Guild of Educators membership form
Please double check that this is correct!
Please briefly describe your teaching and technical experience
- {name}
What do you hope to get out of this community?
Maybe you are looking for training, maybe you just want people to talk to.
- {name}
How would you like to contribute to this community?
Do you have expertise you would like to share? Is there some other skill you want to offer?
If you don't have anything to contribute right now then that is fine! You are welcome regardless.
- {name}
Please share links to any social profiles or personal websites you thik are relevent
Personal blogs, github profile links, LinkedIn profiles... anything you think is relevent
- {name}
Is it ok if we email you about news and events?
Your privacy will be taken seriously, we will not spam you, and you will be allowed to opt out.
Do not submit passwords through Airtable forms. Report malicious form