Team goal
Drive increased sign-ups from product teams by deeply understanding their needs
Continue to grow our set of features for marketing teams
Staff for the future
Drag to adjust the number of frozen columns
Linked initiatives
Executive sponsor
% complete
Project docs (from Linked initiatives)
Review brand-level study for insights for product teams
Drive 10% increase in activation
Launch 2 experiments that drive a 20% increase in web traffic
At risk

Q1 checkin:

  • Looks like we're behind on this goal significantly due to missed commitments with partner teams.
  • Ops is pulling together an action plan to rescope goal and get us back on track.
Drive an increase in existing user adoption by 34%
Deliver net new features based on last quarter's insights
Execute 3 new product launches to drive demand
On track

Q1 checkin:

  • Tracking ahead of goal to date, everything is looking good here: We'll likely exceed our goal.

Hire 1 new product lead
Hire 3 product managers to support new launches
Review employee voice survey for insights
On track

Q1 checkin:

  • Hired our new product lead early, so we're ahead on this goal.
  • Employee survey is behind schedule; we think we can catch up during planning weeks.
3 goals


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