Key Result
Launch 4 features to GA (including support for marketing page updates) to positive qualitative feedback.
KR: Launch Feature Echo to GA
KR: Beta multiple new integration sources for X use case.
Implement new account pricing with Feature Delta.
Ship at least one experiment to increase the % of users and accelerate aha moments.
Ship an in-product experience that enables users to import content into their workspace.
Build an MVP of Feature Golf to improve adoption of X.
Align on the execution plan to aggregate user activity and enable insights.
Drag to adjust the number of frozen columns
Key Result Details
DRI / Stakeholder
% completed
# Projects
Build connectivity to key external systems to enable flexible workflows.
  • KR: Launch 3 fall-launch-committed sync sources to GA (including support for marketing page updates) to positive qualitative feedback. 
  • P: In-flight integration source work - 1,2,3.
  • P: Support marketing efforts to rebuild integrations splash pages.
2021 Q2
Build connectivity to key external systems to enable flexible workflows.
  • KR: Launch Feature Echo to GA.
2021 Q2
Build connectivity to key external systems to enable flexible workflows.
  • KR: Beta 2 new integration sources sources.
  • P:  New sources (reflecting prioritization after customer-facing team input)
2021 Q2
Build connectivity to key external systems to enable flexible workflows.
  • KR: Implement new account pricing with Feature Delta.
  • P: Design + implement gating.
2021 Q2
Revamp growth experiences to get users to aha moments faster.

Ship at least one experiment to increase the % of users and accelerate aha moments.

2021 Q2
Revamp growth experiences to get users to aha moments faster.

Ship an in-product experience that enables users to import content into their workspace.

2021 Q2
Deliver experiences and insights that scale enterprise success and usage.

Build an MVP of Feature Golf to improve adoption of X.

2021 Q1
Deliver experiences and insights that scale enterprise success and usage.

Align on the execution plan to aggregate user activity and enable insights.

2021 Q1
9 records


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