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Venue Request Form

Please fill out the information below to the best of your ability. If you don’t hear from us after 7 business days, please contact Vonda Neely | Sales & Client Services Manager | – Thank You!

Brief Description of Organization
  • {name}
Nonprofit Status
Is your organization a Nonprofit? (If so, you will be required to provide your tax exempt ID on your final contract)
Billing Address
This is the address all invoicing and the final ticket settlement (if applicable) should be directed to
  • {name}
This will be the name listed as the main contact on your rental contract
Venue Requested
Month(s) of your event
Year of your event
Dates Requested: day of the week, mm/dy/yr, time from : to. Please note, the maximum number of weeks a client may request is 16 weeks between all Dairy Arts Center venues with 5 consecutive weeks being the limit of consecutive weeks in the Grace Gamm and Carsen Theaters.
Is your date flexible?
Brief Description of Event
  • {name}
When does your performance/event start?
Ticketing Needed
Technician Needed
Dairy technician required for any tech in the Gordon and Grace Gamm Theaters. Please specify below the times you need a technician.
Please describe the technical elements of your show or event.
Equipment Needed
Equipment is availability/price dependent
Catering Required
Alcohol Service Required
If applicable
Additional Information
  • {name}

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