Name of case
Bypassing the middle-man.
Beyond extension services.
CAP reform with open data
A one-stop-shop for AID data
Sharing data – optimizing resources
Saving $3.6m in drought damage with open data
AGROASEMEX, state-supported micro insurance in Mexico
Balancing between public and private interests by sharing crop protection data
Managing water distribution with open data
Agrimatie: Sector data available at a glance while securing privacy
Conserving the countryside with open data
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To break the power of the middle-man, the federal government of India aims to facilitate trade at a federal level as opposed to locally or regionally. Traditionally trade was restricted to a limited number of markets, resulting in a lack of competition, high market fees and a long chain of intermediation leading to low prices for the farmer and high prices for the consumer. New laws have been introduced first at federal level, later at regional level, allowing farmers to trade at any market the
Empowering farmers
Market Data
To ensure all farmers have access to up-to-date information and knowledge in a timely manner the government of Ethiopia has developed a free Interactive Voice Response (IVR) and Short Message System (SMS) platform to share information on cereal, horticulture, and pulse/oil seed crops directly with farmers through mobile phones. In June 2015 the hotline had one million registered users.
Optimizing agricultural practice
Production advice data
Agricultural Transfomation Agency
The publication of the EU’s annual subsidy budget under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in 2008 sharpened the political debate on how the money is actually spent. It revealed that a major share of the CAP was going to large farms and big landowners, despite its stated objective of supporting smallholders and family farmers. In Eastern Europe, multinationals were heavily subsidized while taking over the business of the small farmers. As a result the CAP has been recalibrated, changing the ru
Government transparency and efficiency
Government finance data
European Union
The Bangladesh government has developed a domestic Aid Information Management System (AIMS) after the importance of transparency in aid information was recognized at the Third High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Accra in 2008. AIMS is an online system available to the public that helps government officials, development allies, and other stakeholders best manage aid in a variety of sectors within their country. It is a one-stop-shop for all information related to foreign assistance in Bang
Government transparency and efficiency
Rural development project data
For a Sahel country, like Burkina Faso, knowing where there is access to water is crucial to determine the potential for crop production, especially in the dry season. To collect all information on the available water sources, workshops have been organised by government with all stakeholders in the country working in water and sanitation. Ministries, agencies, NGOs, companies and other actors were invited to share their data in an open database and in this way a cost-effective resource was obtai
Government transparency and efficiency
Rural development project data
Burkina faso
Burkina faso open data initiative
By linking data from the Colombian Ministry of Agriculture, an association of farmers (National Federation of Rice Growers; Fedearroz) and weather and experimental data from an international research centre (Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical; CIAT) a region-specific climate-smart agricultural decision-making tool for Colombian rice growers could be developed. This tool is now openly available to anyone and actions informed by this data helped farmers avoid extreme damage from drought.
Optimizing agricultural practice
Production advice data
Meteorological data
In Mexico, smallholder farmers can access weather insurance, underwritten by the state insurance company AGROASEMEX, along with other private providers. By bringing together weather data, crop data and insurance payout data, and working with researchers at Harvard University, the Coordination of National Digital Strategy and the Ministry of Agriculture (CEDN-Harvard) were able to identify better thresholds for triggering payouts, as well as visualising the data to communicate the research result
Supporting agrifinance
Meteorological data
The California Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Pesticide Regulation (CA DPR) has the most rigorous review and standards for pesticide data which all comes through the Pesticide Registration office. DPR can use all data it has on file to speed up the process, regardless of the data source. This includes business-to-business and business-to-government data. Due to the California Public Records Act, the general public has also access to all registration and label data. This open acc
Government transparency and efficiency
Pest and disease management data
United States
To ensure a safe and sustainable water supply, the California Department of Water Resources announced a water rationing plan, reducing water allocation to farmlands and cutting consumer water usage by 25%. Open data is being used to show how the state allocates its scarce water resources under these conditions. The drought has been visualised by the US Geological Survey (USGS) with publicly accessible open data collected by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) network of research f
Enforcing policies
Optimizing agricultural practice
Hydrological data
United States
All Agricultural Census Data from the statistical agency and dedicated research commissioned by the Dutch Government are shared in a single web portal. The data can be reused by different value actors to explore the viability of the agricultural sector, to determine business strategies or to benchmark their performance against the sector average. Because of the sensitivity of the raw data regarding individual farms, the portal provides interactive charts to navigate and aggregated data download
Transparency in the value chain
Land use data and productivity data
Value Chain Data
the Netherlands
To benefit from Countryside Stewardship grants, farmers in the UK have to navigate 753 pages of documents. To facilitate this process and make sure they make the most of their conservation legislation, the UK government provides a search engine to find options, supplements, and capital items to include in an application for Countryside Stewardship. This is an example of providing more efficient access to digital legislation data for farmers and rural advisors.
Government transparency and efficiency
Enforcing policies
Government, Agricultural Law & Regulations
11 records


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