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"one-liner": true
[ ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Potato'],
* @version 0.0.4
A simple function for addressing a common requirement: being greedy with how we select our records.
await loadAllRecords('Modules');
/** * @param Code {string}
A utility that instantly scrubs comments from JavaScript source code. Does not discriminate betweeen single- and multiline patterns. Trims any consecutive newlines afterward.
"bundle": "mable-utils"
"default-interface": "docs",
A tiny script to help you get started with using Airtable as an agile module repository. It will create a table just like this one, so you can quickly start building something much greater than the sum of its modules.
function globalSearch(query){
A straightforward utility for searching through the globalThis object.
[ globalSearch('file'),
"bundle": "mable-utils"
function addAll(...numbers){
This simple utility is here primarily to serve as a test subject; something to help illustrate the basics of developing maintaining an Airtable-native module system. You’ll see it used in various examples of importing, exporting, and otherwise modularizing your code that can be found in this base-repo.
= BLANK(), @v0.3
"default-interface": "docs",
arr => arr.sort(() => 0.5 - Math.random())
object => typeof object === 'function' && /^\s*class\s+/.test(object.toString())
Checks if a given function is an ES6 class declaration.
array => array.length === new Set(array).size
"bundle": "mable-utils"
A reliable one-liner to help with your script refactorings in the cloud.
formula SPLIT_TAGS(Target: string)
Formats a multiple-select field or equivalent string into a column.
IF( Flags, '(?'
A modular formula that lets you use a multiple-select field to compile regex flags. Part of Mable Formulator.
Reliably split any western language into word-like tokens.