2024 Open "Dog Brothers Gathering of the Pack"® - Registration Form
ASSUMPTION OF RISK/LIABILITY RELEASE Stickfighting is dangerous. Injuries will happen. I understand participating in this event involves physical contact and such contact carries the potential for personal injury. I consent to such contact and I agree that participation is done at my own risk. ON THIS DAY OR ANY OTHER, No suing no one for no reason for nothing no how no way! Also, please note that we are a corporation, so you cannot sue us personally anyway. PROTECT YOURSELF AT ALL TIMES. YOU ALONE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOU. If you cannot do it in this spirit, you should just watch. All copyright (video etc.) belongs to DBIMA, i.e. we can use your fight etc. in our videos and otherwise. By submitting this form, it is being stipulated that you have read, understand and agree to all contents contained herein and hereby assume all risk and accept full responsibility of personal injury that may result from event activities. We wish you a day to remember. We wish you a day of Growth. "Higher Consciousness through Harder Contact" © - "CRAFTY DOG" MARC DENNY Guiding Force / DBI