The headstone reads: Mother Nancy Frazier Feb, 15, 1847 - Jan. 30, 1924, She was the sunshine of our home
Find A Grave, database and images ( : accessed 30 January 2019), memorial page for Nancy E Briscoe Frazier (15 Feb 1847–30 Jan 1924), Find A Grave Memorial no. 14139934, citing Burneyville Cemetery, Burneyville, Love County, Oklahoma, USA ; Maintained by Phil & Donna (Stricklan) Whitaker (contributor 4308835) .
This date is similar to her birth year as calculated from census records
Nancy applied for a widow's pension and was asked what her marriage date was.
Nancy E. Frazier, widow of Richard Frazier, application no. A2988, 1915-1924, pension no. P1077, Record Group 5; digital images, "Confederate Pension Records Database," Oklahoma Digital Prairie ( : accessed 20 Jan 2019); citing Commissioner of Confederate Pensions, Oklahoma State Archives, Oklahoma Department of Libraries, Oklahoma City, Ok.
Specific day left blank on application