Neighbor ID
Breann Bedoya-🥗Food Prep-💨Home Oxygen Concentrator Machine, 💨Home Oxygen Supplies
Ramonita Sosebee-💁🏽‍♀️Caregiver (Elderly/ Child / Parenting)-🩸Thermometer, 💊Cold / Flu Meds
Genia Helland-👩🏼‍⚕️Health care (Nurse / Doctor / Professional)-🏡🛏Spare Beds, 💨Humidifier Portable
Tawana Muro-🥗Food Prep-🏡Spare Room (w/Bed & private Bath)
Chris Dancy-👨🏼‍💻Technical (Code / Web / Dev)-🏡🛏Spare Beds, 🏡Empty Space (For Beds), 🏡Spare Room (w/Bed & private Bath), 🧼Sterile Wipes, 😷Masks (surgical), 😷Masks (n95), 🧤Disposable Gloves, 🩸Thermometer, 🩸Pulse oximeter, 🩸Blood Sugar Testing, 🩸Blood Pressure Cuff , 💊Cold / Flu Meds, 💊Aspirin / Advil / Pain Relief
Dora Burket-💁🏽‍♀️Caregiver (Elderly/ Child / Parenting)-😷Masks (n95), 💨Humidifier Portable
Kathaleen Basye-🥗Food Prep-🩸Blood Sugar Testing, 🩸Blood Pressure Cuff , 😷Masks (surgical)
Sharolyn Singh-👩🏼‍⚕️Health care (Nurse / Doctor / Professional)-🩸Blood Pressure Cuff , 🧤Disposable Gloves, 😷Masks (surgical), 🧼Sterile Wipes, 🩺Stethoscope
Chris Dancy-👨🏼‍💻Technical (Code / Web / Dev)-😷Masks (n95), 🩸Pulse oximeter, 🧼Sterile Wipes, 💨Humidifier Portable, 💊Cold / Flu Meds
Chris Dancy-👨🏼‍💻Technical (Code / Web / Dev)-😷Masks (n95), 😷Masks (surgical), 🩸Pulse oximeter, 🩸Thermometer, 🧤Disposable Gloves, 🧼Sterile Wipes, 💨Humidifier Portable, 💊Cold / Flu Meds
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Breann Bedoya
🥗Food Prep
I’m a journalist. At best I could try to get the most updated news info to avoid panic - however that could get tricky as they are all so misinformed right now.
💨Home Oxygen Supplies
💨Home Oxygen Concentrator Machine
Ramonita Sosebee
💁🏽‍♀️Caregiver (Elderly/ Child / Parenting)
🥗Food Prep
🛠Handy Person
💁🏽‍♀️Caregiver (Elderly/ Child / Parenting)
💊Cold / Flu Meds
Genia Helland
👩🏼‍⚕️Health care (Nurse / Doctor / Professional)
📈Business / Finance
🥗Food Prep
Anything that needs to be done that doesn't require medical certification. I am also the person that posted on the Facebook page about preparedness for this. I am out of town and will be back March 24.
💨Humidifier Portable
🏡🛏Spare Beds
Tawana Muro
🥗Food Prep
🛠Handy Person
🥗Food Prep
I am good cook I dont mind shopping for what anyone needs I can help with some hands-on projects I am a public servant with no criminal record
🏡Spare Room (w/Bed & private Bath)
Chris Dancy
👨🏼‍💻Technical (Code / Web / Dev)
👨🏼‍💻Technical (Code / Web / Dev)
🖥Technical (Computer Support)
🥗Food Prep
👩🏼‍⚕️Health care (Nurse / Doctor / Professional)
I like to organize technology and people
💊Aspirin / Advil / Pain Relief
💊Cold / Flu Meds
🩸Blood Pressure Cuff
🩸Blood Sugar Testing
🩸Pulse oximeter
🧤Disposable Gloves
😷Masks (n95)
😷Masks (surgical)
🧼Sterile Wipes
🏡Spare Room (w/Bed & private Bath)
🏡Empty Space (For Beds)
🏡🛏Spare Beds
Dora Burket
💁🏽‍♀️Caregiver (Elderly/ Child / Parenting)
🛠Handy Person
💨Humidifier Portable
😷Masks (n95)
Kathaleen Basye
🥗Food Prep
Picking up groceries
😷Masks (surgical)
🩸Blood Pressure Cuff
🩸Blood Sugar Testing
Sharolyn Singh
👩🏼‍⚕️Health care (Nurse / Doctor / Professional)
🛠Handy Person
Firefighter / EMT / Sports Medicine / Health + Safety Officer
🧼Sterile Wipes
😷Masks (surgical)
🧤Disposable Gloves
🩸Blood Pressure Cuff
Chris Dancy
👨🏼‍💻Technical (Code / Web / Dev)
🥗Food Prep
💁🏽‍♀️Caregiver (Elderly/ Child / Parenting)
I spend time working in digital health
💊Cold / Flu Meds
💨Humidifier Portable
🧼Sterile Wipes
🩸Pulse oximeter
😷Masks (n95)
Chris Dancy
👨🏼‍💻Technical (Code / Web / Dev)
💁🏽‍♀️Caregiver (Elderly/ Child / Parenting)
🥗Food Prep
I’m known for digital health and I would love to support the people around me
💊Cold / Flu Meds
💨Humidifier Portable
🧼Sterile Wipes
🧤Disposable Gloves
🩸Pulse oximeter
😷Masks (surgical)
😷Masks (n95)
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