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Name your biggest challenge today and something you learned from it copy
Scale of Accomplishment
Fill in your day's workout(s) journal report
Name three things you did well today
Name one thing that you can control that would have made today better
Name one thing you want to accomplish tomorrow
Daily Journal
Staying focused and mostly un-waivered from working on something I want to. I didn't have the constant voice in the back of my head saying this isn't making progress or is worth it, that's been causing me a lot of in-action from analysis paralysis lately
1.Stayed focused and on task on what I wanted to work on
2.Put in work in one of my weekly goals for the MVP
3.Did proper hydration, nutrition, and recovery from long weekend

Less youtube + other time wasting sites. About 1-1:15 wasted on these websites

I want to continue this good recovery and have a fun crit race in Alviso

July 6, 2020
Raced in my first crit ever today. I had inferior gear, and no idea what to expect or do in a new environment. I learned to take my massive failure and turn it to set goals for myself to improve upon. Each crit my goal is to hang on for 1 more lap than the previous week. I learned that failing is ok and it doesn’t have to ruin my day. I also learned that in any new environment there is going to be people that are miles ahead of me who will judge me, beat me, etc. but if I want to be there and enjoy being there then I just need to focus on my own goals and growth and enjoy doing the thing for that reason.
1.Stuck mostly to tasks that are on my weekly goal list and did action items that I think will contribute to my 6 month goal
2.Bounced back from a time wasting/self hating guilt loop and finished the day with productivity
3.ate clean again and continued progress despite less motivated feeling as yesterday

After my ride, I was pretty tired and just ate, watched videos, played games, and laid around for a couple of hours. I should have used this time to clean myself up and do work in the bed or read or something else that pulled me back into the workday. Overall again I spent 2.5ish hours wasting time on videos and games and Reddit. Need to catch myself and pull myself back into the productive state like I did later today

I want to get a really good sleep, and a good recovery ride in.

I also want to finish my mvp landing page and share on some reddit forums and setup ads for it.

I also want to look into/mock the Airtable journal idea into something MVP shareable in hopes of needing to complete it for the sign ups I get

July 7, 2020
My biggest challenge today was launching my first product validation landing page to reddit. I created the page, copy, and wiring of the landing page and shared it. This is my first public release of the product validation strategies Indiehackers talk about
1.Stuck to my daily action item for completing my weekly goal
2.relaxed, recovered thru a spin, and did some stretching
3.did pretty much work that I have been imagining in my mind that is needed to be done throughout my early days of product validation

Time wasting 100%. In the morning I feel like I’m invincible with time remaining since it’s so early so I waste about 1 hour. Then after lunch I get kinda burnt out and resort to wasting another hour. I don’t think it’s tiredness since I get plenty of sleep and at night all I wanna do is work, so I need to keep forcing myself to put the phone down and close youtube and do something else for a couple minutes, like stretch, and go back to facing down my challenges

I really want to get 3 non friend sign ups for my idea validation landing page from ppl in my target audience. I’ll prolly have to rework my copy and offering a bit. I also want to run ads for it, and try to create an organic search path to the sign up

July 8, 2020
My biggest challenge was juggling and accepting the nature of the business/goal I’m trying to reach. It’s such a mind fuck with constant analysis paralysis. But I need to do analysis before doing work, but I also need action and feedback in order to feed momentum and feel progression
1.I managed the different tasks of coding, researching, marketing pretty well
2.i mostly stuck to my daily plans for business
3.executed somewhat intense training day solid and focused well on run form and stride during workout


Another day of close to 3 hours wasted on YouTube and reddit. What the fuck man. I know journaling is helpful, but it was my morning goal to remind myself of this feeling of guilt and frustration, and all the negative shit wasting time will cause. I’m on this planet once, I’ve got one life, I’m at a really good time of my life to execute, and I’m falling a bit short on giving it my all. I’ve put in a pretty good work ethic and dent into starting this goal, I just need to polish this part of my life since it feeds so much negative emotion. Not wasting time and taking actions that move me forward to my goal = stronger, healthier, better functioning headspace

I want to flesh out more the problem/solution and different offering of my journaling. I want to adjust my website to reflect that and my ads. I want to flesh out mvp must haves for solving the problem

training wise I want to get a quality long ride in with not too much intensity

July 9, 2020
Todays biggest challenge was finishing the bike ride in 100 degrees. Towards the end I was really struggling for power and water and questioned if I could finish. I told myself keep churning the legs and eventually I’ll finish. It didn’t seem impossible but it was a bit mentally challenging to accept the dehydration and heat and just keep the legs churning
1.Held my responsibility and scoped out the course for the half Ironman race
2.allowed my mind to accept the day was dedicated to this and not self hate for missing a day of work. Although I constantly had that feeling come up in the day
3.stuck through my workout despite the heat and lack of water. I was pretty down and out but I made it to the swim and finished it all ok

My nutrition was a bit all over the place tonight. After the heavy chipotle meal I kinda ate all over the map with wolf turds and fruits.

my mind was also making me guilty/self punish for skipping a day of trying to work on my business because in my mind this time is meant to be dedicated 100% to dig deep and get a business up and running. If this is what has to be done, and I choose to do it, I need to accept these emotions and say it’s ok, we’re doing this today. although nick bare is completely right, I can’t judge everything I do based on what he did in his situation 5 years ago

i want the have the athlete diary mvp features, problems, solution put down and a mock ui drawn and begin coding it/testing variations on myself

July 10, 2020
Today’s biggest challenge was starting work on the UI. It’s very daunting to create an entire user journey and experience that conveys my goal to create a journal that addresses the mvp problem. Getting started now opened up all the branches of development that I will need to think about to get this MVP out
1.Stuck with the workout even in the heat
2.Devoted time to development instead of gaming and youtube
3.didnt stress over progress and what ifs, and instead acted on my goals and todos

I need to think more business/problem solving oriented when creating this product. I understand all aspects of the journal app, but I need to create, think, and write to address the customers perspective

  • fit bike with new seat and test it
  • work on ui and get feature/problems ironed out
  • get 1 core component done on the journal
  • focus on recovery
  • shop healthy grocery and return jersey
  • keep working on new personal logging
July 12, 2020
My biggest challenge was facing the mountain of negative emotions that I felt from poor sleep and an upset stomach. I felt like I lost the day and didn’t want to work at all. Basically threw away the whole day but I started doing small tasks and managed to complete some things on my todo list despite 75% of the day being shit. I learned that the sooner I start taking action with a measurable completion/validation step, the sooner I break out of this shit poopy pants mood that ruins so many of my days. #todo I need to also learn by looking back at yesterday why this day happened and if there is some form of a pattern
1.Went shopping for healthy foods
2.fitted my bike with the new seat and position
3.Coupled UI with very basic endpoint with my own data and figured out a little more what I’m trying to do with it

my Emotional self hatred loop that I alllwed to take over my mind because of my discomforts and ultimately wasted 4-5 hours watching tv. I can control how I view my feelings, what I want to do with it, and I 100% control the outcome of my day regardless of feelings. I can always have something to do to work on my goal. Days are counting down dude, don’t waste your time and life on bullshit. You have one shot and you’ll really hate yourself and be disappointed if you waste it. It’s hard now, will be way harder later, but the sooner you accept it the sooner these shit days and time wasting on nonesense are over, and days of wins fails but momentum return. And with that will come incremental success of bigger and bigger goals

  • figure out and put in writing a challenge I’m facing right now that the journal is solving and start/get 1 feature finished in the mvp that makes it solvable with my tool
  • start setting some goals and routines to try to fix this left leg issue

July 13, 2020
Showing up to the crit race after a very humbling first time experience of getting immediately dropped. I felt again really out of place with my skill set, not knowing anyone, and my gear. However I was able to complete my goal for the race which was to hang on for another lap that I did yesterday, so now I rode with the group for 3 laps. Next week I gotta do 4. I learned that these emotions are normal and I just have to categorize them as emotions and in another category just show up and perform. I shouldn't let my emotions stop me from stopping something I'm interested in and find really fun
1.Did my riding workout to plan
2.Dabbled in some UI, and figured out a more definite tech stack for the MVP
3.Despite all the negative feelings, I showed up to the park to workout, although I just stretched

Yet again, time management, and following that categorization I wrote above. I had really negative moods all day due to wasting time and due to my stomach pain. I just didn't want to work, so I ended up not taking advantage of my day. So just acknowledging my emotions, shelving them, and continuing with work as best I can.

1.If stomach pain persists, follow up with Covered CA and go get an appointment to see a doctor about it
2.Continue with MVP and weekly goals
3.Do morning ride, and rework training plan with more volume/intensity?
4.Lay out daily plan to fight youtube addiction
July 14, 2020
My biggest challenge was resisting wasting time by using YouTube and other social media. It got pretty strong here and there. It’s nuts that it feels like an addict just wanting one more hit. I ignore all common sense and the scope of my want for entertainment and just want this hit of dopamine, and now I’m starting to see it. I learned that I’m pretty weak at facing mental discomfort, but I found and succeeded today in spotting it and getting it thru it. I need to remove myself from the emotion and loom at it from 3rd person and realize it’s not what’s important and get back to the task at hand
1.Stayed very focused and ignored urges and distractions mostly
2.didnt stress myself too much with progress and just worked on what I thought was the right thing to move the needle forward
3.Got my ui looking 5x better than yesterday’s

Adding a sense of urgency to some of the work. When I run out of energy or ideas to work, I either snack, or just stare off instead of just transitioning to something else to work on or finishing it thru. It’s a bit hard since everything I’m doing is mostly new to me but I think I can get a bit better at it

1.Solid run
2.backend db schema design and server
3.more ui flushing out
4.continued polishing on product market problem fit and copy
5.monitor stomach and request doctor if not better by end of day. Avoid coffee and hummus
July 15, 2020
I again stuck to my no youtube/distraction policy and stuck to it mostly without wasting time with other things. I found meaningful things to do all day although it was really hard to give in and just waste time with something even while my stomach was hurting. I learned that just facing down the problems is really hard and its way easier to let myself get distracted, but in the end its way more rewarding to just face down the problem
1.Avoided distractions
2.Did my training workouts well
a.Coped with the stomach ache and got a bit of work done

More action. I just consumed a lot without taking action on my journal app. I have my weekly goals but I have not been attacking it with action like I usually do. I need to read those every morning and work as efficiently as possible to get them done each week. Theyre do-able, I just need to stay committed and focused to get thru them. It's all achievable and do-able what I have written down and dreamed up!!!

1.Get blood and poo stuff done
2.Read about the training
3.Get mac updated
4.Start on firebase react native stuff
5.Keep ironing out the UI/UX flow with the features I need
6.Respond to wenwen
July 16, 2020
Take initiative and get my stomach issue resolution started by going to blood test, then coming back and going back with the poo test. I learned to just act immediately and not over think how much time x and y will cost and instead just do and figure out the rest on the fly. I should use this approach with everything really and stuff the feelings of not good enough down and just keep acting and figuring it out on the go
1.Stayed focused on building the app
2.Took initiative with my stomach issue
3.ate clean and didn’t really snack
1.not playing video games for 1.5 hours and using that time to work on the db. I’m behind on my weekly goals by a lot, maybe just had goals for some, but I could have used this time to figure out my connection issue with the collections
1.A solid training long ride
2.healthy cooked meals after ward
3.getting the db collection resolved
4.looking at my weekly goals and trying to roll thru a couple
July 17, 2020
Today’s biggest challenge was finishing the ride. I was overheated, dehydrated, stomach hurting, and really struggling but I kept mentally telling myself it will end. I learned that ignoring the scale of the finish, and just focusing on immediate next goals to get to. I dug dip and just kept putting one leg after another
1.I went on the ride despite really not wanting to due to stomach issue
2.finished a death ride despite all my negative feelings
3.after recovery, I figured out the mongo db connection
1.Starting the ride earlier to have more time in the day
2.shorteining the ride, and bringing more water to accommodate heat and stomach issues
3.working more on the action steps for my business goal
1.A solid long run
2.reworking and doing validation outreach on mvp
3.working on mvp backend with stricter guidelines and cooking
July 18, 2020
Today's biggest challenge was overcoming the negative emotions that came with this stomach issue and addressing it correctly. This meant avoiding working out in the morning, speaking to the doctor, and altering the later workout to account for the stress, and pain, and potential loss of energy due to this issue. I learned that consistency is key, and things like this will happen. What's important is that I address the problem right away and make the correct changes and learn from it. This way I minimize down time and maximize recovery time back to training. The longer I take and flip flop with emotions and dont address the problem, the longer I will be out of training. I learned that missing a day or two is not a big deal. What's important is that I recover, don't over stress, and have fun along the way
1.Stuck to my business goals and made good progress on the app's backend
2.Avoided distractions pretty well
3.Altered my routine to address my health problem and understood that health and happiness come first. Training second, as the first benefits and improves the latter
1.Nutrition could have been more on point. Having this unknown stomach issue, it should be crucial I ate extremely clean with veggies and fruit and nothing processed to help any way I can. This means I need to go shopping tomorrow as thats crucial for this to happen
2.Going to bed earlier so I can gain the edge early in the morning the next day
1.Figure out remainder of backend endpoints
2.Implement a user auth and jwt tokenization on the service
3.Check on health status and determine if its okay to train. If yes, crit is good, if not, recovery ride is ok, or just rest. Most important is recovery, then race
4.Shop for food and return package
July 20, 2020
1. Implementing my own authentication service with db, apis, encryption, and cookie setting. I learned that focusing, removing distractions, and just working thru something makes daunting tasks usually way less complicated/hard than they seem. I thought this would be a big undertaking, but it really only took a couple of hours, and I feel like I learned a lot from it 2. Hanging on at the alviso crit. I hung on for my goal of 4 laps, and after 1 lap of rest, I even finished another 3 laps, although the group was a bit slower than usual. I learned that by keep showing up, no matter how uncomfortable it is, I can achieve the goals I have. I just need to show up, stuff away my negative emotions, and do the thing Ive noticed that limiting distractions, has kept me way more focused, which has produced a lot more meaningful work, which has really improved my mood, which, idk if related, led to a great A workout, and I just feel like I got this crazy momentum again
1.Stayed very focused, limited distractions, and completed most items from my todo list
2.Had an A workout at alviso, legs and energy felt great, with minimal stomach pain
3.Learned a lot regarding the MERN stack and building a web app back end

Reading and consuming content less. I know the direction and steps I need to take. The only consuming I need to do is when Im sharing my work and finding places to share it to. Otherwise I need to be creating

1.Finish basic mvp design
2.Implement UI wireframe and connect back end into it
3.good recovery ride
4.fleshing out blog a bit, either hosting, content, etc.
July 21, 2020
Biggest challenge was getting out the door this morning. My stomach hurt a bit again, and I was just tired and really didn't want to go. I did end up going and felt off so I kept it short but I did feel better/more awake after. I learned that just going thru my routines, no matter the speed, will get me started out of a slump. 1 foot after 1 foot Another challenge was starting on the UI. I have so many second guesses whether my app will work, am I not validated, is this a waste of time, and I just have to address those issues the best I can while still working on something that fulfills me and in my view puts me towards my goals. If I act, create, maximize time, and learn/grow as a person, the time was well spent. Period.
1.Tackled code headaches head on and figured them out, versus the usual waste time whenever a wall is reached
2.Addressed negative concerns regarding app and have next steps to move forward
3.Ate mostly clean, did my recovery workout, and attempted to do my stretches, although couldn't due to constipation

Skipped on the video games. I gave in to the pressure and spent 1:45 playing video games. Although I did get a constipation in the same time, my mood went noticeably worse, and I felt grumpy and anxious after and guilty that I wasted time. Next time just block it and don't do it, similar to how I've done with my video games

1.Actually return the package lol
2.Eat very clean
3.Get UI auth and basic pages wired up
4.Make my first auth and journal entry creation thru the UI
5.Have a solid endurance/drill swim sesh
6.Address stomach with doctor if needed
July 22, 2020
Biggest challenge was wiring up more of the auth. This is all new to me mostly so it’s a somewhat big learning curve although I’m making good progress. The challenge is making it minimal but still work properly so that users can get the actual feel for it. I get stuck and lost in the flows and logic a bunch so it’s great that I made some progress on it. I learned that just facing the problem I can eventually solve it. But it’s important to pick my battles on what coding feature/problem I’m going to do so as to not waste more time. Week end goal is coming and I’m getting close to reaching it so I can’t be getting hung up on small things
1.Stayed focused on goal and got more of the auth done
2.did swimming even though felt pretty tired. Logged 2k yards so it’s a big confidence boost for Saturday’s 1500
3.rebounded from big chunk in day spent driving to continue with some work
1.Getting stuck in the little things. Although the mvp is important to work and convey my vision, some of the little things and concepts like specific auth flows don’t need to be perfect. Just get it working and improve it if it needs to be. Focus on minimum!!
2.a bit of time wasting from browsing Strava. I can’t block everything but this isn’t even really a social media. Just stop it and notice the fact I’m doing it
1.A really good nights rest
2.a light spin if feeling it
3.auth finished and journal input framework done
4.plan shop and prep for Saturday race. Including drive to sac and hydrate and eat clean for big day
6.prepare mentally and de aside time to prepare
July 23, 2020
Biggest challenge was working on the UI. I have so many ideas and I keep changing g the design. I learned that this is the mvp to test if people find journaling useful. It doesn’t have to look 100%. Pick a design and stick with it. Chances are I’ll update it later if it ends up working. Get it to something that looks legit and is usable is most important. Small finicky details are not
1.Did my recovery stretch and ride great
2.packed everything with a little time to spare a part of the ui looking pretty cool from the copy design. Still need to do a lot more but it’s looking really nice
1.Not giving in to the youtube additiction in the afternoon and spending 45-1 hour watching videos
2. not obsessing over the small details on the map. Looking at goals and big picture more often during the dev cycle that will force me to drop a lot of features and work to try to hit the goal

Have a great time and finish a challenging half iron man. Period.

July 24, 2020

HIM Reflection

today’s biggest challenge was the half Ironman. I’ve been training, telling myself it will be relatively easy to do it since I can run and bike that distance. I failed and couldn’t do the run, but I did started.

The swim went surprisingly well. I got into a really good rhythm in a couple of spots and I think had some good pace 1:44/100yd

July 25, 2020
Resisting the urge to waste time and watch videos and play games. Although I did give in a little, I pulled out and went back to work. I did not have much drive/motivation to work and lost sight of some goals. However I eventually fell back in track and got some progress in the bag. I learned that no matter what, if its work time, I just need to start and get something done, no matter the quality or quantity. Action trumps inaction (thru wasting time, over thinking, doing nothing)
1.earlier bed times. I watched videos from 9 to 9:45. This is bad and I know it makes the next day worse, and kills momentum. Dont do this. 8-9pm only
July 27, 2020
Todays biggest challenge was setting up a blog with minimal coding and making my first backend/front end get/post/patch request in my app. I learned that its ok that its not the prettiest and best code. Dont hang up on it. Solve the problem and move on. With each iteration of implementation, improve the code using what I did previously and making that better
1.Made good progress on journal app
2.Notched another practice crit in my belt
3.Ate mostly clean and stayed mostly focused

When I was really tired, I just laid in bed and wasted time on social media. Instead I need to force myself to just be with my own thoughts and think, write, draw, etc. to recover while still staying focused. Ignore the "just one more hit" dopamine addiction. Same thing happened with jerking it today. I gave in .

1.Start on my first piece of content
2.Rework copy and selling point on landing page
3.Touch up recent UI work and keep building that
4.Create weekly training plan and goals (take note of how I do it)
5.Review goals a little bit to ensure im on track for 6 month goal
July 28, 2020
20 records


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