Family Violence
Psychiatric Assessment
Substance Abuse Group Counseling
Trauma EDMR
Anger Management
Anti-bullying Programs
Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA)
Art Therapy
ASD/IDD/Behavior Disorders
At-Risk Families
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Behavior Modification
Behavioral Health Assessment
Behavioral health/Mental health case management
Case Management
Case management; Nursing Services
Certified Peer Support Specialist for Families
Children's Yoga
Children's/Adolescent Psychiatric Hospitals
Clubhouse Model Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Clubhouse Model Substance Use Recovery
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Community Support
Core Services
Group Counseling
Individual Counseling
Counseling Specialties
Crisis Hotline
Crisis Intervention Counseling
Developmental Disabilities
Developmental Disabilities
Developmental Disorder
Early Intervention
Education Advocacy
Emergency Behavioral Healthcare
Emerging Adult Transition Programs
Executive Functioning
Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy
Faith based
Family Based Services
Family Preservation
Gang Prevention
Gender Identity
Holistic Approach
IC3 Services (Wrap-around services)
Independent Living Skills
Intensive family intervention
Youth Leadership/Youth Development
Life skills
Life Skills Group Counseling
Medication Management
Mental Health Counseling
Mental Health/Developmental Disabilities Crisis Management
Mobile Crisis Unit
Mood Disorder
Motivational Interviewing; CORE services
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Offender treatment
Parent Counseling
Parent Education Group
Parent or Family Support Services
Parent or Family Support Group
Parent Peer Support
Parent Skills Classes
Parenting Education; Psychological
Pet Assisted Therapy
Play Therapy
Pro-Social programs
Psychiatric Case Management
Psychiatric Evaluation
Psychiatric Medication Monitoring
Psychiatric Services
Psycho-Sexual Evaluation
Psychological Evaluation
Psychological Testing
Rape/Sexual Assault
Recreational programs
Relationship Skills
School Behavior/IEP Management
Seven Challenges
Sex Offender Evaluation
Child Sexual Abuse Counseling
Sexual Issues/sexual offender
Social Skills Training
Substance Abuse Assessment
Substance Abuse Individual Counseling
Suicide Prevention
Support Services
Supported Employment
Teen Issues
Trauma Assessment
Wrap Around Services
Youth Support Groups
Youth Violence Prevention
Family Counseling
Parenting and Family Services
Crisis Intervention Stabilization
Outpatient Mental Health Counseling
Psychiatric Services
Family/Youth Support
Drag to adjust the number of frozen columns
Counseling Specialties
A mental state of depressed mood that is characterized by feelings of sadness, despair and discouragement. Depression ranges from normal feelings of the blues through chronic depression (dysthymia) to major depression. In many ways, it resembles the grief and mourning that follow bereavement including feelings of low self esteem, guilt and self reproach, withdrawal from interpersonal contact and physical symptoms such as eating and sleep disturbances.
Care More Counseling Mental Health Counseling
YTA Mental Health Support Services
YAP Mental Health Counseling
W. Immel Mental Health Counseling
Barnabus Mental Health Counseling
Viewpoint Mental Health Crisis Management
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Counseling
Recovery Place Mental Health Counseling
Q and R Consulting Mental Health Counseling
M. Lichtman Mental Health Counseling
M. Mills Mental Health Counseling
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
K. Fahey Mental Health Counseling
K. Mckenzie Individual Counseling
J. Saucerman Mental Health Counseling
Joye Psychological & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
JC Lewis Mental Health Counseling
I and R Mental Health Counseling
Hope Mental Health Counseling
HUGS Mental Health Counseling
Georgia Outreach Mental Health Counseling
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
E. Adams Mental Health Counseling
C. Williams & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
A. Richbourg Mental Health Counseling
A. Elam Mental Health Counseling
A. Burnsed- Geffen Mental Health Counseling
Access Mental Health Counseling
Atlantic Mental Health Counseling
Counseling Specialties
Programs that provide individual, conjoint, family or group treatment for people who are experiencing physical, sexual, emotional and/or other forms of abuse in the context a marital, parental, sibling or other family relationship or, in some instances, outside the family. Included are programs that provide therapeutic interventions for perpetrators and/or for individuals who have been victimized.
Georgia Outreach Mental Health Counseling
GHP Mental Health Counseling
Programs that are staffed by physicians who specialize in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of mental, emotional and behavior disorders. Psychiatrists have specialized training, knowledge and skills which enable them to explore the biologic, psychological and social components of illnesses; and are licensed to prescribe medication, conduct physical examinations, order and interpret laboratory tests and EEGs and order brain imaging studies such as CT, CAT, MRI and PET scans as well as evaluate and treat psychological and interpersonal problems and provide continuing psychiatric care.
YTA Mental Health Psychiatric Services
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Psychiatric Services
M. Lichtman Mental Health Psychiatric Services
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Psychiatric Services
JC Lewis Mental Health Psychiatric Services
A. Richbourg Mental Health Psychiatric Services
A. Burnsed-Geffen Mental Health Psychiatric Services
Access Mental Health Psychiatric Services
Programs that provide individual, group or family therapy for individuals who have problems related to the excessive use of alcohol and/or use of other drugs (and/or for their families) to help them better understand the nature of the disorder and support recovery efforts.
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
Clubhouse Mental Health Counseling
Counseling Specialties
A disorder affecting individuals who have experienced a psychologically traumatizing event which is characterized by re-experiencing the event through recurrent and intrusive recollections or dreams of the event, or the sudden feeling that the event was recurring; numbing of responsiveness or reduced involvement with the external world beginning sometime after the trauma; and/or one or a combination of other symptoms including hyperalertness or exaggerated startle response, sleep disturbance, guilt about surviving if others have not, memory or concentration impairment, avoidance of memories that recall the trauma and intensification of symptoms when exposed to events that symbolize or resemble the trauma.
C. Williams & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
Trauma Drama Mental Health Counseling
Barnabus Mental Health Counseling
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Counseling
Recovery Place Mental Health Counseling
I and R Mental Health Counseling
HUGS Mental Health Counseling
GHP Mental Health Counseling
Atlantic Mental Health Counseling
Counseling Specialties
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a psychotherapy that enables people to heal from the symptoms and emotional distress that are the result of disturbing life experiences. Repeated studies show that by using EMDR therapy people can experience the benefits of psychotherapy that once took years to make a difference. It is widely assumed that severe emotional pain requires a long time to heal. EMDR therapy shows that the mind can in fact heal from psychological trauma much as the body recovers from physical trauma. When you cut your hand, your body works to close the wound. If a foreign object or repeated injury irritates the wound, it festers and causes pain. Once the block is removed, healing resumes. EMDR therapy demonstrates that a similar sequence of events occurs with mental processes. The brain’s information processing system naturally moves toward mental health. If the system is blocked or imbalanced by the impact of a disturbing event, the emotional wound festers and can cause intense suffering. Once the block is removed, healing resumes. Using the detailed protocols and procedures learned in EMDR therapy training sessions, clinicians help clients activate their natural healing processes. For more information on EDMR therapy, please click on the following link:
A. Richbourg Mental Health Counseling
Counseling Specialties
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a brain disorder marked by an ongoing pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development.
Care More Counseling Mental Health Counseling
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Psychiatric Services
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Counseling
Recovery Place Psychiatric Services
Recovery Place Mental Health Counseling
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Psychiatric Services
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
Georgia Outreach Mental Health Counseling
Atlantic Mental Health Counseling
A. Richbourg Mental Health Psychiatric Services
A. Richbourg Mental Health Counseling
A. Burnsed-Geffen Mental Health Psychiatric Services
A. Burnsed- Geffen Mental Health Counseling
Access Mental Health Psychiatric Services
Access Mental Health Counseling
M. Lichtman Mental Health Psychiatric Services
M. Lichtman Mental Health Assessment
M. Lichtman Mental Health Counseling
M. Mills Mental Health Counseling
J. Saucerman Mental Health Counseling
Joye Psychological & Assoc. Autism Services
Joye Psychological & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
GHP Mental Health Support Services
GHP Mental Health Psychiatric Services
GHP Mental Health Assessment
GHP Mental Health Case Management
GHP Mental Health Crisis Management
GHP Mental Health Counseling
A. Elam Mental Health Assessments
A. Elam Mental Health Counseling
Community Support
Programs that provide structured therapy groups or other interventions which help recovering drug and/or excessive alcohol users make the cognitive, behavioral and attitudinal changes that are necessary to prevent them from returning to their previous patterns of use. The program helps participants deal in a very focused way with a wide variety of issues that have an impact on their commitment to sobriety and may include topics like exercise, nutrition, boredom, addictive behavior, looking forward, work and recovery, guilt and shame, the role of 12-step programs, staying busy, truthfulness, trust, repairing relationships, anger management, money management and dealing with feelings.
Clubhouse Mental Health Case Management
Clubhouse Mental Health Assessments
Clubhouse Mental Health Counseling
Counseling Specialties
Therapeutic interventions that help an individual identify and manage the expression of anger- making the expression appropriate and respectful to others.
Care More Counseling Mental Health Counseling
Recovery Place Substance Use Assessment
W. Immel Mental Health Counseling
Southeast Second Chance Mental Health Assessments
Southeast Second Chance Mental Health Counseling
Recovery Place Psychiatric Services
Recovery Place Mental Health Assessments
Recovery Place Mental Health Counseling
M. Mills Mental Health Counseling
J. Saucerman Mental Health Counseling
I and R Mental Health Assessment
I and R Mental Health Counseling
HUGS Mental Health Counseling
A. Richbourg Mental Health Psychiatric Services
A. Richbourg Mental Health Counseling
Community Support
Programs that attempt to reduce the incidence of bullying, a form of violence among children, on school playgrounds, in neighborhoods, in homes and on the Internet, through a variety of interventions which may include use of an anonymous questionnaire to assess the nature and prevalence of the problem, development and announcement of an intervention program, open discussions of bullying at school and in other venues, increased supervision of children in areas that are "hotspots" for bullying, arrangements for reporting bullying incidents, immediate intervention when bullying incidents occur, development of protective strategies for targets, formation of support groups for victims of bullies, discussions with parents of involved students, and engagement of community members in support of the program. Most bullying prevention programs are school based and target students in elementary, middle and junior high schools. Bullying can be physical, verbal, or psychological; and involves intentional, repeated hurtful acts, words and other behavior such as name-calling, threatening or shunning committed by one or more children against another.
YAP Mental Health Counseling
W. Immel Mental Health Counseling
Viewpoint Mental Health Support Services
Barnabus Mental Health Counseling
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Counseling
Recovery Place Mental Health Counseling
Q and R Consulting Mental Health Counseling
M. Lichtman Mental Health Counseling
M. Mills Mental Health Counseling
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
K. Mckenzie Individual Counseling
J. Saucerman Mental Health Counseling
Joye Psychological & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
JC Lewis Mental Health Counseling
I and R Mental Health Counseling
Hope Mental Health Counseling
HUGS Mental Health Counseling
Georgia Outreach Mental Health Counseling
GHP Mental Health Counseling
E. Adams Mental Health Counseling
C. Williams & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
Atlantic Mental Health Counseling
A. Richbourg Mental Health Counseling
A. Elam Mental Health Counseling
A. Burnsed- Geffen Mental Health Counseling
Access Mental Health Counseling
Autism Spectrum Disorder
A developmental disorder that affects communication and behavior, and includes symptoms that impair the individual's ability to function properly in school, work and other areas of life. Although autism can be diagnosed at any age, it is said to be a "developmental disorder" because symptoms generally appear in the first two years of life. Autism is also known as a "spectrum" disorder because there is wide variation in the type and severity of symptoms people experience. People with ASD have difficulty with social communication and interaction (e.g. lack of eye contact, voice tones that sound sing-song or robotic, facial expressions or gestures that don't match what is being said), restricted interests (e.g., intense interest in numbers, details, facts), restrictive/repetitive behavior (e.g., repeating words or phrases, getting upset at changes in routine or sensory input such as light or noise). People with ASD may also experience sleep problems or irritability, but also have many strengths including the ability to learn things in detail and remember information for long periods of time; being strong visual and auditory learners; and excelling in math, science, music or art. But although ASD can be a lifelong disorder and while children who have ASD have difficulty in talking, playing with other children, and relating to others, including their own family, treatment and services can improve their symptoms and ability to function.
MRCA ABA Therapy
MRCA Early Learning Academy
A. Burnsed-Geffen Psychological Testing
May Institute Mental Health Counseling
Q & R Autism Services
Joye Psychological & Assoc. Autism Services
C. Williams & Assoc. Autism Services
A. Burnsed-Geffen Autism Services
Community Support
Programs that offer a form of therapy which encourages individuals to achieve self-expression and emotional release by communicating their emotions and conflicts graphically through painting, drawing, sculpting and other art forms. Art therapy is based on the premise that the creative process involved in artistic self-expression helps people to resolve conflicts and problems, develop interpersonal skills, manage behavior, reduce stress, increase self-esteem and self-awareness and achieve insight. It is used both as a diagnostic tool and a treatment technique for people of all ages who have anxiety, depression and other mental and emotional problems and disorders; social and emotional difficulties related to disability and illness; trauma and loss; physical, cognitive and neurological problems; and psycho-social difficulties related to medical illness.
M. Mills Mental Health Counseling
Counseling Specialties
A developmental disorder that affects communication and behavior, and includes symptoms that impair the individual's ability to function properly in school, work and other areas of life. Although autism can be diagnosed at any age, it is said to be a "developmental disorder" because symptoms generally appear in the first two years of life. Autism is also known as a "spectrum" disorder because there is wide variation in the type and severity of symptoms people experience. People with ASD have difficulty with social communication and interaction (e.g. lack of eye contact, voice tones that sound sing-song or robotic, facial expressions or gestures that don't match what is being said), restricted interests (e.g., intense interest in numbers, details, facts), restrictive/repetitive behavior (e.g., repeating words or phrases, getting upset at changes in routine or sensory input such as light or noise). People with ASD may also experience sleep problems or irritability, but also have many strengths including the ability to learn things in detail and remember information for long periods of time; being strong visual and auditory learners; and excelling in math, science, music or art. But although ASD can be a lifelong disorder and while children who have ASD have difficulty in talking, playing with other children, and relating to others, including their own family, treatment and services can improve their symptoms and ability to function.
A. Burnsed-Geffen Psychological Testing
Joye Psychological & Assoc. Autism Services
A. Burnsed-Geffen Autism Services
C. Williams & Assoc. Autism Services
Q & R Autism Services
May Institute Autism Services
Families who, because of their economic or environmental situation or history or a health problem or disability, are considered more likely than others to follow a generational pattern of self-destructive behavior, criminal activity, gang involvement, substance abuse, child abuse, welfare dependency, chronic unemployment, homelessness, unwanted pregnancy and other problems which threaten the health, safety and/or personal development of family members.
Horizon Mental Health Counseling (Rincon)
Horizon Mental Health Counseling (Hinesville)
Care More Counseling Mental Health Counseling
YTA Mental Health Support Services
Viewpoint Mental Health Crisis Management
Southeast Second Chance Mental Health Counseling
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Counseling
Recovery Place Mental Health Counseling
Q and R Consulting Mental Health Counseling
May Institute Mental Health Counseling
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
Atlantic Mental Health Counseling
Joye Psychological & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
I and R Mental Health Counseling
Horizon Mental Health Counseling
Hope Mental Health Counseling
HUGS Mental Health Counseling
Georgia Outreach Mental Health Counseling
GHP Mental Health Counseling
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
EPACT Mental Health Counseling
C. Williams & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
Access Mental Health Counseling
Psychiatric Services
A developmental disorder that affects communication and behavior, and includes symptoms that impair the individual's ability to function properly in school, work and other areas of life. Although autism can be diagnosed at any age, it is said to be a "developmental disorder" because symptoms generally appear in the first two years of life. Autism is also known as a "spectrum" disorder because there is wide variation in the type and severity of symptoms people experience. People with ASD have difficulty with social communication and interaction (e.g. lack of eye contact, voice tones that sound sing-song or robotic, facial expressions or gestures that don't match what is being said), restricted interests (e.g., intense interest in numbers, details, facts), restrictive/repetitive behavior (e.g., repeating words or phrases, getting upset at changes in routine or sensory input such as light or noise). People with ASD may also experience sleep problems or irritability, but also have many strengths including the ability to learn things in detail and remember information for long periods of time; being strong visual and auditory learners; and excelling in math, science, music or art. But although ASD can be a lifelong disorder and while children who have ASD have difficulty in talking, playing with other children, and relating to others, including their own family, treatment and services can improve their symptoms and ability to function.
A. Burnsed-Geffen Psychological Testing
Viewpoint Mental Health Crisis Management
May Institute Autism Services
May Institute Mental Health Counseling
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
C. Williams & Assoc. Autism Services
Q & R Autism Services
Q and R Consulting Mental Health Counseling
Joye Psychological & Assoc. Autism Services
Joye Psychological & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
A. Burnsed-Geffen Autism Services
A. Burnsed-Geffen Mental Health Psychiatric Services
A. Burnsed- Geffen Mental Health Counseling
Community Support
Programs that specialize in providing therapeutic interventions that utilize classical and operant conditioning techniques including positive and negative reinforcement, systematic desensitization, covert sensitization, relaxation training and aversion techniques to reduce or eliminate maladaptive behavior.
SCCPSS Specialized Instruction
May Institute Mental Health Counseling
Q and R Consulting Mental Health Counseling
Georgia Outreach Mental Health Counseling
Hope Mental Health Counseling
Programs that provide screening, diagnostic and treatment planning services for people who are experiencing acute or chronic psychiatric problems. Included is a continuum of assessment services ranging from a comprehensive psychiatric or psychological evaluation to the administration of one or a combination of psychological tests to examine a particular personality variable. Services may be provided in a variety of settings including hospitals and community-based clinics.
YTA Mental Health Assessments
Clubhouse Mental Health Assessments
Southeast Second Chance Mental Health Assessments
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Assessment
Recovery Place Mental Health Assessments
M. Lichtman Mental Health Assessment
May Institute Mental Health Assessment
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Assessment
JC Lewis Mental Health Assessment
I and R Mental Health Assessment
Georgia Outreach Mental Health Assessment
GHP Mental Health Assessment
EPACT Mental Health Assessment
A. Elam Mental Health Assessments
Access Mental Health Assessments
Case Management
Programs that develop plans for the evaluation, treatment and/or care of individuals who, because of age, illness, disability or other difficulties, need assistance in planning and arranging for services; which assess the individual's needs; coordinate the delivery of needed services; ensure that services are obtained in accordance with the case plan; and follow up and monitor progress to ensure that services are having a beneficial impact on the individual. Case management is a collaborative process characterized by communication, advocacy and resource management to promote high quality, cost-effective interventions and outcomes.
Care More Counseling Mental Health Case Management
YTA Mental Health Case Management
Clubhouse Mental Health Case Management
Clubhouse Mental Health Case Management
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Case Management
JC Lewis Mental Health Case Management
GHP Mental Health Case Management
EPACT Mental Health Case Management
Access Mental Health Case Management
Case Management
Programs that develop case plans for the evaluation, treatment and/or care of individuals who have mental, emotional or social problems and need assistance in arranging for services; which assess the individual's needs; coordinate the delivery of needed services; ensure that services are obtained in accordance with the case plan; and follow up and monitor progress to ensure that services are having a beneficial impact on the problem.
YTA Mental Health Psychiatric Services
Clubhouse Mental Health Psychiatric Services
M. Lichtman Mental Health Psychiatric Services
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Psychiatric Services
JC Lewis Mental Health Psychiatric Services
GHP Mental Health Psychiatric Services
A. Richbourg Mental Health Psychiatric Services
A. Burnsed-Geffen Mental Health Psychiatric Services
Access Mental Health Psychiatric Services
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Case Management
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Psychiatric Services
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Assessment
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Counseling
Counseling Specialties
Programs that offer personal therapeutic sessions in which the therapist works on a one-to-one basis with clients to help them resolve their mental, emotional or social problems.
Care More Counseling Mental Health Counseling
YTA Mental Health Assessments
YTA Mental Health Psychiatric Services
YAP Mental Health Counseling
W. Immel Mental Health Counseling
Viewpoint Mental Health Crisis Management
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Assessment
Barnabus Mental Health Counseling
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Psychiatric Services
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Counseling
Recovery Place Mental Health Assessments
Recovery Place Psychiatric Services
Recovery Place Mental Health Counseling
Q and R Consulting Mental Health Counseling
M. Lichtman Mental Health Psychiatric Services
M. Lichtman Mental Health Assessment
M. Lichtman Mental Health Counseling
M. Mills Mental Health Counseling
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Psychiatric Services
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Crisis Management
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Assessment
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
K. Fahey Mental Health Counseling
K. Mckenzie Individual Counseling
J. Saucerman Mental Health Counseling
Joye Psychological & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
JC Lewis Mental Health Assessment
JC Lewis Mental Health Psychiatric Services
JC Lewis Mental Health Counseling
I and R Mental Health Assessment
I and R Mental Health Counseling
Hope Mental Health Counseling
HUGS Mental Health Counseling
Georgia Outreach Mental Health Assessment
Georgia Outreach Mental Health Counseling
GHP Mental Health Assessment
GHP Mental Health Psychiatric Services
GHP Mental Health Crisis Management
GHP Mental Health Counseling
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
E. Adams Mental Health Counseling
EPACT Mental Health Assessment
EPACT Mental Health Counseling
C. Williams & Assoc. Mental Health Crisis Management
C. Williams & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
Atlantic Mental Health Counseling
A. Richbourg Mental Health Psychiatric Services
A. Richbourg Mental Health Counseling
A. Elam Mental Health Assessments
A. Elam Mental Health Counseling
…6 more
Counseling Specialties
Programs that provide opportunities for people to learn and practice yoga, a discipline that combines stretching exercises, breathing techniques and meditation to achieve fitness, flexibility, relaxation and internal centering.
Hope Mental Health Counseling
Psychiatric Services
Institutions whose primary function is to provide diagnostic and long or short-term treatment services for children and adolescents from infancy through age 17 who have acute psychiatric disorders, require hospitalization for maximum benefit, and who may be a threat to themselves, to their families or to others if left in the community or placed in a less restrictive treatment setting. Services may include a comprehensive evaluation; 24-hour care in a supportive, therapeutic environment; counseling for the patient and family; adjunctive therapies, as needed; medication, if required; and an aftercare program following discharge.
Psychiatric Services
Voluntary, person-centered membership programs for people with a history of mental illness that offer social, recreational, prevocational and vocational rehabilitation services within the context of a supportive and structured environment where members can be involved in meaningful activities which help them regain a sense of self-worth, purpose and confidence and enhance their ability to sustain independent living. Members establish their own schedules within an ordered day, choose the activities they will regularly participate in, and are actively engaged and supported by staff and other members in the activities and tasks they have chosen. Services provided through the group experience of the ordered day include a wide array of skill development activities and training designed to assist the member to gain control of debilitative aspects of their illness, acquire personal and social competencies, and establish and navigate environmental support systems. Also included are clubhouse model programs for other populations such as people with brain injuries.
Programs that provide structured therapy groups or other interventions which help recovering drug and/or excessive alcohol users make the cognitive, behavioral and attitudinal changes that are necessary to prevent them from returning to their previous patterns of use. The program helps participants deal in a very focused way with a wide variety of issues that have an impact on their commitment to sobriety and may include topics like exercise, nutrition, boredom, addictive behavior, looking forward, work and recovery, guilt and shame, the role of 12-step programs, staying busy, truthfulness, trust, repairing relationships, anger management, money management and dealing with feelings.
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
Clubhouse Mental Health Counseling
Counseling Specialties
Cognitive Behavioral therapy is an action-oriented form of psychosocial therapy that assumes that maladaptive, or faulty, thinking patterns cause maladaptive behavior and "negative" emotions. (Maladaptive behavior is behavior that is counter-productive or interferes with everyday living.) The treatment focuses on changing an individual's thoughts (cognitive patterns) in order to change his or her behavior and emotional state. For more information, click on the following link:
Trauma Drama Mental Health Counseling
Southeast Second Chance Mental Health Counseling
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Counseling
Recovery Place Mental Health Counseling
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
GHP Mental Health Counseling
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
Atlantic Mental Health Counseling
A. Richbourg Mental Health Counseling
A. Elam Mental Health Counseling
Access Mental Health Counseling
A. Burnsed- Geffen Mental Health Counseling
Counseling Specialties
Child & Adolescent Services are basic outpatient services for youth under the age of 18 years old in need of Mental Health or Addictive Disease services. Youth aged 18-21 years (children still in high school or when it is otherwise developmentally/ clinically indicated) may be served to assist with transitioning to adult services. Services consist of evaluations by both a psychiatrist and a nurse; the development of a treatment plan, which may include prescription medication; a schedule of appointments for outpatient counseling and home visits by a community support worker.
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Assessment
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Counseling
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Assessment
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
Access Mental Health Assessments
GHP Mental Health Assessment
GHP Mental Health Counseling
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
Access Mental Health Counseling
Programs that provide guidance and support in resolving personal, social or psychological problems through an interactive process that encourages patients to make maximum use of their assets, strengthen effective existing defenses while eliminating those that are maladaptive, gain insight into conscious or unconscious conflicts, modify their goals and make other decisions that will help them improve their personal and interpersonal functioning and deal effectively with troubling situations in their lives.
Care More Counseling Mental Health Counseling
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Counseling
HUGS Mental Health Counseling
Clubhouse Mental Health Counseling
Programs that provide guidance and support in resolving personal, social or psychological problems through an interactive process that encourages patients to make maximum use of their assets, strengthen effective existing defenses while eliminating those that are maladaptive, gain insight into conscious or unconscious conflicts, modify their goals and make other decisions that will help them improve their personal and interpersonal functioning and deal effectively with troubling situations in their lives.
LGBT Youth Talkline
Care More Counseling Mental Health Counseling
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
Atlantic Mental Health Counseling
K. Fahey Mental Health Counseling
YAP Mental Health Counseling
Barnabus Mental Health Counseling
Southeast Second Chance Mental Health Counseling
Recovery Place Mental Health Counseling
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Counseling
Q and R Consulting Mental Health Counseling
M. Mills Mental Health Counseling
E. Adams Mental Health Counseling
GHP Mental Health Counseling
M. Lichtman Mental Health Counseling
May Institute Mental Health Counseling
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
J. Saucerman Mental Health Counseling
Joye Psychological & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
JC Lewis Mental Health Counseling
Hope Mental Health Counseling
EPACT Mental Health Counseling
HUGS Mental Health Counseling
I and R Mental Health Counseling
Georgia Outreach Mental Health Counseling
C. Williams & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
A. Richbourg Mental Health Counseling
A. Elam Mental Health Counseling
A. Burnsed- Geffen Mental Health Counseling
Mental Health/Developmental Disabilities Crisis Management
Programs that provide immediate access to support and advice for people who are in distress with the objective of defusing the emotional impact of the crisis, ensuring the person's safety and helping the person to take the next steps toward resolving the problem. Hotlines/helplines are generally staffed by trained volunteers who are available via the telephone, email, live chat, texting and/or instant message (IM).
LGBT Youth Talkline
LGBTQ Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Line
Youth Crisis Text Line
Suicide Prevention Lifeline
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
Mental Health/Developmental Disabilities Crisis Management
Programs that provide immediate assistance for people who are in acute emotional distress; who are or perceive themselves to be in life-threatening situations; who are a danger to themselves or to others; or who are hysterical, frightened or otherwise unable to cope with a problem that requires immediate action. The objective of crisis intervention is to defuse the critical nature of the situation, ensure the person's safety, and return the individual to a state of equilibrium in which he or she is capable of identifying and seeking solutions to the problem.
LGBT Youth Talkline
LGBTQ Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Line
Care More Counseling Mental Health Crisis Management
Care More Counseling Mental Health Counseling
YAP Mental Health Counseling
Viewpoint Mental Health Crisis Management
Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Assessment
GHP Mental Health Crisis Management
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
C. Williams & Assoc. Mental Health Crisis Management
Access Mental Health Crisis Management
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Crisis Management
Counseling Specialties
Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) provides clients with new skills to manage painful emotions and decrease conflict in relationships. DBT specifically focuses on providing therapeutic skills in four key areas. First, mindfulness focuses on improving an individual's ability to accept and be present in the current moment. Second, distress tolerance is geared toward increasing a person’s tolerance of negative emotion, rather than trying to escape from it. Third, emotion regulation covers strategies to manage and change intense emotions that are causing problems in a person’s life. Fourth, interpersonal effectiveness consists of techniques that allow a person to communicate with others in a way that is assertive, maintains self-respect, and strengthens relationships. To read more about Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), click on the following link:
C. Williams & Assoc. Autism Services
C. Williams & Assoc. Mental Health Crisis Management
C. Williams & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
Community Support
A severe, chronic disability that is attributable to a cognitive, neurological or physical impairment or a combination of cognitive, neurological and physical impairments; that is manifested during the developmental period (prior to age 22); that is likely to continue indefinitely; and that results in substantial functional limitations in three or more areas of major life activity including self-care, receptive and expressive language, learning, mobility, self-direction, capacity for independent living, and economic self-sufficiency.
GA PINES Deaf Vision Loss Early Intervention Services
GSAP Deaf Blind CVI School-Aged Services
GSAP Deaf Blind CVI Early Intervention Services
Children's Medical Services
Babies Can't Wait Early Intervention Services
MRCA Early Learning Academy
SCCPSS Specialized Instruction
Clubhouse Mental Health Counseling
Hope Mental Health Counseling
Developmental Disabilities
A severe, chronic disability that is attributable to a cognitive, neurological or physical impairment or a combination of cognitive, neurological and physical impairments; that is manifested during the developmental period (prior to age 22); that is likely to continue indefinitely; and that results in substantial functional limitations in three or more areas of major life activity including self-care, receptive and expressive language, learning, mobility, self-direction, capacity for independent living, and economic self-sufficiency.
GA PINES Deaf Vision Loss Early Intervention Services
MRCA Early Learning Academy
Disability Advocacy IEP Support Services
GSAP Deaf Blind CVI School-Aged Services
Developmental Disabilities Support
Children's Medical Services
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
Developmental Disabilities
Programs that identify infants, toddlers and in some cases, preschoolers who show evidence of or are at risk for lags in physical development, cognitive development, language and speech development, psychosocial development or self-help skills, and provide or coordinate the delivery of an enrichment program in order to minimize the potential for a developmental delay and to meet their current developmental needs. The program may include early identification activities (child find); a developmental evaluation; a review of family concerns, priorities and resources; meetings with the family to develop an individualized family service plan; service coordination to ensure that the individual and his or her family receive needed services which may include but are not limited to physical therapy, occupational therapy, audiology, health/medical services, nursing services, nutrition services, psychological services including specialized play groups or therapy sessions, counseling, speech and language assistance, special instructional services, transportation, and parenting skills development; and ongoing evaluation of the child's progress and his or her changing enrichment needs. Included are "birth to three" programs and federal, state or local programs that address the needs of slightly older children or children not otherwise eligible for "birth to three" programs.
MRCA Early Learning Academy
GA PINES Deaf Vision Loss Early Intervention Services
GSAP Deaf Blind CVI Early Intervention Services
SCCPSS Pre-School Intervention
Early Hearing Detection and Intervention
Babies Can't Wait Early Intervention Services
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
Certified Peer Support Specialist for Families
Programs that provide advocacy and/or other forms of legal assistance for students, their families, advocates and others who have issues that have an impact on the learning environment in public and private educational institutions and affect the ability of students to attend and succeed in school. Specific issues may include school choice, student discipline and dismissal, search and seizure, privacy rights, freedom of expression, religion in schools, student testing, student achievement, promotion and retention policies, graduation requirements, student use of the Internet and other technologies, bullying on campus, student-to-student sexual harassment and school safety. General education advocacy relates to issues that have relevance for all students rather than focusing more narrowly on those related to special education.
Autism Training and Advocacy
Disability Advocacy IEP Support Services
YTA Mental Health Support Services
YAP Mental Health Counseling
Viewpoint Mental Health Support Services
Clubhouse Mental Health Support Services
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Support Services
Q and R Consulting Mental Health Support Services
May Institute Mental Health Support Services
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Support Services
Hope Mental Health Counseling
Georgia Outreach Mental Health Support Services
GHP Mental Health Support Services
Access Mental Health Support Services
Mental Health/Developmental Disabilities Crisis Management
Programs that provide immediate assistance for people who are in acute emotional distress; who are or perceive themselves to be in life-threatening situations; who are a danger to themselves or to others; or who are hysterical, frightened or otherwise unable to cope with a problem that requires immediate action. The objective of crisis intervention is to defuse the critical nature of the situation, ensure the person's safety, and return the individual to a state of equilibrium in which he or she is capable of identifying and seeking solutions to the problem.
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
Community Support
YTA Mental Health Case Management
Counseling Specialties
Executive function and self-regulation skills are the mental processes that enable us to plan, focus attention, remember instructions, and juggle multiple tasks successfully. These skills are crucial for learning and development. They also enable positive behavior and allow us to make healthy choices for ourselves and our families.
Q & R Autism Services
Q and R Consulting Mental Health Support Services
Q and R Consulting Mental Health Counseling
Counseling Specialties
ERP involves exposure to the feared stimuli (the exposure part of treatment) and simultaneous prevention of a ritual, which is typically performed in the face of the anxiety-provoking stimuli or obsession (the response prevention part of treatment).
A. Burnsed- Geffen Mental Health Counseling
Certified Peer Support Specialist for Families
Programs that specialize in providing therapeutic interventions which focus on helping people relate to and resolve their problems and concerns in the context of their religious/spiritual beliefs. Services are typically provided by ministers, rabbis, priests, imams or lay representatives of a religious tradition who integrate modern psychological thought and methods with traditional religious training. Included are pastoral counseling programs which are offered in a variety of settings including pastoral counseling centers, inpatient and outpatient mental health facilities and in private practice; chaplaincy services where non-denominational clerics are attached to a secular institution such as a hospital, prison, military unit, school, business, police department, fire department, university or private chapel; and other religious counseling disciplines.
J. Saucerman Mental Health Counseling
Access Mental Health Case Management
Barnabus Mental Health Counseling
HUGS Mental Health Counseling
Certified Peer Support Specialist for Families
Programs that provide a wide variety of social services that are designed to support healthy family development, improve the family's ability to resolve problems (such as poverty, unemployment, ill health, homelessness, substandard housing, educational difficulties, substance abuse, adolescent pregnancy, delinquency and physical and developmental problems) and prevent the need for unnecessary placement of children in foster care, group homes, inpatient substance abuse or mental health treatment programs, residential training schools or other alternative environments when family problems reach crisis proportions. Services may include home visiting services that focus on public health issues (especially prenatal), mental health and substance abuse counseling, home management instruction, success in a child care setting, parenting skills development, stress management, tutoring, pregnancy awareness and AIDS awareness; may be available to the community at large, to families at risk for dissolution or those currently in crisis; and may be offered by a single agency or a coalition of agencies that have agreed to provide services according to a coordinated case plan.
Care More Counseling Mental Health Counseling
YAP Mental Health Counseling
Viewpoint Mental Health Support Services
Clubhouse Mental Health Case Management
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Case Management
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
GHP Mental Health Case Management
EPACT Mental Health Case Management
Programs that provide a variety of short-term, intensive, home-based intervention services for families experiencing a crisis that is so severe that children are at imminent risk for placement outside the family setting. Services, which are aimed at ameliorating the underlying causes of family dysfunction, are generally time-limited, of fairly short duration and available on a 24-hour basis. Also included are other family preservation program models whose programs vary in terms of the population served, the level of intensity of services provided and the length of services. The objective of family preservation programs is to preserve the family as a unit and prevent unnecessary placement of the children in foster care, a group home, an inpatient substance abuse or mental health treatment program, a residential training school or other alternative living arrangement.
EPACT Mental Health Counseling
Community Support
Programs offered by community and law enforcement agencies that attempt to reduce the incidence of gang violence by providing counseling, recreational activities and other preventive alternatives; and/or by establishing direct contact with gang members, mediating intergang disputes, facilitating intergang communication and mobilizing the community to support gangs in finding nonviolent ways to reconcile their differences.
YTA Mental Health Support Services
YAP Mental Health Counseling
Trauma Drama Mental Health Counseling
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Counseling
Recovery Place Mental Health Counseling
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
JC Lewis Mental Health Counseling
HUGS Mental Health Counseling
I and R Mental Health Counseling
Georgia Outreach Mental Health Counseling
GHP Mental Health Counseling
C. Williams & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
Atlantic Mental Health Counseling
Access Mental Health Counseling
Counseling Specialties
Programs that provide emotional support, information and guidance in a variety of settings for individuals whose gender identity is not in harmony with their birth assignment, and who may have a desire to change their biological sexual characteristics to conform physically with their perception of self and want to explore their options including hormone replacement therapy, gender transition and/or reassignment through surgery.
C. Williams & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
Counseling Specialties
Bereavement is the state of loss when someone close to an individual has died. The death of a loved one is one of the greatest sorrows that can occur in one's life. People's responses to grief will vary depending upon the circumstances of the death, but grief is a normal, healthy response to loss. Feelings of bereavement can also accompany other losses, such as the decline of one's health or the health of a close other, or the end of an important relationship. Read more about it:
Care More Counseling Mental Health Counseling
Recovery Place Mental Health Counseling
Hope Mental Health Counseling
Georgia Outreach Mental Health Counseling
Atlantic Mental Health Counseling
Barnabus Mental Health Counseling
M. Lichtman Mental Health Psychiatric Services
M. Lichtman Mental Health Assessment
M. Lichtman Mental Health Counseling
M. Mills Mental Health Counseling
J. Saucerman Mental Health Counseling
GHP Mental Health Assessment
GHP Mental Health Counseling
Counseling Specialties
Programs that provide individual and group counseling and other forms of treatment for individuals who compulsively acquire and are unable to discard and/or properly organize possessions (often items of little value to others such as old newspapers, containers, clothing that may someday be "useful") which clutter their homes, sometimes making them almost unlivable. Therapy generally focuses on understanding hoarding behavior, controlling the excessive urge to acquire possessions, having less difficulty discarding or letting go of the items they have accumulated, sorting and removing possessions, and developing problem solving and organizational skills to manage the items they have decided to retain.
I and R Mental Health Assessment
I and R Mental Health Counseling
Counseling Specialties
Programs that have the health care perspective that focuses on the integration of the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of a person, emphasizing the importance of perceiving the individual, regardless of symptoms, as a being who requires balance and harmony in all of these aspects, both internally and in relationship to the environment.
HUGS Mental Health Counseling
Certified Peer Support Specialist for Families
Programs that develop plans for the evaluation, treatment and/or care of individuals who, because of age, illness, disability or other difficulties, need assistance in planning and arranging for services; which assess the individual's needs; coordinate the delivery of needed services; ensure that services are obtained in accordance with the case plan; and follow up and monitor progress to ensure that services are having a beneficial impact on the individual. Case management is a collaborative process characterized by communication, advocacy and resource management to promote high quality, cost-effective interventions and outcomes.
Viewpoint Mental Health Support Services
Viewpoint Mental Health Crisis Management
Community Support
Programs that assist people who have disabilities to learn the basic skills of daily living through individual and group counseling and instruction, experience and practice in coping with real or simulated life situational demands; or through the use of assistive devices, special equipment and specialized assistants. Services include but are not limited to training in the ability to travel about the community alone; to live independently in a private residence; to maintain health through self-care and use of medical services; to live within personal income; to maintain acceptable grooming and appearance; to deal with legal, family or social problems; and to cope with other requirements for successful independent living.
YTA Mental Health Support Services
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Support Services
HUGS Mental Health Counseling
Counseling Specialties
IFI stands for Intensive Family Intervention. IFI services are intended to improve family functioning by clinically stabilizing the living arrangement, promoting reunification or preventing the utilization of out of home therapeutic venues.
GHP Mental Health Counseling
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
YAP Mental Health Counseling
Community Support
Programs that provide opportunities for children and youth to participate in a wide range of recreational, cultural, social and civic activities through membership in clubs, scout troops and other youth groups whose purpose is to help youngsters develop their potential and grow into healthy, educated, responsible and productive adults.
Counseling Specialties
Programs that provide information and/or services that deal with the topic of LGBTQ individuals and their interests. The LGBTQ population includes people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, two-spirit, queer or questioning.
C. Williams & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
Community Support
Programs that offer training which focuses on the knowledge and skills an individual may need to live independently or make a successful transition to independent living. Participants may include runaway youth who are living on their own, youth who because of age can no longer be maintained in foster care, new widows, victims of domestic abuse, people who have previously been homeless, and others who have lived in an environment in which decision making and responsibilities of daily living have been handled by another as well as people currently living independently who want to be more effective. Training may address job search and retention, money management, insurance, taxes, rental agreements, vehicle purchase, nutrition, home management, health care, legal emancipation for teens and other similar topics.
Care More Counseling Mental Health Counseling
YTA Mental Health Support Services
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Support Services
HUGS Mental Health Counseling
Programs that offer training which focuses on the knowledge and skills an individual may need to live independently or make a successful transition to independent living. Participants may include runaway youth who are living on their own, youth who because of age can no longer be maintained in foster care, new widows, victims of domestic abuse, people who have previously been homeless, and others who have lived in an environment in which decision making and responsibilities of daily living have been handled by another as well as people currently living independently who want to be more effective. Training may address job search and retention, money management, insurance, taxes, rental agreements, vehicle purchase, nutrition, home management, health care, legal emancipation for teens and other similar topics.
C. Williams & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Counseling
HUGS Mental Health Counseling
Psychiatric Services
Care More Counseling Mental Health Counseling
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Psychiatric Services
Clubhouse Mental Health Psychiatric Services
YTA Mental Health Psychiatric Services
Recovery Place Psychiatric Services
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Psychiatric Services
JC Lewis Mental Health Psychiatric Services
GHP Mental Health Psychiatric Services
A. Richbourg Mental Health Psychiatric Services
A. Burnsed-Geffen Mental Health Psychiatric Services
M. Lichtman Mental Health Psychiatric Services
M. Lichtman Mental Health Assessment
M. Lichtman Mental Health Counseling
Access Mental Health Psychiatric Services
Mental Health/Developmental Disabilities Crisis Management
Programs that provide diagnostic and treatment services for individuals whose psychiatric problems or other emotional difficulties are not severe enough to require 24-hour care but who can benefit from regular consultation and therapy with a mental health professional.
Horizon Mental Health Counseling (Rincon)
Horizon Mental Health Counseling (Hinesville)
Care More Counseling Mental Health Counseling
W. Immel Mental Health Counseling
Trauma Drama Mental Health Counseling
Clubhouse Mental Health Counseling
Barnabus Mental Health Counseling
Southeast Second Chance Mental Health Counseling
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Counseling
Recovery Place Mental Health Counseling
Q and R Consulting Mental Health Counseling
Nelson Mental Health Counseling
M. Lichtman Mental Health Counseling
M. Mills Mental Health Counseling
May Institute Mental Health Counseling
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
K. Fahey Mental Health Counseling
K. Mckenzie Individual Counseling
J. Saucerman Mental Health Counseling
Joye Psychological & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
JC Lewis Mental Health Counseling
I and R Mental Health Counseling
Horizon Mental Health Counseling
Hope Mental Health Counseling
HUGS Mental Health Counseling
Georgia Outreach Mental Health Counseling
GHP Mental Health Counseling
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
E. Adams Mental Health Counseling
C. Williams & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
Atlantic Mental Health Counseling
A. Richbourg Mental Health Counseling
A. Elam Mental Health Counseling
A. Burnsed- Geffen Mental Health Counseling
Access Mental Health Counseling
Community Support
Programs like Big Brothers or Big Sisters which provide male or female adult companionship, guidance and/or role models for young men or women who are from families in which adult figures of the same sex are absent or available on a limited and inadequate basis or who are troubled and at risk for delinquency. Also included are programs in which people in their teens provide companionship for younger children.
Counseling Specialties
Atlantic Mental Health Counseling
J. Saucerman Mental Health Counseling
Mental Health/Developmental Disabilities Crisis Management
Mobile psychiatric emergency teams composed of designated mental health workers (psychiatrists, RN's, MSW's, psychologists, psychiatric technicians) in any combination which intervene in situations where an individual's mental or emotional condition results in behavior which constitutes an imminent danger to him or herself or to another and is unwilling to seek voluntary treatment. These teams are generally operated by county mental health agencies and have the authority to issue an order which authorizes involuntary inpatient hospitalization for up to 72 hours.
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
Counseling Specialties
Mood disorder is defined by the DSM (diagnostic statistical manual) as: a psychiatric disorder in which the principal feature is mood disturbance. Mood disorders include the depressive disorders (e.g., MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDER, DYSTHYMIC DISORDER), the BIPOLAR DISORDERS, MOOD DISORDERS DUE TO A GENERAL MEDICAL CONDITION, SUBSTANCE-INDUCED mood disorder, and not otherwise specified, which does not meet the diagnostic criteria for any of the specific mood disorders. Mood disorders can affect both females and males equally- they typically become noticeable after life events shock an individual into mood or depressive disorders. For more information, click the following link:
Horizon Mental Health Counseling (Rincon)
Horizon Mental Health Counseling (Hinesville)
YTA Mental Health Assessments
YAP Mental Health Counseling
W. Immel Mental Health Counseling
Viewpoint Mental Health Crisis Management
Barnabus Mental Health Counseling
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Counseling
Recovery Place Mental Health Counseling
Q and R Consulting Mental Health Counseling
Nelson Mental Health Counseling
M. Lichtman Mental Health Counseling
M. Mills Mental Health Counseling
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
K. Fahey Mental Health Counseling
K. Mckenzie Individual Counseling
J. Saucerman Mental Health Counseling
Joye Psychological & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
JC Lewis Mental Health Counseling
I and R Mental Health Counseling
Horizon Mental Health Counseling
Hope Mental Health Counseling
HUGS Mental Health Counseling
Georgia Outreach Mental Health Counseling
GHP Mental Health Counseling
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
E. Adams Mental Health Counseling
Atlantic Mental Health Counseling
A. Richbourg Mental Health Counseling
A. Elam Mental Health Counseling
A. Burnsed- Geffen Mental Health Counseling
Access Mental Health Counseling
C. Williams & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
Counseling Specialties
Motivational interviewing is a counseling method that helps people resolve ambivalent feelings and insecurities to find the internal motivation they need to change their behavior. It is a practical, empathetic, and short-term process that takes into consideration how difficult it is to make life changes.
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Counseling
Clubhouse Mental Health Counseling
Access Mental Health Counseling
Recovery Place Mental Health Counseling
Counseling Specialties
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder in which people experience unwanted and repeated thoughts, feelings, images, or sensations (obsessions) and engage in behaviors or mental acts (compulsions) in response. Often a person with OCD carries out the compulsions to temporarily eliminate or reduce the impact of obsessions, and not performing them causes distress. OCD varies in severity, but if left untreated, it can limit one's ability to function at work, school, or home. For more information concerning Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, click the following link:
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
A. Burnsed- Geffen Mental Health Counseling
Counseling Specialties
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
Southeast Second Chance Mental Health Counseling
Georgia Outreach Mental Health Assessment
HUGS Mental Health Counseling
Georgia Outreach Mental Health Counseling
Certified Peer Support Specialist for Families
Programs that provide a wide variety of therapeutic interventions for parents who are experiencing emotional difficulties or conflicts concerning their role as parents. Included are individual or group counseling for one or both parents or conjoint parent counseling which focuses on and explores the mental, emotional or social problems of the individual(s) which contribute to their parenting problems.
Care More Counseling Mental Health Counseling
Southeast Second Chance Mental Health Counseling
Recovery Place Mental Health Counseling
Q and R Consulting Mental Health Counseling
May Institute Mental Health Counseling
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Assessment
I and R Mental Health Counseling
Hope Mental Health Counseling
HUGS Mental Health Counseling
GHP Mental Health Counseling
EPACT Mental Health Counseling
C. Williams & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
Access Mental Health Counseling
Programs that provide classes, workshops or other educational opportunities for parents or potential parents who want to acquire the knowledge and skills to be effective in their parenting role.
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
HUGS Mental Health Counseling
Barnabus Mental Health Counseling
Support Services
Mutual support groups for parents who share a common characteristic or circumstance such as being single parents, dual career parents, multiple birth parents, parents with children who are out of control, or parents of children with disabilities, who come together for educational and social purposes as well as for mutual support. Meeting formats may include in-person, telephone or Internet options.
Viewpoint Mental Health Support Services
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Support Services
Q and R Consulting Mental Health Support Services
HUGS Mental Health Counseling
Certified Peer Support Specialist for Families
Mutual support groups whose members are individuals who have experiences relating to adoption, birth control, family planning, pregnancy, childbirth, foster care, kinship care, marriage, parenting, separation/divorce, single parenting, step families, blended families, grandparent rights or other family situations. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet; and provide an opportunity for participants to share their experience, strengths and hopes, understand their relationships and work through related emotions.
Certified Peer Support Specialist for Families
An occupational title for individuals with "lived experience" who have been trained and certified to work with individuals who have struggles pertaining to mental health, psychological trauma or substance use. Peer support specialists can work with individuals as they develop and implement a personal recovery plan, which can also serve as a contract for engagement. Tasks may include assisting their peers in articulating their goals for recovery, learning and practicing new skills, helping them monitor their progress, supporting them in their treatment, modeling effective coping techniques and self help strategies based on their own recovery experience, and supporting them in advocating for themselves to obtain effective services. Peer specialists may work in a variety of different settings. Some may work alongside mental health providers in clinical settings such as hospitals and crisis centers. Others may work in independent, peer-run organizations. Peer specialists may also work on support teams in housing agencies or employment organizations, or may work on case management.
Care More Counseling Mental Health Counseling
YTA Mental Health Support Services
Viewpoint Mental Health Crisis Management
EPACT Mental Health Counseling
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Support Services
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Support Services
Certified Peer Support Specialist for Families
Programs that provide classes, workshops or other educational opportunities for parents or potential parents who want to acquire the knowledge and skills to be effective in their parenting role.
HUGS Mental Health Counseling
EPACT Mental Health Counseling
Programs that provide classes, workshops or other educational opportunities for parents or potential parents who want to acquire the knowledge and skills to be effective in their parenting role.
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Support Services
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Psychiatric Services
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Assessment
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Crisis Management
Counseling Specialties
Programs that help veterans with PTSD, inmates serving a sentence in prison, emotionally disturbed individuals or people who are isolated improve their personal and social functioning by giving them an opportunity to take responsibility for and/or relate to a domestic animal.
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
Hope Mental Health Counseling
Counseling Specialties
Disorders that are characterized by intense and sometimes disabling fear reactions to a specific object or situation that poses little or no actual danger. The level of fear is usually recognized by the individual as being irrational. The most common phobias in the general population involve fear of animals (particularly dogs, snakes, insects and mice), fear of heights (acrophobia) and fear of closed spaces (claustrophobia).
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
M. Lichtman Mental Health Psychiatric Services
M. Lichtman Mental Health Assessment
M. Lichtman Mental Health Counseling
Counseling Specialties
Programs that utilize play as a form of catharsis to enable children to express feelings and emotions which, if allowed to build up, could cause or further maladjustment. Play therapy is also used as a tool for diagnosing the source of a child's difficulty.
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
May Institute Mental Health Counseling
Hope Mental Health Counseling
Community Support
Programs that provide opportunities for children and youth to participate in a wide range of recreational, cultural, social and civic activities through membership in clubs, scout troops and other youth groups whose purpose is to help youngsters develop their potential and grow into healthy, educated, responsible and productive adults.
Viewpoint Mental Health Support Services
Clubhouse Mental Health Support Services
YTA Mental Health Support Services
Psychiatric Services
Programs that develop case plans for the evaluation, treatment and/or care of individuals who have mental, emotional or social problems and need assistance in arranging for services; which assess the individual's needs; coordinate the delivery of needed services; ensure that services are obtained in accordance with the case plan; and follow up and monitor progress to ensure that services are having a beneficial impact on the problem.
Clubhouse Mental Health Case Management
Clubhouse Mental Health Psychiatric Services
Clubhouse Mental Health Case Management
Mental Health/Developmental Disabilities Crisis Management
Programs that utilize a variety of means to evaluate the mental or emotional status or functioning of people who may be experiencing acute or chronic disturbances. Diagnostic techniques may include observation of the person's behavior, interviews with the individual and significant others, psychological testing as indicated, medical examination, assessment for psychotropic or other medication, and the formulation of an appropriate, ongoing treatment plan which may include voluntary or involuntary hospitalization.
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
Recovery Place Psychiatric Services
YTA Mental Health Psychiatric Services
Clubhouse Mental Health Psychiatric Services
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Psychiatric Services
M. Lichtman Mental Health Psychiatric Services
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Psychiatric Services
JC Lewis Mental Health Psychiatric Services
GHP Mental Health Psychiatric Services
A. Richbourg Mental Health Psychiatric Services
A. Burnsed-Geffen Mental Health Psychiatric Services
Access Mental Health Psychiatric Services
Case Management
Programs that provide ongoing medication management services for children and/or adults who have been evaluated to determine the need for psychiatric medication to manage their symptoms and received a prescription for an appropriate drug. Medication monitoring services include periodic follow-up to evaluate the effectiveness of the medication in modifying the individual's behavior, provide for early recognition and minimization of undesirable side effects, make necessary dosage adjustments, provide educational interventions, as needed, and ensure that medication is, in fact, being taken as prescribed. Some programs may conduct special outreach to help homeless mentally ill individuals or other groups initiate and follow through with treatment.
Care More Counseling Mental Health Crisis Management
Care More Counseling Mental Health Assessment
YTA Mental Health Psychiatric Services
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Psychiatric Services
Recovery Place Psychiatric Services
M. Lichtman Mental Health Psychiatric Services
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Psychiatric Services
JC Lewis Mental Health Psychiatric Services
GHP Mental Health Psychiatric Services
A. Richbourg Mental Health Psychiatric Services
A. Burnsed-Geffen Mental Health Psychiatric Services
Access Mental Health Psychiatric Services
Individuals younger than age 18 who have committed rape or other sexual assault, nonfamilial child sexual assault, indecent exposure, voyeurism or other sexual offenses.
Southeast Second Chance Mental Health Assessments
Mental Health/Developmental Disabilities Crisis Management
Programs that provide diagnostic and treatment services for individuals whose psychiatric problems or other emotional difficulties are not severe enough to require 24-hour care but who can benefit from regular consultation and therapy with a mental health professional.
A. Burnsed- Geffen Mental Health Counseling
Programs that provide a variety of standardized tests including personality inventories, aptitude tests, intelligence tests, attitude tests, projective measures and affective tests to evaluate the psychosocial functioning of people who may be experiencing mental, emotional or social difficulties. Psychological testing is often a part of a broader psychological assessment, and may be used in differential diagnosis to substantiate that a particular diagnosis is correct.
A. Burnsed-Geffen Psychological Testing
Counseling Specialties
A disorder affecting individuals who have experienced a psychologically traumatizing event which is characterized by reexperiencing the event through recurrent and intrusive recollections or dreams of the event, or the sudden feeling that the event was recurring; numbing of responsiveness or reduced involvement with the external world beginning sometime after the trauma; and/or one or a combination of other symptoms including hyperalertness or exaggerated startle response, sleep disturbance, guilt about surviving if others have not, memory or concentration impairment, avoidance of memories that recall the trauma and intensification of symptoms when exposed to events that symbolize or resemble the trauma.
Care More Counseling Mental Health Counseling
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Counseling
Recovery Place Mental Health Counseling
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
I and R Mental Health Counseling
HUGS Mental Health Counseling
Hope Mental Health Counseling
Georgia Outreach Mental Health Counseling
Atlantic Mental Health Counseling
M. Lichtman Mental Health Assessment
M. Lichtman Mental Health Counseling
M. Mills Mental Health Counseling
J. Saucerman Mental Health Counseling
GHP Mental Health Assessment
GHP Mental Health Counseling
A. Elam Mental Health Assessments
A. Elam Mental Health Counseling
Counseling Specialties
Programs that provide crisis, short-term and/or ongoing counseling for people who are coping with the emotional trauma of being forced to engage in sexual intercourse or other sexual acts without their consent. Included are military sexual trauma (MST) counseling programs offered by facilities operated by the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, which address the needs of veterans who have been traumatized by having experienced assault or repeated threatening sexual harassment which occurred while serving on active duty in the military. Counseling and support may be offered in a variety of settings and may include individual, conjoint, family and group therapy sessions for the survivor and/or significant others.
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
Southeast Second Chance Mental Health Counseling
A. Elam Mental Health Assessments
A. Elam Mental Health Counseling
Community Support
Programs that offer a range of organized recreational activities, sports and games that people of all ages can learn, become competitive in and enjoy.
Clubhouse Mental Health Support Services
YTA Mental Health Support Services
Viewpoint Mental Health Support Services
Counseling Specialties
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
Q and R Consulting Mental Health Counseling
A. Richbourg Mental Health Counseling
Counseling Specialties
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
I and R Mental Health Counseling
Community Support
Programs that provide information, technical assistance and support which relates to the development, implementation, review and revision of Individual Education Programs (IEPs) for students with disabilities and/or Individual Family Service Plans (IFSPs) for infants and toddlers with disabilities who are eligible for early intervention services. IEPs are written documents developed by a team that includes a child’s parents and school staff which lists, among other things, the special education services (including transition services) the child will receive. IFSPs document family involvement and early intervention services provided to infants and toddlers with disabilities. The programs may target special education professionals and or parents; and help parents participate more effectively in the process.
Disability Advocacy IEP Support Services
Viewpoint Mental Health Support Services
Georgia Outreach Mental Health Counseling
HUGS Mental Health Counseling
Hope Mental Health Counseling
Counseling Specialties
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
Q & R Autism Services
Q and R Consulting Mental Health Support Services
Q and R Consulting Mental Health Counseling
Community Support
Programs that offer workshops, discussion groups and other types of training which focus on helping participants develop a sense of self-worth and importance as a means of strengthening their character, supporting their ability to resist peer pressure and helping them to act more responsibly toward others.
Q and R Consulting Mental Health Counseling
I and R Mental Health Counseling
The Seven Challenges is a comprehensive counseling program for young people that incorporates work on alcohol and other drug problems. It is designed to motivate youth to evaluate their lives, consider changes they may wish to make, and then succeed in implementing the desired changes. It supports them in taking power over their own lives. In The Seven Challenges, young people address their drug problems, their co-occurring life skill deficits, and their situational and psychological problems. Although counselors in the program provide a structure for groups and a framework for individual sessions, the content of each session is exceptionally flexible, in response to the immediate needs of youth. It is not pre-scripted.
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
Clubhouse Mental Health Counseling
Counseling Specialties
Programs that provide for the evaluation, treatment and social rehabilitation of judicially committed individuals who, by reason of a mental or emotional disorder, defect or disease, are predisposed to commit sexual offenses.
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
Southeast Second Chance Mental Health Counseling
Counseling Specialties
Programs that specialize in the treatment of children and youth who are coping with the trauma of child sexual abuse which occurs when an adult, older adolescent or another child threatens, forces or manipulates a child into sexual activity abusing the relationship of power and authority that adults have over children. Sexual abuse includes sexual kissing, touching, fondling a child’s genitals, oral, anal or vaginal intercourse and incest (sexual intercourse between an adult family member and a child or between siblings) as well as behaviors that don’t involve contact such as genital exposure ("flashing"), intentionally engaging in sexual activity in front of a child, verbal pressure for sex, and sexual exploitation for purposes of prostitution or pornography. Child sexual abuse can take place within the family by a parent, step-parent, sibling or other relative; or outside the home by a friend, neighbor, child care provider, teacher or stranger. Separate counseling sessions may be structured for young children who have been victimized and for older children in their teens.
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
Southeast Second Chance Mental Health Counseling
Counseling Specialties
Programs that provide for the evaluation, treatment and social rehabilitation of judicially committed individuals who, by reason of a mental or emotional disorder, defect or disease, are predisposed to commit sexual offenses.
Care More Counseling Mental Health Counseling
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
Southeast Second Chance Mental Health Counseling
Counseling Specialties
Programs that provide training in social interaction skills for young children, youth and/or adults with the objective of helping them overcome shyness or aggressiveness, engage in constructive play or other group activities, develop positive peer relationships and feel comfortable in both business and social situations. Sessions may focus on politeness, cooperation, negotiation, problem solving, taking turns, sharing, winning and losing, sportsmanship, body language, eye contact, using appropriate language, telephone manners, peer situations, consequences of actions and initiating, conducting and concluding conversations.
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
I and R Mental Health Counseling
Hope Mental Health Counseling
Counseling Specialties
Programs that provide training in social interaction skills for young children, youth and/or adults with the objective of helping them overcome shyness or aggressiveness, engage in constructive play or other group activities, develop positive peer relationships and feel comfortable in both business and social situations. Sessions may focus on politeness, cooperation, negotiation, problem solving, taking turns, sharing, winning and losing, sportsmanship, body language, eye contact, using appropriate language, telephone manners, peer situations, consequences of actions and initiating, conducting and concluding conversations.
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
Hope Mental Health Counseling
I and R Mental Health Assessment
I and R Mental Health Counseling
Programs that conduct an evaluation to determine whether an individual has a substance use disorder based on a pathological set of behaviors related to use of that substance as well as the nature and extent of the problem. Diagnostic criteria include inability to control or limit the amount taken or the frequency; intense cravings; continuing use despite problems with work, school or family/social obligations or interpersonal problems; risky use, e.g., diving a car or operating machinery while under the influence; or evidence of pharmacological indicators (tolerance and withdrawal symptoms), the adjustment the body makes as it attempts to adapt to the continued and frequent use of a substance.
Care More Counseling Mental Health Crisis Management
Care More Counseling Mental Health Assessment
Recovery Place Substance Use Assessment
Programs that provide individual, group or family therapy for individuals who have problems related to the excessive use of alcohol and/or use of other drugs (and/or for their families) to help them better understand the nature of the disorder and support recovery efforts.
Care More Counseling Mental Health Counseling
C. Williams & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
Atlantic Mental Health Counseling
Georgia Outreach Mental Health Assessment
Barnabus Mental Health Counseling
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Counseling
Recovery Place Mental Health Counseling
M. Mills Mental Health Counseling
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
HUGS Mental Health Counseling
Georgia Outreach Mental Health Counseling
Mental Health/Developmental Disabilities Crisis Management
Programs that attempt to reduce the incidence of suicide through a variety of educational interventions which have the objective of exploring alternatives to self-harm or self-destruction. Suicide prevention programs help people understand the nature of the problem; the risk factors and warning signs; and sources for treatment and support. Included are prevention programs that address specific target populations as well as those that are intended to reach the community at large. Delivery formats may include printed materials, videos or websites that address the subject and presentations in schools and agencies and to family groups.
LGBT Youth Talkline
Youth Crisis Text Line
LGBTQ Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Line
C. Williams & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Community Support
Programs that find paid, meaningful work in a variety of community-based settings for people who have disabilities and which assign a "job coach" to work side-by-side with each client to interface with the employer and other employees, and provide training in basic job skills and work-related behaviors, assistance with specific tasks as needed and whatever other initial or ongoing support is required to ensure that the individual retains competitive employment.
YTA Mental Health Support Services
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Counseling
Counseling Specialties
Programs that provide information about specific youth-related topics such as alcohol and drug abuse; child abuse; sexuality; sexually transmitted diseases; AIDS; birth control, pregnancy and choices; sexual assault; weight management; relationships; dealing with feelings; family concerns; dealing with rules; and school, career and life choices. Information may be accessed on a website or in person, or by telephone, email, chat, text or other communication channel. Information may be in a self-serve, browsable format (for example a web resource directory or library of audio recordings) or provided by live agents with expertise in the needs and interests of youth.
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
Q and R Consulting Mental Health Counseling
Trauma-informed mental health assessment offers a structured framework for (1) gathering information across several key domains of functioning, (2) identifying and addressing the needs of children and families exposed to traumatic events, and (3) coding and summarizing this information, so that it can be communicated to families and other providers.
Care More Counseling Mental Health Crisis Management
Care More Counseling Mental Health Assessment
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Assessment
Recovery Place Mental Health Assessments
I and R Mental Health Assessment
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Assessment
Georgia Outreach Mental Health Assessment
GHP Mental Health Assessment
EPACT Mental Health Assessment
Access Mental Health Assessments
Counseling Specialties
Trichotillomania, commonly referred to simply as TTM, is a condition characterized by mild to severe compulsive hair pulling from anywhere on the body. It is an impulse-control disorder and one of several body-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRBs) currently classified in the DSM-5 as Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders. For more information concerning Trichotillomania, TTM, click the following link:
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
A. Burnsed- Geffen Mental Health Counseling
Counseling Specialties
Programs that employ the Wraparound Facilitation model, a family centered, community-oriented, strengths based and highly individualized approach to meet the needs of children with complicated, multi-dimensional problems. The approach involves the development of a child and family team which creates and implements a wraparound plan that identifies a set of community services and natural supports to promote success, safety, and permanence in home, school and community. The Wraparound facilitator coordinates team meetings and ensures the team identifies and prioritizes goals, provides crisis and safety planning, and tracks the family's progress towards goal attainment. The family is prepared and supported as they transition from formal services to independence. While the major initiative to develop Wraparound Facilitation originated with the mental health system and has been particularly successful for children and adolescents with severe emotional and behavioral problems, the intervention is being employed in a number of other child service sectors including education, juvenile justice and child welfare.
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
Viewpoint Mental Health Crisis Management
May Institute Autism Services
May Institute Mental Health Support Services
May Institute Mental Health Assessment
May Institute Mental Health Counseling
Programs that employ the Wraparound Facilitation model, a family centered, community-oriented, strengths based and highly individualized approach to meet the needs of children with complicated, multi-dimensional problems. The approach involves the development of a child and family team which creates and implements a wraparound plan that identifies a set of community services and natural supports to promote success, safety, and permanence in home, school and community. The Wraparound facilitator coordinates team meetings and ensures the team identifies and prioritizes goals, provides crisis and safety planning, and tracks the family's progress towards goal attainment. The family is prepared and supported as they transition from formal services to independence. While the major initiative to develop Wraparound Facilitation originated with the mental health system and has been particularly successful for children and adolescents with severe emotional and behavioral problems, the intervention is being employed in a number of other child service sectors including education, juvenile justice and child welfare.
May Institute Mental Health Counseling
Viewpoint Mental Health Crisis Management
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
Support Services
Mutual support groups whose members are young people, including students, who want an opportunity to share their issues and concerns with other youth in a safe, supportive environment. Meeting formats may include in-person, telephone or Internet options.
Johnny's Bridges to Hope Mental Health Support Services
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Support Services
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Support Services
Q and R Consulting Mental Health Support Services
Georgia Outreach Mental Health Support Services
May Institute Mental Health Support Services
Viewpoint Mental Health Support Services
Clubhouse Mental Health Support Services
Access Mental Health Support Services
YTA Mental Health Support Services
GHP Mental Health Support Services
Community Support
Programs that attempt to reduce the incidence of violent acts committed by youth on the streets, in the schools or in other settings through a variety of educational interventions which may focus on children of various ages, parents, people who work with families, the schools, health care providers, law enforcement officials and/or the community at large. The program may provide information about model/promising prevention and intervention programs and crisis response strategies; descriptions of the risk factors associated with youth violence; research including statistics on violence committed by and against children and teens; outreach; and/or presentations that may be tailored for a variety of audiences.
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Counseling
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
I and R Mental Health Counseling
Georgia Outreach Mental Health Counseling
GHP Mental Health Counseling
Access Mental Health Counseling
Recovery Place Mental Health Counseling
Programs that offer therapeutic sessions that focus on the system of relationships and communication patterns among family members and which attempt to modify those relationships and patterns to achieve greater harmony. The therapist focuses on the family as a unit rather than concentrating on one of the members who is singled out as the person in need of treatment.
Horizon Mental Health Counseling (Rincon)
Horizon Mental Health Counseling (Hinesville)
Care More Counseling Mental Health Counseling
YTA Mental Health Support Services
Viewpoint Mental Health Crisis Management
Southeast Second Chance Mental Health Counseling
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Counseling
Recovery Place Mental Health Counseling
Q and R Consulting Mental Health Counseling
May Institute Mental Health Counseling
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
Atlantic Mental Health Counseling
Joye Psychological & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
I and R Mental Health Counseling
Horizon Mental Health Counseling
Hope Mental Health Counseling
HUGS Mental Health Counseling
Georgia Outreach Mental Health Counseling
GHP Mental Health Counseling
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
EPACT Mental Health Counseling
C. Williams & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
Access Mental Health Counseling
Horizon Mental Health Counseling (Rincon)
Horizon Mental Health Counseling (Hinesville)
Care More Counseling Mental Health Counseling
YTA Mental Health Support Services
Viewpoint Mental Health Crisis Management
Southeast Second Chance Mental Health Counseling
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Counseling
Recovery Place Mental Health Counseling
Q and R Consulting Mental Health Counseling
May Institute Mental Health Counseling
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
Atlantic Mental Health Counseling
Joye Psychological & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
I and R Mental Health Counseling
Horizon Mental Health Counseling
Hope Mental Health Counseling
HUGS Mental Health Counseling
Georgia Outreach Mental Health Counseling
GHP Mental Health Counseling
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
EPACT Mental Health Counseling
C. Williams & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
Access Mental Health Counseling
Mental Health/Developmental Disabilities Crisis Management
Programs that provide immediate assistance for people who are in acute emotional distress; who are or perceive themselves to be in life-threatening situations; who are a danger to themselves or to others; or who are hysterical, frightened or otherwise unable to cope with a problem that requires immediate action. The objective of crisis intervention is to defuse the critical nature of the situation, ensure the person's safety, and return the individual to a state of equilibrium in which he or she is capable of identifying and seeking solutions to the problem.
Youth Crisis Text Line
Care More Counseling Mental Health Crisis Management
Care More Counseling Mental Health Counseling
YAP Mental Health Counseling
Viewpoint Mental Health Crisis Management
Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Assessment
GHP Mental Health Crisis Management
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
C. Williams & Assoc. Mental Health Crisis Management
Access Mental Health Crisis Management
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Crisis Management
Mental Health/Developmental Disabilities Crisis Management
Programs that provide diagnostic and treatment services for individuals whose psychiatric problems or other emotional difficulties are not severe enough to require 24-hour care but who can benefit from regular consultation and therapy with a mental health professional.
Horizon Mental Health Counseling (Rincon)
Horizon Mental Health Counseling (Hinesville)
Care More Counseling Mental Health Counseling
W. Immel Mental Health Counseling
Trauma Drama Mental Health Counseling
Clubhouse Mental Health Counseling
Barnabus Mental Health Counseling
Southeast Second Chance Mental Health Counseling
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Counseling
Recovery Place Mental Health Counseling
Q and R Consulting Mental Health Counseling
Nelson Mental Health Counseling
M. Lichtman Mental Health Counseling
M. Mills Mental Health Counseling
May Institute Mental Health Counseling
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
K. Fahey Mental Health Counseling
K. Mckenzie Individual Counseling
J. Saucerman Mental Health Counseling
Joye Psychological & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
JC Lewis Mental Health Counseling
I and R Mental Health Counseling
Horizon Mental Health Counseling
Hope Mental Health Counseling
HUGS Mental Health Counseling
Georgia Outreach Mental Health Counseling
GHP Mental Health Counseling
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
E. Adams Mental Health Counseling
C. Williams & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
Atlantic Mental Health Counseling
A. Richbourg Mental Health Counseling
A. Elam Mental Health Counseling
A. Burnsed- Geffen Mental Health Counseling
Access Mental Health Counseling
Psychiatric Services
Programs that are staffed by physicians who specialize in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of mental, emotional and behavior disorders. Psychiatrists have specialized training, knowledge and skills which enable them to explore the biologic, psychological and social components of illnesses; and are licensed to prescribe medication, conduct physical examinations, order and interpret laboratory tests and EEGs and order brain imaging studies such as CT, CAT, MRI and PET scans as well as evaluate and treat psychological and interpersonal problems and provide continuing psychiatric care.
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Psychiatric Services
Clubhouse Mental Health Psychiatric Services
YTA Mental Health Psychiatric Services
Recovery Place Psychiatric Services
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Psychiatric Services
JC Lewis Mental Health Psychiatric Services
GHP Mental Health Psychiatric Services
A. Richbourg Mental Health Psychiatric Services
A. Burnsed-Geffen Mental Health Psychiatric Services
M. Lichtman Mental Health Psychiatric Services
M. Lichtman Mental Health Assessment
M. Lichtman Mental Health Counseling
Access Mental Health Psychiatric Services
Support Services
An occupational title for individuals with "lived experience" who have been trained and certified to work with individuals who have struggles pertaining to mental health, psychological trauma or substance use. Peer support specialists can work with individuals as they develop and implement a personal recovery plan, which can also serve as a contract for engagement. Tasks may include assisting their peers in articulating their goals for recovery, learning and practicing new skills, helping them monitor their progress, supporting them in their treatment, modeling effective coping techniques and self help strategies based on their own recovery experience, and supporting them in advocating for themselves to obtain effective services. Peer specialists may work in a variety of different settings. Some may work alongside mental health providers in clinical settings such as hospitals and crisis centers. Others may work in independent, peer-run organizations. Peer specialists may also work on support teams in housing agencies or employment organizations, or may work on case management.
Johnny's Bridges to Hope Mental Health Support Services
C. Williams & Assoc. Mental Health Counseling
GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline
Savannah Counseling Mental Health Support Services
M. Graham & Assoc. Mental Health Support Services
Q and R Consulting Mental Health Support Services
Georgia Outreach Mental Health Support Services
May Institute Mental Health Support Services
Viewpoint Mental Health Support Services
Clubhouse Mental Health Support Services
Access Mental Health Support Services
YTA Mental Health Support Services
GHP Mental Health Support Services
123 records


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