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Fostering and Adoption Form

So, you're thinking of becoming a Fosterer or adopting one (or more) of our amazing rescue cats. That's fantastic news! To give us a better idea of the type of cat(s) that might be suitable for you, please fill out the following application form. Once you've finished, simply click "Submit" and we'll be in touch as soon as we find a suitable match! Please note: fields marked with an * are required.

Are you interested in Fostering or Adoption?
Select a single option or both. Fostering typically involves caring for one or more of our rescue cats on a temporary basis, while we find them a permanent home, with food, litter and veterinary costs covered by us. Adoption means providing one or more of our rescue cats with their "forever home." Full details will soon be available on our website, but in the mean time, we'd be happy to answer any questions you might have during the call-back stage of our application process.
  • Fostering
  • Adoption
What's your age?
We don't mean to be nosy - it just helps us get a clearer idea of which cats might be suitable for you. However, you must be at least 18 years old to foster or adopt one of our cats.
What type of property do you live in?
In what capacity do you live at this property?
Are you the legal owner, do you have a tenancy agreement, or are you living with parents or other family members?
Who else lives at the property?
Select all that apply. This refers to permanent residents only.
  • No-one
  • Children (0-5 years)
  • Children (6-12 years)
  • Teenagers (13-18 years)
  • Adults (19-65 years)
  • Adults (66+ years)
Do any children regularly visit your property?
Are there any other pets at the property?
Select all that apply. This refers to permanent residents only.
  • Cat(s)
  • Dog(s)
  • Small Mammal(s)
  • Other
  • None
Does your property have a spare room that could be used to accommodate your new cat(s)?
Don't worry, this isn't a requirement - it just helps us when matching you with one or more of our cats.
Does your property have a garden?
Are you planning to move into a new property in the near future?
Which cats are you interested in caring for?
Select all that apply. Typically, shy cats are more wary of human contact and will likely take a while to warm up to you. Feral cats can be extremely fearful of humans and it'll often takes a number of months (even years) for you to fully gain their trust, but believe us when we say it's worth the wait.
  • Healthy domesticated cats
  • Kittens (1.5-12 months)
  • Senior cats (12+ years)
  • Pregnant mothers
  • Nursing mothers with kittens
  • Cats recovering from surgery
  • Shy cats
  • Feral cats
What kind of environment would you be looking to keep your cat in?
How many of our cats could you accommodate?
On an average day, how long would you expect to leave your new cat(s)?
Are you happy for a member of our team to conduct a home visit?
Home visits are a crucial part of our application process, but don't worry. They're short and informal - we just want to get to know you and your home environment.
Is there any more information you feel we should take into consideration?
Tell us a little about any previous experience you have caring for animals, as well as any other details you think might be relevant.
  • {name}
Is there anything you'd like to ask us?
We can discuss any questions you may have on the phone during the call-back phase of our application process, so don't worry about being comprehensive here.
  • {name}
Where did you hear about us?
If we're currently unable to match you with a suitable cat, can we keep your details on file?
Can we keep you informed about our ongoing work via email, phone, or post?
Select all that apply. We'd love to keep in touch about new developments and upcoming events. Aside from monthly email updates, we'll only contact you regarding news specific to your application and you can unsubscribe at any time. For more information, please visit our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
  • Email
  • Post
  • Phone
In ticking this box, you give Filey Cat Rescue permission to fully investigate the information provided and acknowledge your understanding that we reserve the right to decline any application.

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