Feb 20
Hi Chad, I don't think you ever addressed this note from February 5th. Can you please make this final correction? thanks.
Feb 5
Hi Chad, Changes look good and thanks for giving me new timeline numbers. Just want to clarify what Matt meant about ending CU. AFter HK ends segment, you should always run a beauty shot which is used as a transition between recipes. The beauty shot is hopefully something that is visually different from the final shots we saw of the food. So bottom line, you still need to put in a beauty shot after the close. I think there had been two CU's prior to HK's close. But it looks good now, just add the Beauty shot for the transition.
2/3/2016 Changes made
Marjorie Poore 1/25/2016 Added more music. Ready to watch at 8:30 (PST).
Chad Davis
Chad, please be sure to put down new TC numbers on changes. thanks.
:30 I think music should start here
DONE full vol. at 00:00:31:00 -cd
3:27 Can his audio “over here I have some chopped tarragon” come in as soon as we see CU?
DONE - 00:03:26:14 -cd
5:40 – please fade out music here – it was feeling very repetitive
DONE - I let the track end naturally, so the music stops at 00:05:35:05 -cd
6:16 can you stay on CU 2 more seconds instead of WS? (CU of 2 chunks of lobster meat)
DONE - 00:06:14:11 -cd
delete: 7:34 to 7:46 (CU to CU dissolve) Create new audio track that includes his line at 7:38 “I have a little bit of tarragon” at start of tarragon chopping. Keep in his line “I just love the flavor of tarragon”
DONE - Had to keep the line "just gonna take the little tips off because of the knife sound" starts at 00:07:31:29 -cd
8:30 would like to see the CU of the spoon in béchamel sauce pan here, then go to CU of the sauce going into lobster shell
DONE - 00:08:19:09 -cd
8:51 that’s too much of a cheat not to see the gruyere go onto the second shell; there’s no reason to cut it back so much and viewers like to see that
DONE - Added 20 seconds. Starts at 00:08:35:14 -cd
8:56, if you have it, cut back to CU for 2 seconds (try to make the cut as HK looks down)
DONE - 00:09:02:08 -cd
9:08 He doesn’t say what he’s starting… did he not present string beans?
DONE - He now mentions it while working on finishing the grueyere cheese. Matt had me cut this from my first version. Note: this is the only time he mentions the greenbeans. -cd
10:38 You need our animated TL effect here
DONE - Just learned about these. 00:10:42:24 -cd
11:15 the remainder of the segment feels choppy with all the back and forth between WS and CU. Try this: at 11:06 stay on the CU of him putting second piece down but replace the audio with the clip at 11:15 (“So here we have the lobster thermidor…… courses”; then go back to HK WS for final close at 11:19 “so stay with me”
DONE - Matt said to always end on a CU of the food so that's why I always close on food. 00:11:01:14 -cd@@@@