Amazon is shutting down most shipments from small businesses to keep essential supplies flowing. If you have an innovative product to sell, submit it to @thegrommet.
If you have any companies or technologies that are relevant to Covid19, grants are available from BARDA. Expedited review and clearance.
The Mayor’s Office of Economic Development has assembled the following resource guide to support business owners in navigating the many capital programs at the local, state, federal, and private level.
In today's environment, more employees, educators, and students are working remotely. To help, we’ve gathered some free tools and resources you can use to stay connected and productive.
Free Resource
AngelList has a mission to democratize the investment process and to help startups with their challenges in fundraising and talent
Gift Certificates
Sell or purchase Gift Certificates to Help Small Businesses
Grants to help your business during the coronavirus outbreak
A loan fund of $10 million has been created to provide financial relief to Massachusetts businesses that have been affected by COVID-19. Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation (MGCC) will receive and process all applications for this fund.
The U.S. Small Business Administration is offering designated states and territories low-interest federal disaster loans for working capital to small businesses suffering substantial economic injury as a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Loan Assistance
Lender Match is a free online referral tool that connects small businesses with participating SBA-approved lenders.
The coronavirus is causing financial difficulties for businesses across the U.S. Here are five resources that can help you navigate this difficult situation
Here are the top CDC-recommended tips that small business owners can take to mitigate risk, protect employees and support customers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Answers to some of the more frequently asked employers’ questions and present guidance on several hypothetical scenarios to assist employers in managing COVID-19 concerns in the workplace
The Rapid Response program, which works closely with companies to avert layoffs and keep a skilled workforce engaged in the existing regional economy or industry.
Virtual Events: 21 Powerful Tips For Hosting Successful Online Events
Virtual Information
Virtual Champs Global is your Leading Provider for Virtual Assistants. Virtual Services include customer support, social media management, and accounting/billing services.
A smart alternative to layoffs, helping companies keep valuable workers.