/** * @version 0.0.4 * @param tableName {string} Table name or id. * @param [logResult] {boolean} Console.log the result before returning. **/
& IF(
/** * @version 0.1.9a * @author Dominik Bošnjak * @async **/
const config = input.config({ title: 'Deduper',description:'Be careful not to accidentally delete something important! This simple deduper only cares about the primary fields your records.',items:[
/** * @version 0.1.0a * @author Dominik Bošnjak **/
* @version 0.0.4
* @param tableName {string} Table name or id.
* @param [logResult] {boolean} Console.log the result before returning.
/** * @param Code {string} * @param [displayResult] {boolean} * @returns {string} */
SWITCH( VALUE( {yourFieldName} & ""
/** * @version 0.0.21a * @author Dominik Bošnjak * @async **/
/** * @version 0.0.1 **/ function globalSearch(query){
/** * @version 0.0.1 * @author Dominik Bošnjak **/
= BLANK(), {Content}
)) {Content}
, ' ', '' ) ) + 1 )arr => arr.sort(() => 0.5 - Math.random())
object => typeof object === 'function' && /^\s*class\s+/.test(object.toString())
array => array.length === new Set(array).size
formula SPLIT_TAGS(Target: string)
REGEX_REPLACE( {Target}, '(([^",]+)|(["][^"]*){2})(.{2})?', '$2$3\n' )
IF( Flags, '(?' & REGEX_REPLACE( Flags, '(?U)(.*[(](?P<f>.)[)](?-U)[^(]*)', '$<f>'
hm = 'ok'
const formula = ` REGEX_REPLACE( REGEX_REPLACE( SUBSTITUTE({@thisStats},', ','\n'), '(?i)((?P<chars>char(acter)?s?.?(count)?)|(?P<words>words?.?(count)?)|(?P<bytes>bytes?.?(count)?)|(?P<fileCount>#?(attachment)|(file)s?.?#?(length|count))|(?P<fileNames>(attachment)|(file)s|(.?names))|(?P<fileLinks>(attachment)|(file).?(urls)|((hyper)?links)|(hrefs))|(?P<lines>#?lines?.?#?(count)?#?)|(?P<sentenceCount>#?.?sentences?.?#?.?(count)?)|(?P<paraCount>#?.?paragraphs?.?#?.?(count)?)|(?P<avgW>av(era)?ge?.{0,2}Word.?(Length)?)|(?P<avgPara>av(era)?ge?.{0,2}Paragraph.?(Length)?)|(?P<avgSent>av(era)?ge?.{0,2}Sentence.?(Length)?)|(?P<id>(record.?)?id(\\s*[(]\\s*[)])?))', '❲$<words>: ' & LEN(