After running for about an hour, I got this sharp quick pain on each step in the run. Even after cool down it was a bit sore but mostly went away with just very mild discomfort today day. Iced once per each knee but I should do it more for better recovery. The main things changed were being sore from strength workout from 3 days before and new/less cushion-y shoes
Still felt a bit tight today on my stretches and golf swings. Noticed that when I rolled my lower back and IT band on my left leg the pain/discomfort was way more present. Some kind of correlation?
Stomach pain and discomfort after eating chickpea pasta with Pesto sauce. Very similar discomfort in my stomach as in Tahoe where we are this sauce for a multiple days continuously. My guess is that it’s something in the sauce, so I’ll avoid eating it
After a couple of laps of intense riding, the discomfort was present during my pedal strokes again. This was with plenty of warm up (at least 20 minutes)
Halfway thru 2 hour ride the discomfort was present in some moderate intense climbs. Felt tight all day today even after the ride was done and during the swim
A dull stomach ache that started 2 days ago and won’t go away. I haven’t eaten anything out of the ordinary, been focusing on eating clean, and drinking water
Slight headache at the top of the head. Constant and dull. Maybe from heat
Arthritic pain during ride