:05 to :07 is it redundant to add another CU of escargot for 2 seconds here? If not, please do it.
cut: :26 (after “delicacy”) to :35 (“do not buy”) (eliminating excess wordiness)
1:07 would like to see more fennel and fennel cutting ( if there’s a nice shot of bringing fennel up to cutting board, please include it. Same with onion that follows. If I did pick up shots of him picking up vegetables from platter, those need to also go back in. I maybe would have done it prior to filming recipe as pick ups.
1:15 the show’s probably a little long, but not sure I want to delete that much footage of vegetables going into pan, especially if the visuals look good . Please add some back in, but you can still collapse it.
2:23 he doesn’t finish the sentence, so delete “that’s exactly the stage”
3:40 delete “so once I have that” if you can
6:43 back to WS for “that’s going to be another secret I have for you today”
9:15 start some music here…
9:15 delete “so once I have that”
9:57 delete/cut to 10:02 “we are totally…”
9:24 to 9:32 delete audio here about it being messy ; you can stay on CU and advance it so we see the butter going on top of them. Use his audio when he says “they go back into the oven …. Butter will melt.. eat with…. Delicious”
9:44 not particularly attractive to see his hand here and we don’t see the tomato, so you can pick up video as he brings them over to puff pastry \
10:28 back to WS (coming back from oven)
10:31 back to CU
10:46 dissolve to video at 10:55 ; as the camera pans on the ECU across the 3 shells in last row, run audio of him saying “you see how nice and beautiful they’re becoming” (try to smooth out that sentence, so it flows better).
11:06 do we have a tighter shot of this view? Any other beauty shots you liked that we could run here?