
Lorem ipsum


Thank you so much for completing this survey! By completing this survey you can help showcase the work that BTB does and help us grow as an org! We are deeply grateful for all that you do! (Some questions are asked based on grant requirements) Also please check out the resources that we can connect you with on the page after the survey (it will redirect you)

Program You are In
Gender Identity
Income as of last year
School Enrollment Status
Grade Level
Employment Status
What did you do at program?
Did you enjoy the Beyond the Bars Program?
What Skills did you learn (check all that apply)
Did you expression/communication skills grow?
Experience with the justice system (if you are comfortable sharing)
Did your connection to any community grow?
Do you feel an increased sense of belonging with community?
Did your professional network grow (meaningful adult support)?
How did your belief in your future change?
Did you feel safe at BTB?
Have you or your family ever received public assistance/benefits?
Have you been a victim or lost anyone to gun violence?
How Does BTB make you feel?

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