Grants Application Form
Grants open 1st August 2024 - Close 30th September
Are you a registered Not for Profit? *
Select an option
Your Local Government Area
Select an option
Brief Overview *
Write a brief overview of the project.
- {name}
Total amount you hope to receive from the Community Grant
Outline the budget *
Provide a breakdown on how you came to the amount being applied for. Include any In Kind contributions.
- {name}
Letters of Support / References
Attach letters of support or references to support your application
Attach file
Drop files here
Upload quotes to support your application
Attach file
Drop files here
Current certificate of Public Liability
Attach file
Drop files here
Anything else you would like to upload
Photos, or other evidence to support your application
Attach file
Drop files here
I have read and understood the Terms and Conditions *
Do not submit passwords through this form. Report malicious form