Stratégies de design UX: Accélérer l'innovation et réduire l'incertitude
La phase de recherche en web design
Architecture de l'information
This is service design doing : Applying service design thinking in the real world
The Design of Everyday Things
Design Management
Universal Principles of Design
100 méthodes du design
Make Space
Codesigning Space
Convivial Toolbox
The connected Company
Reinventing Organizations
Innovation organisationnelles et transformation manageriale
Space for Innovation
Change by Design
Design Thinking and Creative Problem solving
Smashing UX Design
Graphic Design Thinking
The Leading Guide to adopting lean startup at scale
UX for Lean startups
Designing brand identity
Software Design Decoded
100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People
Content Design
Good Talk: How to Design Conversations That Matter
Sense and Respond: How Successful Organizations Listen to Customers and Create New Products Continuously
User Story Mapping : Discover the Whole Story, Build the Right Product
Stratégie de contenu web
Design Sprint: A Practical Guidebook for Building Great Digital Products (
Devenir facilitateur: Professionnaliser ses pratiques collaboratives en entreprise
Découvrir l'Intelligence collective
Mapping Innovation: A Playbook for Navigating a Disruptive Age
Getting Real: The Smarter, Faster, Easier Way to Build a Successful Web Application
Beyond The Prototype: A roadmap for navigating the fuzzy area between ideas and outcomes
Visualising Business Transformation Pictures, Diagrams and the Pursuit of Shared Meaning
The visual display of quantitative information
Envisioning Information
Hooked, comment créer un produit ou un service qui ancre des habitudes
Psychologie du consommateur
Système 1, système 2, Les deux vitesses de la pensée
Méthodes de tests et questionnaires en psychologie
Nudge : Comment inspirer la bonne décision
Drag to adjust the number of frozen columns
Mots clés
Lien Amazon
Alan Smith
Greg Bernarda
Yves Pigneur
Alex Osterwalder
customer wants
Value proposition
How to create products and services customers want. Value Proposition Design gives you a proven methodology for success, with value propositions that sell, embedded in profitable business models.
How to solve big problems and test new ideas in just five days . “Sprint offers a transformative formula for testing ideas that works whether you’re at a startup or a large organization. Within five days, you’ll move from idea to prototype to decision, saving you and your team countless hours and countless dollars. A must read for entrepreneurs of all stripes.” —Eric Ries, author of The Lean Startup
Describe and illustrate the emerging field of service design, demonstrates the similarities and diffrences between various disciplines involved in the design of services. . Besides an introduction to service design thinking through five basic principles, a selection of individual perspectives demonstrate the similarities and differences between various disciplines involved in the design of services.
30 fiches méthodologiques couvrant l'essentiel du design UX et de l'ergonimie des intercations homme-machine.. Créez des produits et des services qui attirent, qui captivent, qui enchantent et inspirent pour améliorer la vie de ceux qui les utilisent
Principes et le processus de l'UX et detaille les différentes methodes applicables en contexte profesionnel touchant aussi bien à l'ergonomie ou à l'architecture de l'information qu'a la strategie de contenu..
How to build a solid framework for any project so you can stay true to the brand strategy while remaining flexible enough to incorporate change and creativity. Guide the reader through the process of digital brand design in five key phases: discovering a demographic, defining an action plan, designing an interface, delivering a quality product, and distributing the design to the marketplace
Quels sont les secrets d'une expérience utilisateur réussie ?
Découvrez les idées et les personnalités qui ont défini les contours de la discipline UX telle qu'elle est pratiquée aujourd'hui par les entreprises les plus innovantes.
Découvrez comment adapter les méthodes UX dans les contextes agiles avec le Design Thinking, le Lean UX et le Design Sprint.
Apprenez à mettre en oeuvre les techniques UX qui caractérisent les produits exceptionnels (web, mobiles et IOT).
Devenez stratège pour réuss
Reconnaitre les avantages concurrentielsn identifier les partis pris et préjugés, pour comprendre et exploiter au mieux les résultats obtenus.. Une recherche fructueuse nécessite de poser les bonnes questions et de porter un regard critique sur les réponses obtenues, en impliquant tous les acteurs du projet
Acquerir les méthodes et developper les bons reflexes avant la mise en place ou la refonte d'un site internet . provides essential concepts, methods, and techniques for digital design that have withstood the test of time
Great customer experience needs a common language across disciplines to break down the silos within an organization. Service design thinking - or whatever you might call what you're doing - provides a consistent model and toolset for accomplishing this. This book gives you a comprehensive introduction to the overall design of services (actually, of any product), detailed step-by-step descriptions of all the main activities, hands-on instructions for the most important service design tools and me
Design doesn't have to complicated, which is why this guide to human-centered design shows that usability is just as important as aesthetics.
Even the smartest among us can feel inept as we fail to figure out which light switch or oven burner to turn on, or whether to push, pull, or slide a door.
The fault, argues this ingenious -- even liberating -- book, lies not in ourselves, but in product design that ignores the needs of users and the principles of cognitive psychology. The problems range
Blueprint for integrated the values, creativity, ethics and innovations of the design process into the overall management of business. Offers time-tested tools for choosing the right design agency . . . integrating design in the organization . . . creating value and contributing to company performance . . . contributing to brand value and corporate vision . . . and implementing design projects.
150 principles, like a Swiss knife of design knowledge richy illustrated and easy to use with visual examples of the principles applied in practice. It pairs critical need-to-know design knowledge with visual examples of the principles applied in practice.
100 méthodes de recherches, de techniques de synthèse ou d'analyse et de livrables à disposition des designers metant ainsi a mal l'idée reçue selon laquelle les methodes de recherche orientées utilisateur sont forcement complexes couteuses et difficiles à mettre en ouevre..
How to set the stage for creative collaboration . Offers novel and non–obvious strategies for changing surroundings specifically to enhance the ways in which teams and individuals communicate, work, play––and innovate.
How codesign can shape environments and help define communities . Demonstrates the power of codesign as a method to design spaces, highlighting its potential to engage communities to purposefully shape environments and influence their culture.
Toolbox of generative research methods, tools and techniques that can be used to inform and inspire futures that will support community and conviviality. the business community charged with the development of human-centered products, systems, services and/or environments.
Comment sont structurées et gérées ces organisations qui demontrent qu'un autre management est possible bien plus efficace, humain et porteur de sens .
Analyser dans quelle mesure le Design Thinking peut aider les entreprises à réinventer leur organisation et leurs pratqiues de management afin de les rendre plus humaines et efficaces..
80 games to help you break down barriers, communicate better and generate new ideas, insights and strategies. Games that encourage engagement and creativity while bringing more structure and clarity to the workplace..
How Design Thinking transforms organizations and inspires innovation . Introduces the idea of design thinking‚ the collaborative process by which the designer′s sensibilities and methods are employed to match people′s needs not only with what is technically feasible and a viable business strategy.
Comparer le Design thinking et le Creative problem solving afin d'en faire ressortir les similitudes et les complémentarités en termes méthodologiques mais aussi de leur valeur ajoutée..
Essential introduction to the process of generating creative advertising ideas and concepts and looks at the various obstacles that can stop ideas from forming before exploring in detail a range of effective ways to break through creative blocks.. examines different ways of visualizing and communicating ideas, explores key approaches used by international and memorable advertising campaigns and details a vast range of methods that you can use for generating your own creative ideas.
100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People Provides information and examples to help designers create products, applications, Web sites, and print materials that match the way people think and feel.
We design to elicit responses from people. We want them to buy something, read more, or take action of some kind. Designing without understanding what makes people act the way they do is like exploring a new city without a map: results will be haphazard, confusing, and inefficient. This b
Between 2010 and 2014, Sarah Richards and her team at the United Kingdom’s Government Digital Service did what many thought impossible: they took over 400 separate government websites and transformed them into a single site designed to effectively serve its users. In doing so, they defined a new discipline: content design.
Real change is needed, now, more than ever. This change can't happen through force, edict or persuasion. The future will be built through conversation - and Good Talk will show you how.
Good Talk is a step-by-step framework to effect change in your personal and professional conversations. With dozens of tools and interactive components, Good Talk is a handbook to navigate the conversations that matter.
We’re in the midst of a revolution. Quantum leaps in technology are enabling organizations to observe and measure people’s behavior in real time, communicate internally at extraordinary speed, and innovate continuously. These new, software-driven technologies are transforming the way companies interact with their customers, employees, and other stakeholders.
This is no mere tech issue. The transformation requires a complete rethinking of the way we organize and manage work. And, as software bec
User story mapping is a valuable tool for software development, once you understand why and how to use it. This insightful book examines how this often misunderstood technique can help your team stay focused on users and their needs without getting lost in the enthusiasm for individual product features.
Author Jeff Patton shows you how changeable story maps enable your team to hold better conversations about the project throughout the development process. Your team will learn to come away with
With more than 500 new apps entering the market every day, what does it take to build a successful digital product? You can greatly reduce your risk of failure with design sprints, a process that enables your team to prototype and test a digital product idea within a week. This practical guide shows you exactly what a design sprint involves and how you can incorporate the process into your organization.
Design sprints not only let you test digital product ideas before you pour too many resource
A l'heure où le collaboratif a le vent en poupe, la facilitation est un levier encore méconnu de mobilisation, d'engagement et de transformation. Cet ouvrage est un guide méthodologique qui permet à chacun, débutant ou aguerri, facilitateur ponctuel ou professionnel, de comprendre les différentes facettes du rôle de facilitateur, de parfaire sa pratique et de l'envisager de façon responsable et ambitieuse au regard des enjeux actuels d'évolution et de transformation posés aux organisations. Cet
Sujet « tendance » car stratégique et vitale pour les organisations, l’intelligence collective est le résultat des interactions multiples des membres d’une communauté. Elle vise à ce que la performance et la créativité de chacun soient démultipliées par l'action interactive avec les autres membres du groupe. Elle favorise l'accomplissement de tâches complexes par l’effet de synergie ainsi que l'innovation et la créativité.
Map the innovation space—and blaze a path to profits and growth
Countless books, articles, and other advice promise leaders solutions to the complex challenges they face. Some offer quick, silver-bullet remedies—a straight line to success!—and some are so technical that readers get lost before they begin.
Now, there’s Mapping Innovation, a refreshing alternative in the crowded business innovation space. Engaging and informative without sacrificing substance and expertise, this groundbreaking g
Getting Real details the business, design, programming, and marketing principles of 37signals. The book is packed with keep-it-simple insights, contrarian points of view, and unconventional approaches to software design. This is not a technical book or a design tutorial, it's a book of ideas. Anyone working on a web app - including entrepreneurs, designers, programmers,
Have you ever struggled to move a key innovation project forward at work? Based on his experiences running Design Sprints for top companies, Douglas Ferguson wrote Beyond the Prototype to offer practical advice for people shifting from discovery to realization. Full of stories from companies like Google, Liberty Mutual, and Adobe, this guide outlines six steps that every team should take to launch their vision.
Business transformation typically involves a wide range of visualisation techniques, from the templates and diagrams used by managers to make better strategic choices, to the experience maps used by designers to understand customer needs, the technical models used by architects to propose possible solutions, and the pictorial representations used by change managers to engage stakeholder groups in dialogue. Up until now these approaches have always been dealt with in isolation, in the literature
Selon une étude universitaire, les gens consultent leur téléphone 34 fois par jour. Mais d'après les spécialistes du secteur, on approcherait plutôt le chiffre sidérant de 150 consultations quotidiennes. Reconnaissons-le : nous sommes accros ! » C est en ces termes que Nir Eyal touche du doigt la plus grande réussite marketing de ces dernières décennies. Au fil des pages il décrypte le mécanisme de l addiction à un produit ou à un service. Les neurosciences ont largement permis de comprendre le
Pourquoi la musique classique incite-t-elle à boire des vins prestigieux ? Pourquoi acheter en promotion nous donne-t-il l'impression d'être plus intelligents ? Comment un simple geste du serveur peut-il vous pousser à lui donner un plus gros pourboire ? Nos achats sont influencés par des dispositifs subtils, mais extrêmement faciles à mettre en oeuvre. À travers une série de petites expériences de la vie quotidienne - des publicités qui inondent nos boîtes aux lettres ) la musique d'attente tél
En 2002, Daniel Kahneman recevait le Nobel d'économie. Evénement exceptionnel dans l'histoire du prix, car le lauréat est avant tout un psychologue. Simplement, depuis le début des années 1970, ses travaux en psychologie de la connaissance et de la décision se sont attachés à remettre en cause la rationalité fondamentale de la pensée, fondement des théories économiques néoclassiques. Dans cet ouvrage de synthèse, il décrit les deux systèmes qui régissent notre façon de penser : ce qu'il appelle
Cet ouvrage se présente comme une introduction aux concepts fondamentaux et à la pratique des tests et des questionnaires en psychologie. Il explicite les notions de référence en s’appuyant sur les théories de la mesure et les méthodologies de construction et de validation des tests et questionnaires psychométriques.
Il vise également à montrer les applications pratiques dans ce domaine en définissant les modalités d’administration, de cotation, d’interprétation et de restitution des tests et qu
Nudge : le petit coup de pouce décisif qui permet de faire pencher la balance du bon côté !
Un livre révolutionnaire qui vous indique comment trouver la bonne voie et influencer vos proches de façon bénéfique. Parce que la bonne décision n'est pas toujours la plus évidente, les auteurs nous expliquent quelles erreurs sont à l'origine de nos mauvais choix et, surtout, nous guident vers une pensée plus humaine pour prendre la bonne route au bon moment.
Richard H. THALER est professeur d'économie
Sujet « tendance » car stratégique et vitale pour les organisations, l’intelligence collective est le résultat des interactions multiples des membres d’une communauté. Elle vise à ce que la performance et la créativité de chacun soient démultipliées par l'action interactive avec les autres membres du groupe. Elle favorise l'accomplissement de tâches complexes par l’effet de synergie ainsi que l'innovation et la créativité.