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What issues are you facing in your community? Your answers will inform Santa Cruz Local's coverage of your local elections.

Santa Cruz Local is a nonprofit local news organization for Santa Cruz County residents. We help you get informed and engaged with big local issues and local government and elections. In the Nov. 5, 2024 election, some Santa Cruz County residents will vote for new city councils and district representatives. Santa Cruz Local wants to answer your questions and press the local candidates on your priorities. Your answers will help direct our reporting for our election guide.

Where do you live?
Please share what personal experience makes you care about each of the issues you selected above. We’re looking for a couple sentences per issue.
(If you don't see any issues listed, go back and select an option for where you live)

Is there anything else that you would like to add?

Yes, it's OK to quote my responses in a news story with my full name
Are you registered to vote?
Yes, I want to stay informed on local issues. Sign me up for Santa Cruz Local's Sunday newsletter.

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