Milestone 5: Submit Your College Applications
Tell us about the schools you applied to!
College Ready Milestone *
Please select "Submit Your College Applications"
Student ID *
Your ScholarMatch ID number, which starts with your initials and month and year your birthday.
Which of these schools, if any, did you apply regular decision?
If you didn't apply to any schools Regular Decision, please leave this field blank?
Which of these schools, if any, did you apply to Early Decision?
If you didn't apply to any schools Early Decision, please leave this field blank.
Which of these schools, if any, did you apply to Early Action?
If you didn't apply to any schools Early Action, please leave this field blank.
Which resource was most helpful in completing this milestone? *
- My ScholarMatch College Coach
- ScholarMatch staff
- ScholarMatch online resources or tools
- School teacher or counselor
- Family/friend
- Another organization
- I did it by myself
If you used ScholarMatch resources for this milestone, please rate how helpful they were.
ScholarMatch resources include working with a College Coach, staff or our online resources.
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