Mississippi Integrated Health & Disaster Program (MIHDP)
Mississippi Health Access Collaborative (MHAC)
Mississippi Person Centered Practices Initiative (MS-PCPI)
Mississippi Wraparound Institute (MWI)
Kids Health Access Collaborative (KHAC)
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Project Description
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Michael Forster
Promotes understanding of, and response to, aging and aging-related issues. Conducts research and evaluation, training and education; disseminates information; provides program consultation; and makes policy recommendations.
Michelle Brazeal
Lauren Zakaras
Stephanie Doty-McLeod
Reginald Magee
Has introduced ongoing model of integrated healthcare by adding social workers into primary healthcare settings through Coastal Family Health Center. Resulting holistic care has led to improved patient outcomes for chronic conditions such as obesity, hypertension, and diabetes.
Provides free, unbiased services from trained "navigators" to help educate and enroll vulnerable and hard-to-reach individuals and families in health coverage. Serves the 24 southernmost counties in Mississippi.
Trains professionals from Division of Medicaid programs on the collaborative planning processes of person-centered thinking and person-centered plan facilitation to provide improved care for persons with disabilities and older adults in Mississippi. PCT focuses on case managers and support coordinators to get to know an individual's values and develop a care plan for the life the individual wants; PCP is direct training with the individual and his/her support system to develop a plan of services and supports (PSS).
Assists the state of Mississippi and its child-serving agencies and partners in education, mental health and juvenile corrections to develop integrated systems of mental and behavioral health. Imparts the best practices of the wraparound process, such as developing individualized care plans and a team-based model that includes not only professional practitioners but also family, friends, community and cross-system supports. Partners with the Division of Medicaid and the Mississippi Department of Mental Health.
Provides free in-person assistance for Medicaid and CHIP enrollment to families with children in the 9-county Pinebelt area of south Mississippi. KHAC educates consumers on the different healthcare options available and the impact healthcare coverage can have in their daily lives.
Provides free, unbiased services from trained "navigators" to help educate and enroll vulnerable and hard-to-reach individuals and families in health coverage. Serves the 24 southernmost counties in Mississippi.