Urban Refugee Economies: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Market Systems Analysis for Refugees Livelihoods in Jijiga
Rapid assessment of the impact of COVID-19 on labour markets in Ethiopia: A case study of the Somali and Tigray regions
New Responses to the Refugee Crisis: Promises and Challenges in Ethiopia
Tackling the Realities of Protracted Displacement Case Studies on What’s Working and Where We Can Do Better
Putting Protection at the Heart of the New Global Compact Refugee Perspectives from Ethiopia, Kenya and Djibouti
Durable Solutions from the Perspective of Somali Refugees living in Kenyan and Ethiopian Camps and of Selected Communities of Return.
An Independent Review of UNHCR’s Response to the Somali Refugee Influx in Dollo Ado, Ethiopia, 2011
Journeys on hold: How policy influences the migration decisions of Eritreans in Ethiopia
The Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework: Progress in Ethiopia
Refugee and host communities in Ethiopia: 2018–2019 integrated national study
Bad Borders make Bad Neighbours: The Political Economy of Relief and rehabilitation in the Somali Region 5, Eastern Ethiopia
How to ensure Ethiopia’s ‘jobs compact’ works for refugees
Strengthening coordinated education planning and response in crises: Ethiopia case study
Somali regional report: 2018–2019 refugee and host community context analysis
Tigray regional report: 2018–2019 refugee and host community context analysis
Gambella regional report: 2018-2019 refugee and host community context analysis
Afar regional report: 2018-2019 refugee and host community context analysis
Refugee Economies in Addis Ababa: Towards Sustainable Opportunities for Urban Communities
Refugee Economies in Dollo Ado: Development Opportunities in a Border Region of Ethiopia
Building Refugee Economies: An evaluation of the IKEA Foundation’s programmes in Dollo Ado
The IKEA Foundation and livelihoods in Dollo Ado: lessons from the cooperatives model
Building economies in refugee-hosting regions: lessons from Dollo Ado
Building Refugee Economies: An evaluation of the IKEA Foundation’s programmes in Dollo Ado
Local Integration Focus: Refugees in Ethiopia - Gaps and opportunities for refugees who have lived in Ethiopia for 20 years or more
CRRF and Common Research Agenda in Ethiopia and East Africa
CRRF and Common Research Agenda in Ethiopia and East Africa
'No-one can stay without someone': Transnational networks amongst the Nuer-speaking peoples of Gambella and South Sudan
Thinking forward about Livelihoods for Refugees in Ethiopia: Learning from NRC’s Programming 2013 - 2016
Living Out of Camp: Alternative to camp-based assistance for Eritrean refugees in Ethiopia
Review of Durable Solutions Initiatives in East and Horn of Africa: Good practices, challenges and opportunities in the search of durable solutions: Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia and Uganda
Impact of Refugees on Hosting Communities in Ethiopia: A Social Analysis
Local Integration Focus: Refugees in Ethiopia - Gaps and opportunities for refugees who have lived in Ethiopia for 20 years or more
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Livelihoods Programs for Refugees in Ethiopia
Working Towards Inclusion Refugees within the National System of Ethiopia
Bridging the Humanitarian-Development Divide for Refugee Children in Eastern Africa and the Great Lakes Region Mapping existing national child protection practice
Pastoral society and transnational refugees: Population movements in Somaliland and Eastern Ethiopia 1988-2000
CRRF Documentation Technical Committee Workshop
Forced Displacement and Mixed Migration in the Horn of Africa
Evaluation of UNHCR's Response to the L3 South Sudan Refugee Crisis in Uganda and Ethiopia
History, overview, trends and issues in major Somali refugee displacements in the near region
Global Compact on Refugees
Ethiopia Summary Pledge Progress Report 2019
Fafan Zone (Jijiga), Somali Regional State, Ethiopia: 2019 Pledge Progress Report
Melkadida (Liban Zone), Somali Regional State, Ethiopia: 2019 Pledge Progress Report
Afar Regional State, Ethiopia: 2019 Pledge Progress Report
R3D Ethiopia - Refugee Displacement Development Digest: Issue 1, December 2019
Tigray Regional State, Ethiopia: 2019 Pledge Progress Report
Gambella: 2019 Pledge Progress Report
Benishangul-Gumuz, Assosa, Ethiopia: 2019 Pledge Progress Report
Justice Needs and Satisfaction of Refugees in Ethiopia
Bridging the Humanitarian-Development Divide for Refugee Children in Eastern Africa and the Great Lakes Region Mapping existing national child protection practice
The Return to Southern Sudan of the Sudanese Refugees from Itang Camp, Gambella, Ethiopia
Crisis-sensitive educational planning for refugees and host communities: lessons from Ethiopia: case study
Impact of Refugees on Hosting Communities in Ethiopia: A Social Analysis
Informing Durable Solutions by Micro-Data; a Skills Survey for Refugees in Ethiopia
Forced Displacement and Mixed Migration in the Horn of Africa
Welfare Impact of Hosting Refugees in Ethiopia
Refugee Proclamation by the Ethiopian Government: Federal Negarit Gazette of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Crisis-sensitive educational planning for refugees and host communities: lessons from Ethiopia: case study
Audit of the operations in Ethiopia for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Justice Needs and Satisfaction of Refugees in Ethiopia
From Displacement to Development: How Ethiopia Can Create Shared Growth by Facilitating Economic Inclusion for Refugees
Local governments and the sustainable integration of refugees in Ethiopia
Local governments and the sustainable integration of refugees in Ethiopia
Local governments and the sustainable integration of refugees in Ethiopia
30 records


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