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Write three affirmations for yourself
What are you grateful for?
List three things (you can control) that will move you toward your goals
Daily Journal

1. By staying focused and taking small action I can continue my momentum

2. I had a hard week of training last week, now I can rest and reward myself with the benefits of improved fitness

3. Anything is possible as long as I set my mind to it constructively and keep chipping away at it

1.Im grateful for having a body that lets me pursue my passion
2.For having this abundant free time to give me every chance to explore/do whatever I want
3.For having Taylor support me in all this
1.Giving myself adequate recovery this week to gain the improvement from last week's work
2.Stretching out and rolling out my tight muscles
3.Staying disciplined with my goals and writing out in concrete day by day, week by week, what it takes to get to my 6 month goal
July 6, 2020

1. As impossible as it may be in the morning to get to my 6 month goal, it is possible with dedication, focus, and extreme work

2. Take small, calculated steps towards a massive goal that can be achieved daily to create progress and momentum

3. Take my learnings and apply to what I enjoy doing to keep myself happy and content with my work

I’m grateful for having friends like Jason and Daniel that provide me with a really fun and relaxed outlook. I’m also grateful for mom and Kyle for giving me something fun to look forward to this week

1.Recovery is king this week. I need to push long/hard workouts as late into the week as possible to allow for adequate recovery
2.figure out TP campsite situation, confirm on flyer, update event page, and send out invites
3.Work o hopefully finishing a really rough MVP to test athlete journaling idea
July 7, 2020

1. Even if I don’t start the day off perfect in my eyes, the day is not lost. Make note of it, accept it, plan an action goal to change it for the future, and move forward with my day without thinking back to it

2. My only completion is myself. I know exactly what I want to be/want to do and what exactly destroys my ideas, progress, motivation, momentum so as long as I chip away towards this I’ll be ok

3. I know that with enough attempts, failures, and revisions my goal for the app will be reached

I’m grateful for the chance to 100% dedicate my mind space to my passions for training and entrepreneurship

1.Finish marketing site and get at least 3 sign ups of interest
2.reading, learning and validating the market space of the journal
3.eating clean, drinking, rolling and stretching out enough, and going to eyes shut by 9:30
July 8, 2020

1. I am on the right track towards my goals

2. The small successes I achieve during the day may seem not much but they will all be a part in the journey to reach my goal

3. If building a software business was easy, then everyone would do it

I’m grateful for my living situation where I can eat sleep and breathe my passions of training and working for most of my week

1.Try ads and other funnels to get at least 3 sign ups
2.remove time wasting excess in the day. Stop myself in the act early on and think forwards of the guilt and frustration at the end of the day or 6 months when I think back to all the time wasted mvp validation based on book
July 9, 2020

1. I get the chance to work on my passion, if I’m really passionate about it, the problems and holes will get worked out despite what everyone says because I will stick with it

2. The reasons ideas/apps fail most often is because people give up on them. I have time and skills and passion to drive this mother fucker to the end

3. Don’t be so hard on yourself and put yourself on a pedastal that you missed and now beat yourself up for it. Acknowledge it, and change it when there is time or in the moment.

I’m grateful for finding my passion so early on in life and being able to devote so much time to it

1.stop myself from wasting time, playing games, and watching YouTube and instead just shift work focus or time on something else to switch it up
2.Get a solid quality long ride in focusing on cadence, normalized here, and aero position
3.get feedback and adjust on marketing, and mvp problem/value delivery
July 10, 2020

I feel like I wake up and have already lost the day

I get into this loop of self hatred for going to bed late, waking up late, and now the day is lost because in my mind I should have been up at 5:30am working

These negative emotions cloud my outlook on my business and training and make me not want to do either of them

This loop continues and I just drill into myself that the day is lost and I'm a shit person, my ideas and products are bad and won't work, and so on. Now I feel un-motivated and on edge for anything

Solving this, I need to just let this shit go and move forward with my day. I will come back to the cause of these negative emotions when I'm in a better state and fix them. Let it go, create some small next action items towards my daily/weekly goal, make a mental note of what I need to do to avoid these emotions, and actually stick to them.

The mental notes are:

1. As long as I take action and work hard towards something, success will come

2. Patience is key. This isn’t going to be a 1 month journey to validation and success. Small Success can be had early if I devote everything for it and dig

3. It’s okay to have poor days of sleep/feeling/routine. What’s important is that I log it, recognize it, learn how to improve on it to avoid it, and keep grinding on my day

I’m grateful for having a full fridge and bank account to live comfortably in the moment. I’m also grateful for having all the resources I need to make my dream come true

1.Figure out why today started poorly with sleep and feeling
2.Work on the journal app todos and get some finished with feedback
3.Relog training and check what workouts have to be done today’s
July 11, 2020

1. Don’t obsess and think why I can’t do something and why this and that are holding me back. Instead just act on it and with progress think how I can improve it in small steps

2. With small actions, the bigger goals will start to become real

3. Think back to all the other hot days I’ve put in work and realize it’s not too bad and today will be do able

I’m grateful for having a passion so strong from the minute I wake up it’s instantly what my mind snaps to, and when I go to sleep it’s the last thing I think about on this weeks business goals, see what’s finished, what I didn’t finish, and what needs work still and put those in next weeks goals
2.Finish recovery week, and plan out next weeks plans and training goals
3.try to get mvp ui coupled with backed
July 12, 2020

1. Starting is the hardest part. Just starting and getting the ball moving will get over all the hurdles my mind is making up

2. I don’t have to feel 100% always to make progress. It’s ok to have off days as long as I figure out why

3. Success comes with constant tiny wins Over the next year or so

I’m grateful for waking up every day with a burning passion and having the chance to do something with it and go all in on it

1.Journal ui, market research, product fit, check weekly goals
2.recovery stretch and massage left leg and prepare nutrition for the week
July 13, 2020
  • Woke up with a bad headache, couldn’t really sleep, and upset stomach

1. Success will come. Don’t focus on how hard and far away it seems. Focus on what I can control this minute and today that will get me there

2. I’m on the right track to following my passion. No need to look back and have any regrets, just focus on what I can control today

3. Roadblocks, mental and physical, will be part of the journey. Don’t loose your shit over how hard it is, just accept it, pivot if need to, and get thru it. Think of the shovel

I’m grateful for having money to purchase health insurance so I can definitely figure out issues with me since I’m prone to some

1.Getting headway on the mvp, and other tasks on the weeks todo list
2.completing my planned training for the day
3.logging and creating a plan for my left leg and starting soon
July 14, 2020

1. Just because the past wasn't what you wished it was, doesn't mean you can't make today great

2. Take constant action, and the rest will fall in place. Trust in this. Massive action results in results over time

3. Ignore how big the goal for the next hour, day, weeks, months is. Pick 1 do-able task that's small and start

Im grateful for having a bike that I can ride and bring so much enjoyment and head clearing for me

1.MVP build
2.Weekly todos in the downtime
3.Reviewing training volume and applying change to plan to take advantage of extra time
July 15, 2020
1.Constantly trust in the process of hard work with minimal results. It's not going to come easy, and this trust and grit is what will eventually bring success
2.I'm doing work that I enjoy
3.I am building something that will help thousands of people live better athletic lives and train smarter

Im grateful for being able to go swim today and for having such a good fallback skill like programming to ease the anxiety

1.Doing more UI, server, and problem/solution work on the app
2.Creating a MAF table for my workouts to track why I was slower today
3.Read on how to get my HR zones for ride and run and plan days to do them on so I can incorporate more precise/meaningful intensity training into my plan and to increase overall volume/intensity a bit
July 16, 2020
1.Struggle is 100% part of the process. Fear, and doubt are normal in such a big change. Just accept it and move forward with the plan by acting and getting results
2.If I keep putting work out there and am transparent, I can collect feedback, validation, failure, etc.
3.Keeping everything close to me and secret will halt momentum and motivation. Getting good/bad feedback on all the small steps will help a ton

Im grateful for being able to quickly figure out whats wrong with my stomach aches

1.Get blood and poo stuff done
2.Read about the training
3.Get mac updated
4.Start on firebase react native stuff
5.Keep ironing out the UI/UX flow with the features I need
6.Do some recovery run or ride (check plan) to prep for the big weekend
July 17, 2020
1.Struggle and suffering is part of the process
2.take small steps and focus what’s in front when overwhelmed
3.the hardest part is starting and gaining a bit of traction

I’m grateful for being alive and healthy without any serious medical issues holding me back. My scenario with my stomach can be a lot worse

1.A fun, mind clearing ride
2.backend working
3.talking/validating the journal a bit more
4.good clean meals
July 18, 2020
1.Pain and suffering is part of the process. It’s what I do to overcome it that really matters
2.I will succeed if I don’t do what the average version of myself would do today
3.start small, do what I can, and eventually I will achieve everything

I’m grateful for having such a good life to enjoy my sport every day

im grateful for having money to give myself the best care possible during this time

im grateful for having knowledge and passion that is applicable to the real world

1.Look up what to eat with this stomach issue, shop for it, and stick to it 100%.
2.research journals, rework product goals? on backend
4.revert catalina about hr
6.Review goals, set new ones
July 19, 2020
1.The pain will end. It’s up to me to ensure I do everything I can do help it from my end
2.Dont do what the average version of yourself wants to do today
3.failures are part of the process. Learn from them and improve for next time

I’m grateful for being alive

I’m grateful for being able to do whatever I want today

1.Working on my app
2.analyzing my previous weeks goals and training and setting new goals based on that
3.calling the doctor to expedite my stomach issue
4.sticking to very clean food only. Aiming for a 5 rating for the day
July 20, 2020
1.Small tasks and steps add up to big changes. Health and fitness and business all apply
2.Dont get stuck in analysis paralysis. It’s important to check if something is worth doing, but it’s crucial to just start taking action to get immediate feedback
3.The more i condition myself with uncomfortable tasks, the better I’ll be at humility, accepting fear, and performing under pressure

I’m grateful for having Kyle mom and rozi. They’re so helpful to me and provide me with so much happiness and food and other stuff. It’s important I give it back

1.Figure out remainder of backend endpoints
2.Implement a user auth and jwt tokenization on the service
3.Check on health status and determine if its okay to train. If yes, crit is good, if not, recovery ride is ok, or just rest. Most important is recovery, then race
4.Shop for food and return package
5.start work on trying to reach people with the idea to mom before she leaves
July 21, 2020
1.Focus and take action. Thats the most important. Listening to others and wondering/wishing/comparing to them is not as progress driven
2.I am mentally strong and driven, and have momentum in reaching my goals
3.This health issue is just a set back. I have had other injuries/health issues and have overcome. With a smart approach, I will overcome this as well

I am grateful for having such a good relation with my family to be able to talk to them and have so much happiness and care given back to me in return

1.Finish basic mvp design
2.Implement UI wireframe and connect back end into it
3.fleshing out blog a bit, either hosting, content, etc.
July 22, 2020
1.I’m getting better every day at programming and learning new and applicable skills as an engineer app has gone from reading about in a book, to researching, planning, and now development of the mvp login page
3.if I share, I can get in front of others with similar interests and gauge their interest

I’m grateful for having a mindset like mine where I can dream and convince myself my dreams are possible with relentless drive and effort

1.Actually return the package lol
2.Eat very clean
3.Get UI auth and basic pages wired up
4.Make my first auth and journal entry creation thru the UI
5.Have a solid endurance/drill swim sesh
6.Address stomach with doctor if needed
July 23, 2020
1.I am doing close to the best I can when it comes to nutrition and recovery and improving my health
2.i am learning and acting every day I work on my endure app
3.missing goals is ok. Adjust next goals with what was learned as to why the previous goals were missed
4.the app will help me grow as an athlete and entrepreneur and at least 1 other person

I’m grateful for having friends that are into what I am and willing to participate in my event. It’s very helpful having other people next to you while doing something challenging

1.a light spin if feeling it with stretching before it
2.auth finished and journal input framework done
3.plan shop and prep for Saturday race. Including drive to sac and hydrate and eat clean for big day
5.prepare mentally and set aside time to prepare
July 24, 2020
1.Failure is part of the process. You learn the most about yourself from failure
2.Use failures as learning points to make myself better
3.Review, analyze, make a plan, and then take action and move on from this

I’m grateful for having t, Kyle, Zs and Dan and rozi here today. It will be a nice change of pace to relax and talk with them

1.Recover using a lot of water and good food
2.stretch and roll
3.write down some of the coding ideas from this morning
4.create detailed training plan to address failure and move me towards my next HIM goal
5.micah plan
a.maybe start on excel to react?
July 26, 2020
1.Failure is just a stepping stone for success
2.Objective hard work will lead me to fulfillment eventually no matter the time or method
3.Set backs mean that I'm trying to overcome a big hurdle

Im grateful for having such a good life where I have a healthy body, mind, and have access to fitness, food, and good environment

1.Weekly goal review and re-setting
2.Create new training plan for next HIM attempt
3.Focus 100% on converting my vision/solution to something I can share and gauge feedback
July 27, 2020
1.Losing sight is part of the process. Drill down to my core and rekindle my mission and purpose
a.My mission is to help athletes push themselves to their best as an athlete and person. I want to do this by providing a space that offers the most individualized analysis tool someone can have, which is a journal created specifically for athletes
2.Action trumps over analysis and thinking. My actions will eventually provide results
3.Im getting better at programming in my preferred discipline every day

Im grateful for having access to so much tech and knowledge to be able to build and learn about my passion for programming

1.Working on the MVP
2.Creating something of valuable thats shareable
3.Reworking training plan to new imminent goal and taking in learnings from most previous attempt
July 28, 2020
1.what matters is that I show up and do the work. I’ll work on getting the times better next time
2.questioning if it will all work is part of the process. Move fast and get stuff out ASAP to gauge users
3.the next goal is getting set. I have the knowledge and plan to attack it better this time

im grateful for good health, no stomach issues, no headaches, and being able to go full gas again content created
2.good recovery run
3.input recent training and plan this week with new goal in mind
4.ui stuff
5.reviewing business goals and focusing on getting it out there
July 29, 2020
23 records


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