Blaine T. Bettinger and Debbie Parker Wayne, Genetic Genealogy in Practice, (Arlington, Virginia: National Genealogical Society, 2016), 23.
Bettinger and Wayne, Genetic Genealogy in Practice, 23.
“Y chromosome DNA tests,” rev. 20:52, 4 September 2019, International Society of Genetic Genealogy Wiki ( tests : accessed 21 October 2019).
“Y chromosome DNA tests,” International Society of Genetic Genealogy Wiki.
Robin Wirthlin, “Understanding and Using Your DNA Results – 4 Simple Steps,” blog post, 22 February 2019, Family Locket ( : accessed 1 March 2021).
Wirthlin, “Understanding and Using Your DNA Results – 4 Simple Steps," Family Locket.
"DNA Matches for John Smith," database report, AncestryDNA ( : accessed 22 October 2019).
“Review DNA Match for Robin Wirthlin," database report, MyHeritage ( : accessed 10 September 2019), estimated 2nd Cousin Once Removed relationship with [Private] sharing 2.3% DNA (165.7 cM) across 8 shared segments (largest segment 51.1 cM), DNA managed by [Private], (MRCA: J. E. Taylor and M. A. Ollerton).
"Ethnicity Estimate for Diana Elder," database report, AncestryDNA ( : accessed 21 October 2019), 81% England, Wales & Northwestern Europe, 11% Ireland & Scotland, 8% Norway.
GEDmatch, "One-to-many DNA matches," database, GEDmatch ( : accessed 19 January 2019), matches for Nicole Dyer, kit A480154, showing X-DNA match with Diana Elder, Kit A279720, total cM 196.1; documented relationship: mother.
GEDmatch Genesis, “Autosomal One-to-one DNA Comparison,” GEDmatch ( : accessed 11 June 2019), kits nos. A279720P1 and JH3304066, 1 matching segment on Chr. 16, 13.9 cm, (start-stop points 79,519,633-84,295,943).
"X-DNA Comparison, vers. 2.1.0(a),” database report, GEDmatch ( : downloaded 19 January 2019), kit nos A480154 (Nicole Dyer) and A279720 (Diana Elder), chromosome X, start-stop points 2321-154886292, 196.1 cMs.
"Family Tree DNA
“Coon/Koontz/Kuhn/Coonts, etc. DNA/Genealogy Website – Y-DNA Classic Chart,” Y-Chromosome DNA STR surname project results, FamilyTree DNA ( : accessed 22 October 2018).
AncestryDNA “ThruLines for Diana Elder,” matches through Benjamin Cox (1791-1880), Ancestry ( : accessed 12 June 2019.)
Genetic Affairs, “AutoCluster Visualization for Robin Wirthlin,” Genetic Affairs ( : accessed 13 September 2019), 23andMe data showing 5 members in Cluster 8, (MRCA E. Taylor and W. A. Spafford).
DNA Dreamers, "DNA2Tree Cluster Report for John Smith," DNA2Tree Mobile App, generated 8 December 2020, clustering matches from 20-300 cM, report showing 8 matches in cluster 3, (MRCA: John Smith and Jane Doe).
"MyHeritage Chromosome Browser--One to Many for John Smith," MyHeritage DNA ( : accessed 22 October 2019), John Smith and Jane Doe, 8 triangulated segments.
Blaine Bettinger and Johnny Perl, "The Shared cM Project 3.0 tool v4," DNA Painter ( : accessed 23 October 2019), relationship probabilities for 100 shared cM, H2C relationship: 38% probability.
Leah Larkin, "What are the Odds tool," DNA Painter ( : accessed 23 October 2019), probabilities for tree placement for John Smith (MRCA: John Smith and Jane Doe).
Ancestry Public Trees, “Elkins-Cox Family Tree,” M. Romine, William Thomas “Billy” Cox Dr.,” Ancestry ( : 11 June 2019).
Jane Doe, Gephi network graph for John Smith using Ancestry DNA data, digital diagram created with Gephi, files gathered with DNAGedcom Client using 25-250 cM shared DNA, gathered 18 October 2020, privately held by Jane Doe, Anywhere, USA.