
Lorem ipsum

-ASH Kit Request Form

Is this your first request for any -ASH Kit (including D.A.S.H., Flash, or Slash kits) from ISTG?
If the answer is no, we're sorry but we are only able to do one kit per person with our current resources. Please do not submit another request. It will not be filled.
-ASH Kit Requested
These kits are for very specific communities. Please only request a kit if you are in the following communities. We recognize you may qualify for more than one kit, but we are only able to send one per person. Please choose the one that best fits your needs.
Is this request for you?
Please give the number and street name.
We cannot ship internationally at this point.
Please mark all items you would use if included in your kit (pending availability):
  • Bras
  • Underwear
  • Period products (ie: tampons or pads or cups or period underwear)
  • Shapewear
  • Makeup (as available)
  • Toiletries
How have you been managing your period, if you have one?
If you do not have a period, please type N/A
  • {name}
What services have you used in the last year? Mark all that apply.
  • None
  • Day Shelter Services
  • Domestic Violence Services
  • Employment Services (Job-Seeking Assistance)
  • Food Banks or Distribution Programs
  • LGBTQ+ Center/Resources
  • Medical Assistance - help paying bills or getting insurance
  • Other
  • Overnight Homeless Shelters
  • Reentry Programs After Incarceration
  • Rental Assistance or Emergency Funds
  • Unemployment
  • Utilities Assistance or Emergency Funds
Please share a little about your journey, and why these products will be helpful to you.
  • {name}
Are there any other products that would help you on your journey?
  • {name}
Is there anything else you would like to share?
  • {name}
May we check in with you in the future?
I understand that ISTG may use parts of my story to raise more awareness around this issue. All identifying information will be removed, and names will be changed.

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