Blaine T. Bettinger and Debbie Parker Wayne, Genetic Genealogy in Practice, (Arlington, Virginia: National Genealogical Society, 2016), 23.
Bettinger and Wayne, Genetic Genealogy in Practice, 23.
“Y chromosome DNA tests,” rev. 20:52, 4 September 2019, International Society of Genetic Genealogy Wiki ( tests : accessed 21 October 2019).
“Y chromosome DNA tests,” International Society of Genetic Genealogy Wiki.
Robin Wirthlin, “Understanding and Using Your DNA Results – 4 Simple Steps,” blog post, 22 February 2019, Family Locket ( : accessed 1 March 2021).
Wirthlin, “Understanding and Using Your DNA Results – 4 Simple Steps," Family Locket.
"DNA Matches for John Smith," database report, AncestryDNA ( : accessed 22 October 2019).
“Review DNA Match for Robin Wirthlin," database report, MyHeritage ( : accessed 10 September 2019), estimated 2nd Cousin Once Removed relationship with [Private] sharing 2.3% DNA (165.7 cM) across 8 shared segments (largest segment 51.1 cM), DNA managed by [Private], (MRCA: J. E. Taylor and M. A. Ollerton).
"Ethnicity Estimate for Diana Elder," database report, AncestryDNA ( : accessed 21 October 2019), 81% England, Wales & Northwestern Europe, 11% Ireland & Scotland, 8% Norway.
GEDmatch, "One-to-many DNA matches," database, GEDmatch ( : accessed 19 January 2019), matches for Nicole Dyer, kit A480154, showing X-DNA match with Diana Elder, Kit A279720, total cM 196.1; documented relationship: mother.
GEDmatch Genesis, “Autosomal One-to-one DNA Comparison,” GEDmatch ( : accessed 11 June 2019), kits nos. A279720P1 and JH3304066, 1 matching segment on Chr. 16, 13.9 cm, (start-stop points 79,519,633-84,295,943).
"X-DNA Comparison, vers. 2.1.0(a),” database report, GEDmatch ( : downloaded 19 January 2019), kit nos A480154 (Nicole Dyer) and A279720 (Diana Elder), chromosome X, start-stop points 2321-154886292, 196.1 cMs.
"Family Tree DNA
“Coon/Koontz/Kuhn/Coonts, etc. DNA/Genealogy Website – Y-DNA Classic Chart,” Y-Chromosome DNA STR surname project results, FamilyTree DNA ( : accessed 22 October 2018).
AncestryDNA “ThruLines for Diana Elder,” matches through Benjamin Cox (1791-1880), Ancestry ( : accessed 12 June 2019.)
Genetic Affairs, “AutoCluster Visualization for Robin Wirthlin,” Genetic Affairs ( : accessed 13 September 2019), 23andMe data showing 5 members in Cluster 8, (MRCA E. Taylor and W. A. Spafford).
DNA Dreamers, "DNA2Tree Cluster Report for John Smith," DNA2Tree Mobile App, generated 8 December 2020, clustering matches from 20-300 cM, report showing 8 matches in cluster 3, (MRCA: John Smith and Jane Doe).
"MyHeritage Chromosome Browser--One to Many for John Smith," MyHeritage DNA ( : accessed 22 October 2019), John Smith and Jane Doe, 8 triangulated segments.
Blaine Bettinger and Johnny Perl, "The Shared cM Project 3.0 tool v4," DNA Painter ( : accessed 23 October 2019), relationship probabilities for 100 shared cM, H2C relationship: 38% probability.
Leah Larkin, "What are the Odds tool," DNA Painter ( : accessed 23 October 2019), probabilities for tree placement for John Smith (MRCA: John Smith and Jane Doe).
Ancestry Public Trees, “Elkins-Cox Family Tree,” M. Romine, William Thomas “Billy” Cox Dr.,” Ancestry ( : 11 June 2019).
Jane Doe, "Doe-Smith Descendant Chart," digital diagram created with Lucidchart (, DNA matches from MyHeritage AutoCluster Report for Jane Doe, cluster 8, generated 8 February 2021, privately held by Jane Doe, Anywhere USA.
Jane Doe, Gephi network graph for John Smith using Ancestry DNA data, digital diagram created with Gephi, files gathered with DNAGedcom Client using 25-250 cM shared DNA, gathered 18 October 2020, privately held by Jane Doe, Anywhere, USA.